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Poetry~Compressed Meaning

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11/22/2009 19:31:13   

So here is my poetry thread. I will be posting them in roughly chronological order, so that the careful observer can see the evolution of my writing over time. For those of you who would like to comment or critique, here is a link to my C&C Thread.

I Hear the World Singing

I hear the world singing,
The unique melding of uncounted verses,
Each human being, all through history,
Singing what is his or hers.
The songs of those in ancient times,
Clothed in fur, with tools of stone,
Songs of farmers, warriors, knights,
Songs of kings upon their thrones.
Songs of princes, prophets, priests,
Singing what is theirs alone.
Further forward, farther down,
We come upon still varied tunes,
Inventors, scientists, factory workers,
Modern men who join the song,
And still all voices join together,
Still all people sing along.
The song is filled with joy and sorrow,
Good and bad together blend,
Down and down throughout all history,
Down until the very end.

< Message edited by shreder110 -- 2/8/2010 22:05:11 >
DF MQ  Post #: 1
11/22/2009 21:29:52   


A cat is stalking, silently.
Ignorant his prey, unknowing.
Like spring uncoiling he pounces
And sinks his claws in deep.

“What are you doing? Stupid cat!
I am no pincushion, as you
By instinct driven may surmise.

I cannot see why you should act,
In such a way as you do now.
You have no need to hunt for food,
For yours is served in plastic bowl.

Go chase a mouse, or something else
And leave me to my peace."


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 1:37:10 >
DF MQ  Post #: 2
11/22/2009 21:31:02   


Time, it slips away.
And yet we notice not.
Too late we realize--
Our time on earth is short.

We’re here, and then we’re not,
In the blink of an eye, it seems.
Our hopes all crumble down to dirt.
And down to dust, our dreams.

Do we know it? Do we care?
Can we truly realize?
That we are fortune-favored.
And miracles, our lives.

Every day, every hour,
Every minute ticking by.
Can we live our lives as though--
We do not fear to die?

That if we were to die right now,
And leave this world today,
We would have no regrets nor doubts,
And nothing left to say.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 1:38:23 >
DF MQ  Post #: 3
11/22/2009 21:32:03   

Writer’s Block

A blank wall, impenetrable
Stands between the writer and the written.
It is impassable, impossible.
The writer flails uselessly against it.
Trying in vain to reach the words on the far side.
He slumps down, in despair.

Alas, tomorrow’s another day.
Perhaps then I will find a hole
A chink in this accursed obstacle.
That stands between me and myself.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 1:39:08 >
DF MQ  Post #: 4
11/22/2009 21:33:30   

A Tree Falls

If a tree falls in a forest
And there is no one there to hear it.
Does it make a sound?
This is, to be sure,
A rather difficult question.
One that has been argued and re-argued
Debated and re-debated.
And yet did we ever stop
Pause for just a moment to ask:
Why are we arguing,
About what is surely an impossibility?


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 1:39:36 >
DF MQ  Post #: 5
11/22/2009 21:34:33   

Blessed Escape

Deep breath, and jump.
The cool water engulfs you.
A new world is revealed.
Stare through glasses green and blue.


Azure fish, and emerald coral.
A myriad of life, all about you.
Flittering, fluttering.
I could stay here forever.


Here, where peace reigns.
The cares of the world are no more.
A blessed escape
From a hungry and war-torn world.



< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 1:44:32 >
DF MQ  Post #: 6
11/22/2009 21:35:34   

Seasons of Life

An ever circling cycle.
Spring ripens into summer.
Summer matures into fall.
Fall dies unto winter.
Winter grudgingly gives way.
And so the cycle repeats.
Year after year.
Is it not the same with us?
Are we not a cycle too?
Generation after generation.
Each giving way to the next.
As do the seasons.
And sometimes I wonder:
Which will end first?


< Message edited by Shreder -- 6/5/2010 0:14:24 >
DF MQ  Post #: 7
11/22/2009 21:36:40   

Sleeping Dragon

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep.”
--Robert Frost

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
Many secrets they do keep.
Amongst the pines, beneath the trees
Hidden there, the dragon sleeps.

