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Wishlist for potential updates

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2/1/2018 20:23:18   

1. Fixed issues with Crazed Bull, Frost Viking and Princess PIP IV. Crazed Bull is incompatible with shoulder weapons. Frost Viking has that annoying stun that makes it boring to use and almost impossible to defeat in Assault mecha. Princess PIP IV buffs your enemies bonus (what is all that about?)! Nova TerriFi not having SC special stun.
2. "Yore" shop for old Maypril fools and 4th of July rares. We have one for the old Birthday rares, so why not? Obviously the NSC and SC versions wont return so it would be harmless enough.
This is ideally what I would want to see in this shop: Skyrocket Tank (level 21), Roamin Candle Striker (level 33), Liberty NG40 (level 40), Deflagrator NG45 (level 45), Spectacular Lightshow (level 45-50), Agile Haliaeetus (level 50), True Eagle V (level 50) f001-NG (level 20), 4pril-NG (level 20), Psycho Clown (level 33), Nova Socker (level 40), Riderpulous Derpmachine (level 41-50), Madcap F001 50 (level 50), 4pril Acrobat 50 (level 50), Crowned Clown 50 (level 50)
Speaking of old birthday rares, can we have Wrapped Nubertron and platinum nubertron added in there too? Thanks.
3. Implantation of a "Hero-mart" shop in-game. Mysterious Stranger could offer them in addition to his offer (alternative colour scheme if necessary). This concept would be a way for people to purchase mechas like the Skullcrusher, Chaosawa, Kordana, Chronomech and Chrono Corrupter for those who missed out on exclusive offers. These could be purchasable with either tokens or nova gems. It would also be nice to have the original Sepulchure return too because of how iconic it is (and also the dark colours of the doom version makes it difficult to appreciate the awesome artwork).
4. Replay for old wars (especially for Lagos). I sadly never got to participate in the Authurian War so when I played Lagos myself I was let down a lot. The ending felt very sudden and the rewards were lacklustre. If this missing content was implemented back into the game it would complete this planet again... besides they could use this content to fill up Crows Nest (more shops coming soon... soon, yeah right...).
5. SCp updates (great idea, just implemented too late). Would be nice to see a couple more. Besides, there are only 9 missing... (as an expansion, add Frost Viking to the shop just for the sake of it).
Those are: WarBear, Vanguard, Imbiber, Nemesis, Master Blaster, Mechatron, AC-490, Cosmic Talon and BladeStorm. These guys do take a while to produce but if it saves time you could just keep them exactly the same as before (just a different name).
6. Flavescent Friday's return.
7. Removed due to holiday rotation implementation
8. Certain rares returning (like Dark Hunter and Draconic Guard/Defender, Knael King Cobra especially).
9. Potential update for Crow's Nook, Mysterious Stranger, Liath and challenges (both SC missions/X Necyptos and Knife n Spoon challenges). "Coming soon..." Yeah, right...
10. Removed due to the introduction of GEARS Games P
11. Higher levelled versions of Knael, Equinox, Wranger, Drakel Power Armor and Quickflash. The Knael Snake was available for Flavescent Friday in 2014 so at least for this mecha, it is just as easy as making it available again, this time forever.
12. Missing GEARS Games content returning, such as the weapons from 2010/2011/2012 and the Shadowhawk, Shadowraven and Shadowwolf all being purchasable again.
13. All holiday events returning, whether it is permanent and implemented into the story as optional sidequests or just reoccurring every year like normal. If they were to come back though as permanent content I personally explain it with Char's wormhole technology.
14. A way to progress in the story to remove the limitation of being restricted to just 1 house. It is really annoying to have to create a second character from scratch just to unlock the other elites.
15. Revival version of the Delta Leader, complete with 6 weapons and new improved specials just like the SDF General was for the EbilCorp 2012 War.
16. Higher levelled versions of the "job" mecha models, including the police mecha, tyrant, pizza mecha and nurse mechas.
17. Complete models of the Pirate Duelist and Pirate Sniper on sale for nova gems. This is something I have always wanted... I don't like carrying around excess weapons.
18. Might be a stretch... but... Pirate Adrimal, Assault Raider, War Ram and Eagle all returning and not changed (just a higher maximum level)? Even if all 4 cost NG only I'd be happy.
19. Buffing Morehawk. It is not very good. Crushing Starfall has a cooldown of 6 turns just for -30 immobility resist and a chance to stun (maybe nerf defence? Ignore immobility resist? Shorter cooldown say 4?). The head weapon does half the damage it needs to do to be viabable and doesn't gain critical hits very often (worse is it has no stat boosts! At least give it a +35 bonus and a +35 boost/crit). Draining Blast, Reaper's Gatling and Phasing Beam increase one of your stats by 10% and decrease your opponents stats by 25% (which is very miminal; and in my opinion these effects should be increased to 25% and at least 40% respectively).
20. Able to buy past SC Gifts using nova gems (including Frost Viking) for 500 nova gems each weapon (or 1000 nova gems for the Frost Viking).
21: Star Captain Awl compatable Void Raptor (Void Raptor SCM, with Star Captain damage, stats and an additional mod slot. Maybe have a Gingerbread TC-5 SCM as well.
22: More mecha inventory slots. They don't have to be free, just allow us to be able to store more than 100 mechas... I have surpassed my limit and cannot buy more slots
FAQ'd to save from auto-purge! ~golden

