Focus on the concept instead of the numbers. Balance Team would have probably much better idea to balance it all out but use the numbers as a brief explanation. The whole point of the suggestion is to give some variety in-between battles rather than use the same system. Just like Omega is giving us 2 skill cores on weapons, this could also make the gameplay more interesting. Numbers are NOT accurate but it's just to illustrate the whole concept of the suggestion, not already final numbers as of to how it'd look like. I had this idea a while back but didn't bother posting it and this could, potentially, balance out blocks. I won't focus much on the numbers but the concept of the idea itself! First change involves making base blocking chance 0% and maximum being 100%. Whilst it may sound absurd, it won't be *that* bad. Second is changing the way in which blocking works. Instead of blocking whole attack, for example Berzerker (3 hits), you have x chance to block one of the hits. Then the same chance to block the 2nd hit and same for the 3rd hit. So you can NOT block all hits at once unless you get lucky; assuming 50% blocking chance, probability of blocking all 3 hits would be 12.5%. Luck but good luck, not absurd anymore. Third, this could potentially mean Dex can grant more Defence - closer to that of Tech - since blocking doesn't grant as much of an advantage over Tech and deflects. There could be an issue with how powerful Tech would be with deflects BUT the same could be done with them: Base deflection chance would be 0% and the maximum would be between 25-50%. Why higher than now? It doesn't work in the same way anymore, that's why. (remember, this is the concept, numbers CAN be adjusted later on) Deflections reduce damage to up to 50% which is fair play but the way in which it'll work is different (hence raise in maximum rate); - Guns have either 2 hit attack (50% damage each) or 1 hit (100% damage). What happens? You have chance to deflect 1 of the 2 hits on the first Gun and leave the 2nd as it is. Result? You deal 25% damage on 1st hit and 50% on the 2nd thus dealing 75% damage instead of 50% with current system. Those with 100% damage (1 hit) are a bit trickier (25% reduction isn't fair because you can deflect 2 hit up to 50% damage reduced & this would be impossible with 1 hit only). You could, instead, reduce the deflection rate by 1/2 (if it's 40%, then it's 20% when it comes to 1-hit Gun) and be able to reduce 50% damage. So you end up with lower deflection rate for the 1-hit Gun only whilst everything else is 40%. - Auxes are 1 hit, always, thus dealing 100% damage. Only possible solution is doing the same as with 1-hit Guns unless there will be Auxes that deal 2 (or more) hits. I'll use example to show it a bit more clearly. Assuming 40% deflection rate and 50% damage reduction (as it is now): #1 2 hit Gun - 40% chance to deflect each hit (25% damage reduction on each (50% of 50% is 25%)) Aux - 20% chance to deflect (50% damage reduction) #2 1 hit Gun - 20% chance to deflect (50% damage reduction) Aux - 20% chance to deflect (50% damage reduction) #2 seems better off, since the rate is lower, but you also will have even more damage reduced. So you have choice of getting either 50% damage cut off at lower rate or 25% damage at higher rate & it may not apply to both hits. Numbers will NOT be accurate but it's a brief example for those who want to see it. Also I'm aware that Dex and Tech would need a new formulae for the progression (blocking and deflection) but that's not up to me to decide really.
< Message edited by Trans -- 1/2/2013 7:34:56 >