Legendary AdventureGuide!
I am going to have to lock this up I am afraid, since it is going to develop into arguments and flaming the Devs. However I will touch on a few things first: Balance, we always love to have balance ideas, but right now speaking about it in the current state is not overly helpful and is verging on pointless. ND Mallet got it spot on, with Omega we will be turning balance upside down, there will be a lot of changes not only to weapons, but to other areas of the game that will effect balance a lot. So EVERYTHING will be changed, I know quite a few of you are saying 'will it, will it really?', the answer is 'yes, yes it will'. Enhancements to date have been the biggest player complaint of balance, they are being removed (players who have them compensated as such). Certain things that have restricted us Balance wise before have now been changed to mean we can change things easier to help with balance (more information on that probably to be announced at a later date). We also have changes to the stat system etc. - so in most words everything will change and balance will be turned upside down and jiggled about. So saying it is a minus now is fine, but not helpful, since it will be completely changed very soon. Luck, a game you can predict everything that happens is an incredibly boring game. Yes, maybe there are changes we can make to make things a bit fairer (as said above a lot of things balance wise are being changed which may also impact this a lot). However at the same time, I am sure a lot of people would agree that with better builds you get better win rates, why is that relevant? Well, if better builds get better win rates, then that means that skill does have a big impact on how many wins you have. The thing is, if you went against an opponent much lower in level than you, you have higher stats, that guy should automatically lose the fight if no luck was involved? Yes skill may play a part, but to win over a large level difference you need a little luck. For anyone who plays Call of Duty, luck plays a massive part in that aswell, if you run out of a building at exactly the right time as an enemy runs past, you get an easy kill with minimal skill, all down to you just being in the right place at the right time. When you do that to someone else you think nothing of it, when someone does it to you, you tend to get very angry an feel like throwing your controller at the TV, especially if it happens a few times! Luck plays a part of everything, and the thing is the human brain will naturally pick up the times that you are unlucky and hard done by instead of those times you are 'lucky' because you take that for granted. With builds if you have a high dex build with Shadow Arts and you block a few times in a battle you will take it for granted, even if it happens 3 battles in a row without you being blocked. However when you go into the next battle and get blocked twice, and you then loose the battle, that's a completely different story and you notice it and will be angry about it. Despite the fact you have blocked 3 times to 1 ratio wise over the course of those 4 battles. You will always look at it in a negative light, not because your a negative person, but because you are human. Yes, there may be some issues with the current system, but all this also plays a big part. As for releases, we could not release at all during Omega because to shift anything live it would shift most of the changes made for Omega across too, which would break the game, so it was literally impossible to release over the past few weeks. Yes we did release the Golden ticket etc. but that was simply adding files to the current client, not updating the whole client as an update would require. We could not keep it a secret because we would have no way to release anything and players would just wonder if we were ignoring the game now for a few months. Saying 'they should have released a little war or something', again, impossible, and even if it is, there is a very large amount of work that have to go into wars, which would take 2 weeks to code and make at minimum for a small war, probably longer, so that would certainly not be an option. I think ND Mallet once again explained the rest very well. I know it is taking time and trust me, we want to release this as much, if not more than you do. However we will not release it any less than ready and stable, which is why we have had to delay it so long!
< Message edited by Lycus -- 1/2/2013 5:18:50 >