Tightly curled, tail wrapped round head.
Motionless, less live than dead.
No noise, no sound, does she express.
She is as stone, with scales of red.

When will she wake? I cannot say
I am unable to predict the day.
When she will rise from where she lays
And from that forest fly away.

Perhaps she never shall.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 5/28/2010 21:50:41 >
DF MQ  Post #: 8
11/22/2009 21:38:20   


She sings, notes pouring forth,
Released upon the wind by upturned throat.
Charming all about with honeyed song:
Joy vibrant in every note.

She sings, and the world is lightened:
Pain and sorrow are driven away.
What a blessing is this little bird,
Who says with song what I with words
Am unable to say.


< Message edited by shreder110 -- 12/9/2009 1:29:40 >
DF MQ  Post #: 9
11/22/2009 21:39:25   

Hope Springs Eternal in His Love

Hope springs eternal, so they say.
And yet, on days like today
I cannot help but feel that they
Are utterly mistaken.

Why must things happen this way?
Why can't I make it go away?
Why can’t I rise from where I lay
And from this dream, awaken.

But then, I bow my head and pray.
And slowly, as the dark to day
I feel my problems wash away.
And know I was mistaken.

Hope springs eternal, so they say.
Sometimes I feel I’ve gone astray.
Yet I will love Him all my days.
And in His love, awaken.


< Message edited by shreder110 -- 12/31/2009 22:11:57 >
DF MQ  Post #: 10
11/22/2009 21:40:33   


Tears of sadness, tears of pain
Tears for those who died in vain.

Darkness comes, despair falls down.
I fail; I fall, in my tears I drown.

And tears fill up my eyes again
Though drowned out by the sifting rain.

Droplets fall, upon my head
And on the bodies of the dead.

That lie about me, broken, scattered.
Bodies bruised and bodies battered.

The rain falls on the now dead corpses,
Men, women, and their horses.

So much life, so quickly lost.
What gain is worth so high a cost?

Once they lived, but now no more,
Their lives now claimed by the folly of war.

No more can they hear my cries,
Nor see the tears flow from my eyes.
Nor see the tears flow from my eyes.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 1:47:59 >
DF MQ  Post #: 11
11/22/2009 21:41:35   

Sun and Snow: A Tilted Planet

Snow fell today, softly sifting.
A pristine cloak that on the land did rest.
Crystalline flakes from Heaven drifting.
White fallen stars with which the Earth was bless’d.

Sun shone today, burning bright.
A cloak of warmth that on the land did rest.
From Heaven shone soft golden light.
Relaxing rays with which the Earth was bless’d.

These varied elements, from Heaven sent
The Sun and Snow that on the land did rest
Were both joys from somewhere happier lent.
That different halves of the same Earth did bless.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 12/20/2012 0:10:59 >
DF MQ  Post #: 12
11/22/2009 21:42:49   

Journey of a Leaf

A wrinkled red leaf, with spots of brown-
Grasps the branch with frail stem.
Resisting in vain the wind that round doth howl.

It is alone, the other leaves left long ago.
A lone leaf against the taunting wind
That harder still doth howl and blow.

But then, as must, the wind prevails.
The leaf is torn from the branch.
And away on the wind it helpless sails.

Aloft on the breeze, the leaf is borne.
Whirling, twirling, windswept tumbling.
Caught in the fast gathering storm.

Far, far away that leaf is taken.
From that tree it once called home.
Its previous life it has forsaken.
In favor of the world to roam.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 1:51:14 >
DF MQ  Post #: 13
11/23/2009 20:43:00   


I take up the wooden instrument.
It nestles down against me,
We have done this before.

I take a breath, my fingers wander
To their proper places on the strings.
I am ready, we are ready.

Eyes closed, I have no need to look.
My fingers flitter of their own accord.
The notes flow forth.

The reverberating strings pull,
At the heart-strings of those listening.
For a moment, time stops.

