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Stuns, Crits, and Deflections: A Solution to Luck

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12/10/2012 18:47:19   

I was talking with someone the other day, and I had any idea about how to fix luck, while also keeping it as a prominent aspect of the game. I think currently, one of the biggest issues about luck, is that if you max ONE specific stat, you are more likely to get lucky. For example, blocks are all on dex, deflects on tech, crits/stun resist is on support. So what if we did something like this:

Firstly we would move deflects back to support.

Now please don't go all ape crazy on me, because now you are going to see why.

The base crit, deflect, and stun % will be reduced by a substantial amount. To clarify, this will mean that the critical, deflect, and stun chances will remain where they currently are, but the amount of damage they do will be dramatically decreased.

For example, the base crit damage % might be something like 110% of your damage, so if you were going to hit 30, you would instead hit 33. Similarly, the deflection base deflection % might be somewhere around 90%, so if your enemy was going to hit a 20 with his/her gun, and you deflect, he would instead hit 18.

Now, if you have read up until this point, you probably have 2 issues with what I am saying:

1) Technology is useless, there is a reason why deflect was moved to the stat
2) Luck just won't be making any real difference

Don't worry, this idea addresses both issues.

Firstly, technology will play a new role. It will now effect the potency of your criticals, and deflections. Just how there is a cap on your block rate around 40% no matter how much dexterity you have, similar caps will be put on critical strikes, and deflections. By increasing your technology, you will be increasing the amount by which your crit, and the amount of damage you deflect. With a maximum technology differential, your critical would do 150% of your damage, and your deflect would negate 35% of your attackers damage.

Using the examples above, with a maximum tech differential, an attack with a base of 30 would crit 45, and an attack with a base of 20, would deflect 13. This would extensively make it so that no one stat could effect luck. Support could get you crits and deflects, but those crits/deflects would not be game breaking without a whole lot of technology, at which point you would be sacrificing large amounts of dexterity (block rate), strength (base damage), and HP (hit points).

As far as stuns go, stun resist would remain on support, but a new effect "stun potency" (which would increase the rate at which you stun to a maximum of 10% [with max differential]) would be moved to dexterity. Furthermore, Cyber Hunters E. Grenade would be changed to improve with dexterity, but no change in damage to either grenades (BH/CH) or Bolts (TM/BM) would take effect, as many have been suggesting on this forum. This would extensively balance out stun builds as well, since all stuns in the game would be improving with dexterity, as well as your stun rate, but the amount of damage from said stuns would be relatively low.

So thats my idea, I hope you guys/gals like it. I think it would make luck something that we didn't curse at, and more of an acquired skill that could only be achieved through sacrificing other necessities. Also, the numbers are not set in stone, they are just there to give you an idea of what I am proposing.

I am open to feedback, but please make sure you read the entire post before commenting.

Thank You =)


< Message edited by Nexus... -- 12/10/2012 18:51:09 >
Epic  Post #: 1
12/10/2012 18:52:51   

So, these effects rely on more than 1 stat. I would rather crank Focus's neck than gold coat it.
AQ Epic  Post #: 2
12/10/2012 18:55:24   

Epic  Post #: 3
12/10/2012 18:56:01   

Interesting however I can see a few issues with this. With technology increasing the amount you will crit and deflect by it will overpower the crits and deflections when they do come. Especially if you have someone using the Massive strike promo which increase crits damage. It those two will stack and it will make people complain about luck being worse.

Deflections already remove 50% of the power of the sidearm and aux and having tech increase the amount you deflect by will only OP this. Support and tech builds will have a field day with this one from what I am reading.

But on another note a lot of people are complaining about the luck factor but at the same time if we didn't have it all of the things you are trying to fix wouldn't even be in the game and we would only have strength builds winning all the matches since blocks, crits, deflections, and stun all work with chance. Lastly from what I remember heal is going back to support which is more then enough of a buff for support. Adding back deflections to it will OP it.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 12/10/2012 18:57:07 >
Epic  Post #: 4
12/10/2012 18:59:21   


I see what you are saying, it would promote +5 focus. I'm not sure if that is entirely true however, because without extreme amounts in support/tech, your not going to be doing much damage from either.