< Message edited by VoidCorrupts -- 7/23/2018 0:27:41 >
Post #: 1
2/2/2018 16:44:58   
Ark Deteis

I would be extremely happy with a Liath finale (That built-up tension unreleased!!). Also maybe making Frost Viking less perfect. There's also that Post-ending story they started that could be recycled somewhere ... I'd love to see it recycled somewhere, it looked fantastic (like every other story these guys write, right?)!

The rest of the game feels nice. Nostalgic, maybe, but nice. Except for the endless farming :| I understand it would feel more like an interactive novel than a game (Which could be a nice idea), but at least tone it down a little?

... Anything you do with MechQuest would be amazing in the end, since it was a great game.
Post #: 2
2/2/2018 19:53:51   

I'd rather there NOT be a final update, but instead we have the return of REGULAR updates, just like old times. I really wish there'd be a team to update MQ regularly once again. Please come back, devs... I'll play diligently, I promise... I'll also recommend this to buddies...
AQ MQ  Post #: 3
2/2/2018 21:08:34   


I would be extremely happy with a Liath finale (That built-up tension unreleased!!). Also maybe making Frost Viking less perfect. There's also that Post-ending story they started that could be recycled somewhere ... I'd love to see it recycled somewhere, it looked fantastic (like every other story these guys write, right?)!

The rest of the game feels nice. Nostalgic, maybe, but nice. Except for the endless farming :| I understand it would feel more like an interactive novel than a game (Which could be a nice idea), but at least tone it down a little?

... Anything you do with MechQuest would be amazing in the end, since it was a great game.

I agree with the unreleased content but unfortantly MechQuest doesn't have the best reputation when it comes to delivering. Still waiting for all the shops in Crow's Nook to open... Frost Viking definetly needs the nerf/fix bad (it is annoying to encounter in Assault Mecha).

As for farming (for me personally) it is non-existant since I already bought all the good mechas. Hopefully if we do get an update they continue their old plans (which was to revamp Westion's mechas). I would love to have a higher level version of the Wranger/Equinox and Knael mechas to work towards.


I'd rather there NOT be a final update, but instead we have the return of REGULAR updates, just like old times. I really wish there'd be a team to update MQ regularly once again. Please come back, devs... I'll play diligently, I promise... I'll also recommend this to buddies...