My fingers dance over the strings
Following the dance of the notes--
Marching across the page.

Then it is over, and all resumes.
Time, her stately march continues.
And all is silent.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 1:52:35 >
DF MQ  Post #: 14
12/5/2009 6:07:52   

I do not claim to be a poet

I do not claim to be a poet
Of great or grandiose measure.
To me poetry is but a hobby--
Naught but relaxing leisure.

Something I do in times of boredom,
Such as this instance now--
When my mind meanders aimlessly,
My soul allows these words to flow.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 1:54:22 >
DF MQ  Post #: 15
12/9/2009 1:12:38   


Thoughts bounce around inside my brain.
Much like the ball in a pinball game
It’s probable I’ve gone insane
I can’t even recall my name

They say if you’re insane you won’t
Know that you are, in fact, insane
I must admit I really don’t
Know if my sanity remains

For if I were to say I’m sane
Then that could mean I am crazy.
But if I think I am insane,
I am not, but merely could be.

Does this poem make sense to you?
I cannot tell, for don’t you see?
That my mind has been consumed
By tendrils of insanity.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 1:55:31 >
DF MQ  Post #: 16
12/13/2009 8:18:23   

I’ll Find No Rest

The sun sinks low, beneath the edge,
As sinks my soul within my breast.
The sky is tinted crimson red--
For me, tonight will hold no rest.

For with the coming of the dark--
Horrors arise from out the ground.
And I must play a fighting part,
Until the dawn’s first light is found.

What once were men, but now no more--
They restless roam the barren land.
Trees, burnt down to the ashen floor--
Castles reduced to naught but sand.

Alone I roam this barren land;
I have no one for company.
I know I must do all I can--
To free the world from this disease.

But in all open honesty--
I feel a twinge of hopelessness.
The task is far too great for me;
I have no real chance of success.

But I must fight this hopeless fight;
And slay these creatures by the score.
For if I were to die tonight--
Humanity would be no more.

The sun sinks low, beneath the edge,
As sinks my soul within my breast.
The sky is tinted crimson red--
For me, tonight will hold no rest.
I’ll find no rest, till I lie dead.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 1:59:18 >
DF MQ  Post #: 17
12/13/2009 8:43:56   


I drag this pale, white linen cloth--
Across my dark and tear-stained eyes.
My grief for what's forever lost--
Her, who now beneath ground lies.
My heart with sorrow laden sighs.

The more I strive not to recall.
The more the drops roll down my cheek.
And to the tear-stained ground they fall.
My knees feel trembly and weak.
I do not trust myself to speak.

"Too young, too young, and much too soon."
I mutter once, then again.
I see her face, and nearly swoon--
As I recall her in crib lain.
I think I must soon go insane.

No parent should have to suffer--
This agony, this sorrow
Nor bury son, or daughter.
None should ever have to know--
The torment through which I now go.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 2:02:19 >
DF MQ  Post #: 18
12/14/2009 9:10:53   

The Face of an Angel

A fire crackles in the glowing hearth
As I sit here--alone, in peace
My mind passing over days gone by
I think of previous friends

My life has been a long one
I've had my my share of grief and mirth
And as Christmas draws near once more
The thoughts of joy are brought to mind

But then my peace is torn apart
By the thundering of little feet
They patter in and gather round

“Tell us a story, Grandpa”

I sigh, stare into the fire
And begin

It was many and many a year ago
Before your parents were even born
For I was but a boy myself
Caught up in a winter storm

Oh, it was a terrible storm
Fierce winds howled, laden with snow
I could not see, lost and cold
I stumbled this way and that
Trying to find my way home, in vain

Then at last I saw a light
A glow in the shrieking storm
I stumbled toward it, exhausted
And fell against the wooden door, knocking

Moments later it was opened
And I beheld the face of an angel
Blond hair had she, and eyes of blue
A deep, deep blue, as if the restless ocean
Were contained within those starry orbs

I had but that one glimpse, then collapsed
I awoke in bed, my own bed
My family huddled around me
Their concern radiating in their eyes

“Whe-Where is the girl?”

