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=MtAK= Insanity In the Pedia at an All Time High!

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8/14/2012 10:29:10   
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Times Silent Keeper

From the shadows, you are pelted by something! You pick the object up-- oh, it's a bean. But wait! What's that tiny scribbling on it?

"You are being watched..."

So you have 2 choices - Flee in absolute terror, or ask this bean questions and hope that the bean magically replies you! Maybe you're just going insane. Yeah. Maybe.
So yes! It's me, whackybeanz here, which I think some may have noticed around the Pedia for some time now. So here I am, with a MtAK thread. Of course before you start blasting me away with questions, some ground rules must be set!
  • All forum rules apply
  • Each person is entitled to a maximum of 10 questions per post per page
  • Questions are answered on a case-by-case basis (so try to avoid really sensitive questions, or risk wasting a question that goes unanswered!)
  • No signatures! It'll be cleaner to read through the different posts this way.
  • This thread will run for approximately 2 weeks, ending at 31 Aug, 2359EST (or server time)
Here's hoping you guys enjoy making me suffer by answering your questions in this color.

< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 8/15/2012 1:44:17 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
8/14/2012 10:43:33   
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Sir Perfect Socks

*Flees in absolute terror*
Bwahahaha >:) You can run.... for now! I will be watching in the shadows, and when you least expect it... BOOM! Jelly beans for you!
Congratulations, Whacky!
Thanks :D
So.. Here are my questions >:D

1) What is your favorite food?
*Insert "Beanz" in blue here*
Salmon. Raw or cooked, it's both awesome!! Beanz, of course.
2) Do you like Mr. Bean?
Yup! The one who can make people laugh without uttering a single word, that's awesome :) Rowan Atkinson go!

3) What are your favorite Weapons, Armors and Pets?
Toughie! I'd probably go with FMS, because the name's like FMA (which I really like). The design of course is awesome too :) Pet wise, I don't really use pets, but I'd say Firewere/Icewere. It's the first pets I got. They're still with me and I like their design.

4) Guitar or Bass?
Guitar. I know bass is cool and all that, but something about guitars appeal me.

5) Do you play a musical instrument? (Smashing pencil's on a table doesn't count)
Does my voice count? :P If not, then nope!

6) What kind of music do you like?
English pop, K-pop, anime music, game OSTs. Although if it doesn't fall into any of these but I still find an attachment to them, I'd still like it :)

7) What is your favorite rare?
Bar of Soap! I don't use it often, but when I do... Mehehehe!

8) Besides the games of AE, do you like any other games?
I don't play many other games, but console games like FF8, Crash Bandicoot series, Mario -- All these I've come to love. Also other games which I've never had my hands on but have seen playthroughs like Shadow of the Colossus, Ico, Journey :)

Mhh.. I can't think of anything else I want to ask you..
That's okay. Just your 8 questions took me some time since I really thought them through :P

Good luck answering all the questions that will be thrown at you!
Why thank you! *takes luck*

And good luck, of course, with your new tasks ^_^
And thank you again ^^

See ya on page 2!
I await your further interrogation questions!

< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 8/14/2012 14:23:02 >
AQ  Post #: 2
8/14/2012 10:51:53   
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Mystical Warrior

I knew you'd be shackled an AK sooner or later. xD
Somebody save me from the shackles! They hurt! ;-; It's a challenge for me to take up this role, but I highly treasure it! :)

So what's the background behind your name?
Good question! It came from when I was really young, when I was thinking of something "fun and cute sounding" at the same time, and this name just popped out. Really! I've stuck with it ever since ;D It's just too catchy.

Favorite kind of donut?
ALL the donuts! Hm. Double chocolate! :D Yum yum!

What build are you interested in trying?
I'd have to say Annihilator Warrior, because I just love smashing things.

Marvel or DC?
Don't really invest time in comics, but I'd go with Argh! Batman on one side, Avengers on the other... Marvel!

If you chosen from the previous question, your favorite hero in the comic?
Iron Man. All that technology! I could fly anywhere for "free"!

Well nothing much to ask you anymore
There's nothing for me to answer anymore... Oh wait, I just did.

Thank you! :)

< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 8/14/2012 14:30:54 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 3
8/14/2012 11:33:43   
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Took you long enough to make this thread. I thought I missed it.
Nope! I had a suppressed urge :P But the urge has gotten the better of me today!

Mr. Bean, huh!! Damn, Socks stole mine
Yay Mr. Bean! *glares at Socks*

Can I eat this bean(looks yummy ) and become super strong again much like senzu beans?
Well you never know. Beans can be deceiving. Who knows, I may have laced it with poison that makes you look like a Braken in the mirror although you're really just fine.

Does this magical bean have a mouth and more importantly does it wear clothes??
Yes it does! Or does it....? Clothes are a necessity. The bean finds a need to be clothed, even if it's not the trendiest thing on Lore.

Nothing else just a "Thanks" for updating pedias. Pedia AK's must be thankfull now that someone is there to divide(or completely pass on) the load.
You're welcome! Just doing my part around and helping them ease some load off their back :)

< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 8/14/2012 14:34:51 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
8/14/2012 11:54:50   
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Tep Itaki

*sees bean and stomach growls* hmm....
Just try eating me! I'll grow a tree out of you from inside >:)

*pokes bean* congratz on AK-ship
*Bean has slight indentation from poke* Thanks! :)

No questions, I'm just hungry so I'm gonna eatcha.
Well if you really want to.... a bag of jelly beans instead?! :D

*picks up bean and noms it* whacky flavor *continues walking*
*bounces around in stomach causing constant tummyaches*

< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 8/14/2012 14:36:51 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
8/14/2012 14:54:44   
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Tha Killa


I was awaiting this day to come, it has come. R you's prespaired>?
I am perspiring while preparing! Yes!