Same here. Though I am not expecting much after 2 years of complete silence on the design boards...
Post #: 4
2/2/2018 21:31:13   


As for farming (for me personally) it is non-existant since I already bought all the good mechas. Hopefully if we do get an update they continue their old plans (which was to revamp Westion's mechas). I would love to have a higher level version of the Wranger/Equinox and Knael mechas to work towards.

THIS. I absolutely LOVED the Wild West-themed mechas in Westion... and as for the Drakel snake-themed mechas, it was so cathartic for me to yell, 'I SPIT ON YOUR PITIFUL WEAKNESS!!!' whenever using their poison spit attack on Shadowscythe mechas. Loved the Drakel snake theme, and would love to see a Lvl 50 mecha on that theme that levels to 59, or maybe, to 80 or even 100???

I know, not much hope on this, but still... one can only hope.
AQ MQ  Post #: 5
2/3/2018 19:12:19   

The Khael Snake was brought back once. It was called the Knael Hognose/Anaconda/King Cobra (NSC, SC and NG in that order), rescaled to level 50 and only sold during Flavescent Friday 2014.
Post #: 6
2/7/2018 2:44:13   

It'll never happen but I'd like everything to just be added to back into the game. The game is dead so all it would do is make it a complete experience and give everyone the same resources to play in the sandbox.

More practically though, Lagos has a lot of issues with its storyline and war that really disorient it. As far as I'm aware the war, which was a sizeable amount of its storyline as a whole, isn't even playable any more.
Past gears games and other wars returning permanently like the crystal asteroid did would also be good.


DF MQ  Post #: 7
2/8/2018 5:56:43   

I kind of want a level cap warbear in its full glory, but yeah having all past content available would be nice
AQ MQ  Post #: 8
2/10/2018 6:12:57   

I agree with Glais, I would actually just like to see everything that was originally in the game added back into it.

It really saddens me when I consider what MQ could have been, and what it once was in its glorious past.


DF MQ AQW  Post #: 9
2/23/2018 21:21:22   


It'll never happen but I'd like everything to just be added to back into the game. The game is dead so all it would do is make it a complete experience and give everyone the same resources to play in the sandbox.

More practically though, Lagos has a lot of issues with its storyline and war that really disorient it. As far as I'm aware the war, which was a sizeable amount of its storyline as a whole, isn't even playable any more.
Past gears games and other wars returning permanently like the crystal asteroid did would also be good.

I don't really understand the "rare" policy. How many people own the Arthurian Crossbow Super? How about the Bowlbomb? Would anyone complain if these two very specific weapons returned? How about another war rare... the Equinox Star Stallion? Powermerged War Armor V7?
Some of these items have almost been gone for a decade and the majority of people that even own these items haven't logged in onto mechquest since 2012... and I highly doubt any of them would care if some promised rares were added back into the game.

Post #: 10
2/26/2018 0:14:35   

As a long time player I've amassed a lot of equipment that was only available for such a limited time and would not mind everyone having access to it. Sure there was some kind of prestige back when the game was active, but now? What can it hurt.

Conversely, I believe AE's policy is to keep them rare as people who spent real money on them via NGs will feel like that investment was potentially tarnished or something along those lines.

It is just odd to me that in many cases, there are enemies that are borderline impossible to beat at all without the use of permanently rare equipment (Necryptos X Challenges in particular). If there was enough permanent content to cover various combat niches it'd be one thing, but most really useful weapons vanish.

I just feel adding 100% of the content, now that the game is dead, would make the game closer to a complete experience in the same way that buying a console game does. Course, ethical debate aside, I have no idea if it's even possible to add all of that stuff back, especially in terms of manpower.
DF MQ  Post #: 11
2/26/2018 2:56:18   


As a long time player I've amassed a lot of equipment that was only available for such a limited time and would not mind everyone having access to it. Sure there was some kind of prestige back when the game was active, but now? What can it hurt.

