The Astral Fury
Lol they're punching bags because they don't pay, were not because we pay REAL money to become powerful. People spend 1000-s of dollars on this game to be good, win alot and not lose to varuims, and is it fair that all this money has gone to waste because 0$ players can be as powerful as the 1000's$ players. We pay money to be powerful they don't that's why there is a gap, get it? Dev's: Hey you know those players who have supported us, kept this game runnig, and spent 1000's of dollars Dev's: Ya? Dev's: You wanna make the 0$ players be just as good now even though they haven't spent a dime, and the other players have. Dev's: Sure great idea, your reward people who spent 1000's of dollars and supported this game you get to lose more and the 0$ players get to be stronger and also get all the features you've spent. Lol.
< Message edited by The Astral Fury -- 12/21/2012 15:38:57 >