1.Do you like the Gween?
It's cute. WHY NOT?! :D

2.If no to above WHY NOT??
If I said no, you'd probably send a pack of Gweens to attack me when I'm asleep. Won't you? WON'T YOU?! *glares*

3.Gween or Akriloth Plushie?
Probably Akriloth, because it's so cool Gween of course! It's cute!

4.Favorite War?
Probably The Journey Home, or actually any wars that have mid-cutscenes in between which is a whole lot of them. I like having "intermittent rewards".

5.Favorite kind of bean?
Jelly beans!

6.Gween of Hallow?
I suppose you meant "or Hallow"? Hmm. I'm not sure what Hallow is.... so I'll go with Gween!

7.PS3 or Xbox 360?
I have neither... ;-; PS1! :D In all honesty I don't have either platforms so I can't really choose from either!

8.Do you like to rate people?
Hmm not really. I'm more of the person who lurks in the shadows and just see how some works are better than others, but I don't rate them since I easily get influenced by comparing the "better" one to the one I'm looking at.

9.Favorite build?
Any warrior build. Hulk Smash!!

10.This is not a question but a warning. I will be lurking. Here. Till next page:)
*Returns to lurking and readies for another assault in the next page* ;)

Well congratz and have a nice day:)
Thank you! :)

< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 8/15/2012 1:42:26 >
AQ  Post #: 6
8/14/2012 14:58:52   
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*flies riding his chickencow while summoning two guards to protect him*
This place makes most flee in terror
Congratulations First of all
Why thank you! Did you notice your guards and your chickencow have been bribed by me by the most awesome jelly beans on Lore? They're munching it away as we speak! You are not safe... Mwahahahaha!

I am here with my chickencows so i am not scared!
Well maybe the chickencows would appreciate having some eggmilk-taste jelly beans. *feeds*

1. What did you feel when you became a archknight?
It was a different feeling for sure :) Something I honestly didn't expect, but there was a mixture of joy and apprehension since I didn't know if I could take up the task.

2.Do you think that you deserve the title?
Being chosen as an AK itself I believe would have gone through stringent review to determine if they (AKs) are truly suitable for the job. So yes. Not being thick-skinned here!

3. have you heard of chickencows?
Of course. Those that have a cow head with a chicken body-- oh wait. It'll fall over from the weight of the cow head. Sorry, I meant the reverse ;)

4.Does my name sound Familiar?
Hmm. Honestly not really! >.< At least not from my regular rounds. Sorry!

And finally
5.Is that bean..Well is is safe for Chickencow consumption?
Well you could try. Some have had trees sprouting from inside, stomachaches that may never go away.... I could probably give your Chickencow flu! Then it'll sneeze out eggs and milk instead. Eew. Gross.

Well that is all Bye and Congratz!
*flies away riding his magically enchanced chickencow*
Thanks! Your Chickencow is probably going to return to me sometime later after being addicted to my eggmilk-tasting beans ;)

< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 8/15/2012 1:51:20 >
DF  Post #: 7
8/14/2012 15:20:44   
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Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

*A cloaked figure rises from the shadows while holding onto a bean.*
*looks at the bean and the figure, and notices who it is...* *Tries to hold back trembling!*

Well now, what do we have here? A little hitchhiker.
Oh. It's just a hitchhiker? Well okay then, here's some beans to keep you alive while I go along in my journey and leave you behind. :P

This is the realm of the Moogle. I presume thou knows the vile monster I am talking about? Perhaps not, after all one never sees anything other than the inside before its too late.
Oh yes. That-- that-- monster! ;-; It's so cute and cuddly! dangerous! How many times have I had to navigate through the galaxy within it after being eaten....? *cries*

Let's get to meet each other before we say goodbye, shall we?
What?! We'll never say goodbye! D: But sure :D We may have a chance, who knows?

Is there a Mrs. Bean in thy life?
No there's not :) It's hard for me to commit, so I prefer not to break any female beans' hearts!

What is thy favourite monster in AdventureQuest?
Essences, because they're just so good for farming Hmm. Tough choice considering there's so many great ones out there! I'd probably go with Carnax/Chillax, since they're the epitome of nostalgia since I joined the game.

What is thy favourite monster in Dragonfable?
Haven't played DF in a long time, but based on my memories, the Elementals. I just like their sleek design.

What is thy favourite storyline in all of AE-games?
AQ - Shadowkitten / Truphma, MQ - Planet Romero / Liath, AQW - Arcangrove / Doomwood....I don't really engage myself in the other games too much so I can't comment on them!

Which AE-related in-game topic does thou find interesting?
Any Sweep that happens in AQ, and the active discussion the staff has with the players. I find most discussion threads on quests/wars interesting though, since I get to see really great collaborative teamwork from an awesome bunch of people :)

Does thou know about my legacy?
D: I'm really bad at all these. I don't particularly know ;-; Don't kill me on IRC please! *runs*

Farewell, may thou carry out thy duties with pride and honour. Don't let me catch thou in my boots again, though.
Definitely! Wait, what? I'm in your boots!? Eep! Don't squish me please! *terror*

*Drops the bean on the floor covered with pillows, while succumbing into the shadows.*
*squish* Ah~ A pillow! *snuggles and falls asleep but gets nightmares from the cloaked figure since then*

< Message edited by whackybeanz -- 8/15/2012 2:08:43 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 8
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