Conversely, I believe AE's policy is to keep them rare as people who spent real money on them via NGs will feel like that investment was potentially tarnished or something along those lines.

It is just odd to me that in many cases, there are enemies that are borderline impossible to beat at all without the use of permanently rare equipment (Necryptos X Challenges in particular). If there was enough permanent content to cover various combat niches it'd be one thing, but most really useful weapons vanish.

I just feel adding 100% of the content, now that the game is dead, would make the game closer to a complete experience in the same way that buying a console game does. Course, ethical debate aside, I have no idea if it's even possible to add all of that stuff back, especially in terms of manpower.

Yeah, but even though I joined in 2010 most of my cool loot needed to be sold in a exchange for inventory space thanks to the crippling 3 mechas limit. It took me till 2012 as well till I managed to reach the level cap; so anything that was released before that time I had to sell because it was unlevelled. Wish they'd just re-release them so I can just rebuy what I had 5-4 years ago. Especially Derpmachine, my first Maypril fools mecha
For Necyptos X. Yeah, it is basically a roll of a dice if you beat it these days... and by roll of a dice, I mean spamming Ultra-tron till he insta kills them lol

< Message edited by VoidCorrupts -- 2/26/2018 3:00:23 >
Post #: 12
2/26/2018 7:27:38   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

There's a lot I'd like to see tbh.

I did play a bit the other day and had a great time. Maybe a level cap raise, return on Monthly Mecha etc would be good. I came way too late into the Monthly's sadly. Missed a lot of good ones!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
3/1/2018 5:29:31   

Played again aftera few weeks now...

With that the gold and gem pricings could be scaled DOWN a bit...
Its WAY too expensive to get mechas at the level that you are by going through the normal means without some SERIOUS farming (Honestly, How I did it all in the past is beyond me...)
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 14
3/1/2018 8:33:06   


With that the gold and gem pricings could be scaled DOWN a bit...
Its WAY too expensive to get mechas at the level that you are by going through the normal means without some SERIOUS farming (Honestly, How I did it all in the past is beyond me...)

You can sort of get around the farming by taking advantage of the free golden mechs shop and the few level scaling mechas in the game. Most people back in the day used the Assault Mecha exploit but now it is a lot harder for the newer players... maybe they could tweak the amount of credits players earn after level 12 (where the spike in prices start) or adjust the prices for all mechas.
Higher levelled players should have access to better equipment and better paying missions (like Fix the Satellite) to make grinding easier, but it still is never fun to grind two hours for 1 mecha.

< Message edited by VoidCorrupts -- 3/1/2018 8:47:53 >
Post #: 15
3/3/2018 13:40:04   

There's a lot of things I would love to see in a final update, but realistically and rationally the only things that should happen is the re-release of all the seasonal areas and popular events without adding anything new. They were supposed to have the seasonal releases return last year but they didn't have the time to, which shows that they will really never have the time to add newer versions of old mecha or weapons or stuff like that. I'd love just to see the seasonal releases (Mogloween, Thanksgiving, St. Patrick's Day, 4th of July shops) and definitely the GEAR Games come back.

I feel like the more we talk about everything we'd love to see return or change including scaling areas/enemies, creating new versions of mechas, the less likely of a chance there is for any final update happening at all. If we keep it simple and talk about how just releasing all of the seasonal areas/shops as they were, it could happen soon since that's a much easier and quicker thing to do since everything is already in the game, it just has to be made accessible. I'm not expecting nor do I want changes to the existing areas or to the older areas, because that would have to be something done with a fully functioning team. MechQuest won't have anything new added to it ever, and that's the unfortunate truth. The best we can do is just hope that one day they will put back the seasonal stuff (and keeping my fingers crossed for the GEAR Games so I can switch houses). It was supposed to happen last year but AE is a busy company and I'm sure they couldn't find the time for it. Again, the more we talk about all of the little things we want here and there, the more discouraged they'd become from actually updating MechQuest in some shape or form.