1) There will be a cap on crits/deflects
2) The max deflected damage would be 35%, or in other words, the opponents gun would do 65% damage ;)
3) If you and your opponent have the same amount of technology, they will do a maximum of 5 more damage with a crit, with massive strike, maybe 8. That is a whole lot less than it is now.


< Message edited by Nexus... -- 12/10/2012 19:04:13 >
Epic  Post #: 5
12/10/2012 19:04:55   

@ nexus

You would be surprised at what some people do with their builds to get stuff. I have seen a blood mage who can work with high strength and support to become the fastest raging BM in the game. If this did come into play I am willing to bet someone would make a support tech build to abuse this big time. I could see it working with TM and CH since support would power up Defense matrix to make up for low defense and power up their malf big time while reaping the benefits from this as well Plus with CH this would Power up their EMP since it works with tech as well.

Wow I just thought up some new builds for CH and TM.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 12/10/2012 19:07:59 >
Epic  Post #: 6
12/10/2012 19:07:30   

I don't think you get it. Even if you had 40 more support, and 40 more tech than your opponent, which is practically impossible, you would still do less crit damage, and deflect less than you do now...You could try to abuse it, but you would die.
Epic  Post #: 7
12/10/2012 19:16:02   

Oh i see now

You idea is to nerf the effects of these first before doing this. I see now. However until the strength problem is taken care off I couldn't agree to it. Strength builds would have a field day with this one since Crits and Deflections on them hinder them and lowering the amount these would do would only help them. They would get 15% more damage from a sidearm when it deflects since right now half of the attack is removed, and crits when they are hit with them helps make the battle easier to win.

However with these two nerfed as I stated Strength builds would come and take advantage, of this one. It would even worse then it is now.
Epic  Post #: 8
12/10/2012 19:19:05   

Still wrong. As void mentioned, the new system would more than likely promote 5 focus builds, which we all know are the bane to a strength builds existence. But yes, in the long term, strength would need a slight nerf in order for this to work.


< Message edited by Nexus... -- 12/10/2012 19:21:48 >
Epic  Post #: 9
12/10/2012 19:32:14   

@ nexus

That was the point I was trying to tell you. Since if you weaken two of the four things that hinder strength builds they would get a slight boost in power and they are already OP along with focus 5.

Also you missed something. You forgot about merc's maul ability which works with strength to stun. I didn't see you mention that in the OP.
Epic  Post #: 10
12/10/2012 19:45:58   

Strength improves its damage, dexterity increases its chance to hit. Also I stole this quote from Yo Son in the general discussion as I think it negates your argument about strength builds making this balance change a futile investment.


ok lets get this clear guys, you are going to have less stats total in omega than you have now, so guess what, even though that you can put a lot of stat points in one stat, you cant do it and have other good stats , in other words abusive builds will not work.

Good point Yo Son, good point.


< Message edited by Nexus... -- 12/10/2012 23:05:14 >
Epic  Post #: 11
12/11/2012 12:36:52   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

It's entirely possible to have 40 more support and tech. Get a bunch of support and moderate tech as a CH/TM and your Malf will take away the rest of the tech needed to get full potency. Then you throw in Deadly Aim and Aux, all with lowered chances of deflects(and a puny difference if they do happen) and you have an OPd TM build.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
12/11/2012 13:40:19   

And yet, even with all that support, and all that tech gone, you will still be critting less, and deflecting less than you do now. Yes it will be possible for a TM to max out the potency of both tech and support, but only for a couple of turns, and even when they do, the impact that the luck has IF it comes will be dramatically reduced. Get me?

Epic  Post #: 13
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