“What girl?”
“Are you okay?”

“I, I think so, but where is she?”


“That beautiful girl,”
“With blond hair and eyes of blue.”

“You must have been dreaming,”

I let it drop, never mention it again
Later I learn there was no such girl for miles around

“Was she real, Grandpa?”

“If I knew, would I tell you?”

Giggling, and a plaintive protest


I laugh

“Now run along and play”

And they do, as children will
Ah, to be young again
I smile, curl up in my chair
And by the warmth of the fire, fall asleep.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 2:10:58 >
DF MQ  Post #: 19
12/14/2009 23:39:03   

Cloud Watching by Night

I lay alone, in empty field
And stare up at the sky
To see what shapes the clouds shall yield
As they drift slowly by

A night breeze blows, across the land
Moon gently reflects light
The clouds, by gentle cross-winds fanned
Traverse the darkling night

As they cross the moon’s pale silver face
The clouds are bathed in light
Few things could in my mind replace
The beauty of the sight

Oh and the shapes the clouds could take
As they went breezing by
Of dragonflies, and silver snakes
Parading cross the sky

As dance the clouds, up in the skies
So do our lives, before our eyes


< Message edited by Shreder -- 10/12/2012 0:09:17 >
DF MQ  Post #: 20
12/15/2009 21:07:27   

Tick, Tock

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
Did you hear that? Listen!
Tick, tock.
Well of course it’s a clock
Listen more closely:
Still not? Okay fine.
It’s time.

Ticking, tocking.
Out the door walking.
Gone, not to return.
One minute, then another.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
And again! You better hurry.
Time is running out.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 2:12:33 >
DF MQ  Post #: 21
12/20/2009 21:03:28   


The flames they dance, oh how they dance.
And I sit silent staring.
Watching the fire’s sprightly dance.
The flames so lightly flaring.

The snow it falls, oh how it falls.
And I sit silent staring.
And watch it fall, in snowdrifts tall
But I am beyond caring.

For I sit here, by fire warmed
Oblivious to the frozen storm.


< Message edited by shreder110 -- 12/20/2009 21:05:49 >
DF MQ  Post #: 22
12/22/2009 9:13:52   

Flight at Dawn

A rising draft of warm, uplifting air--
Propels me sun-ward, midst the changing sky.
Nothing in this world could e'er compare--
With the joy known only to those who fly.

If somehow you too were given the chance--
To join me in this miracle of flight.
As shadows intertwined with radiance--
And darkness intermingled with the light.

If you could ever understand these things--
Then you would know why every bird doth sing.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 2:13:32 >
DF MQ  Post #: 23
1/4/2010 21:09:34   

Nature: A Collection of Short Poems

A backdrop of the purest, darkest black
Pierced by the silver light of shining stars
A painting of the most majestic kind

A tranquil grove of clean, resplendent green
The songs of birds blend with the babbling brook
A place of peace and silent thoughtfulness

A roaring wave of green and frothy white
Doth thund'rous crash against unyielding rock
Violent beauty of the wildest kind

The land puts on a cloak of purest white
As flakes drift slowly down and cover all
Silent but for the gently swishing wind


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/5/2012 2:17:51 >
DF MQ  Post #: 24
1/4/2010 22:36:58   

Nightly Walk

I walked along a forest path
Midst dark o’erhanging trees.
Whose branches rustled eerily
In gentle nightly breeze.

The night was dark, there was no moon,
To light my wand’ring way.
And my sad heart had long forgot
The joy of bright midday.

At length I found what I had sought--
A peaceful clearing green.
In which a gravestone, somber gray
Was all that could be seen.

Before that stone of memories
I gently knelt to pray
My heart began to ache once more
I knew not what to say.

My dear, where e’er you now may be,
Know that I’ve not forgot.
Night after night, I come to see
Thy earthly resting spot.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 11/20/2012 18:26:37 >
DF MQ  Post #: 25
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