TLDR: My wishlist is simply re-releasing Mogloween, St. Patrick's Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, the GEARS Games, and any other seasonal shops/events I'm forgetting about. Don't change anything about them, just add a button to the main screen to take us back. I really hope AE can find the time sometime soon to get a coder to give us access to these places. I don't want changes to be made because that's not a realistic expectation given the state of the game and how busy AE's schedule is
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
3/4/2018 16:09:49   

Ah well.. I agree with re-releasing seasonal holidays. If we're talking fantasy, however... I would love if there were still new holiday releases. One of the things I used to love during the holidays was checking all of the AE games, including mechquest for the new holiday quest. It's a simple thing that could've kept some life in mechquest, but I do realise holiday season, especially frostvale is a very busy time for AE. But ah well, one can dream. Cross-game achievements are a fun thing.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 17
3/4/2018 17:36:17   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

I'd totally forgot about the GEARS games!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
6/27/2018 19:19:27   

From artix.com:


ALPHA TEST UPDATE #5: Wednesday, June 27th

MechQuest is now available through the launcher! Warlic is beginning work on the Mac version of the launcher client and - by popular request - is investigating the feasibility of a Linux version. Let us know if you encounter any issues by reporting them to the Bug Tracker.

(PS: Rolith is working on MechQuest to permanently return the G.E.A.R.S. games and permanently return some of the existing holiday content and storyline wars.)

The first second of eternity has passed and MQ is finally getting updated again!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
6/28/2018 10:55:33   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Fantastic news, thanks Plank!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
6/29/2018 8:52:03   

Omg yes!

Can I be selfish and hope for a warbear return?
AQ MQ  Post #: 21
6/29/2018 16:26:25   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Don't! :( That was my most missed Mecha.. I believe that was the Mecha I missed because I upgraded JUST after it left... Seeing the videos of it made me so sad.

Update from Alina!

‏ @Alina_AE
7m7 minutes ago

The GEARS Games are now permanently available from your C-Mail screen at http://MechQuest.com ! Equip your favorite House Mecha (or change your house) and go head-to-head in GIANT MECHA COMBAT!

< Message edited by Digital X -- 6/30/2018 17:16:26 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
7/2/2018 7:13:25   

SImilar scenario for me, Digital, I only managed to get a very underlevelled version (and old me didnt know the concept of farming and buying the highest level version first)
AQ MQ  Post #: 23
7/8/2018 22:21:43   

I agree with all of these. There have been far too many times where I've encountered the Arthurian and Pirate Raider mechs from ye olde' days and just feel saddened that these works of art (among other really good designs) are forever left behind as outdated and forgotten to most as 'rare', as MQ isn't (and probably won't be) a powerhouse. I know AE's policy with their games is 'collect all the rares!', but it just doesn't seem to work out with MechQuest. I doubt anyone who had the rare items are going to care now if they come back, and MQ is in this weird limbo state as an unfinished game, it's painful for me to come back and see all these 'coming soon' bits in whatever quests with hanging plot threads and unclickable buttons.

Hell, just even being able to visit more of the older maps and stuff would be solid gold to me. It's gotten to the point where I'm actually considering to buy Star Captain just so I can check out the areas of the game that I never got to try out just for the sake of history. If there's a wishlist for me, it would be to have a way to upgrade older items and mechs through a token system if bringing back older events is harder to do or even a permanent Flavescent Friday. If there's a few mechs I regret selling, it would be the weird pink Bunzilla mech, Skelepunk, the updated Rebel grunt mech from the EvilCorp war(?) event, and the TerriFi mech. It's strange to come back years later and see that even yearly events that used to be a thing when it was active just cease to exist for now.

< Message edited by hijinks -- 7/8/2018 22:24:07 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
8/9/2018 10:00:14   

I purchased the Mech Stat Trainer (1000 Nova Gems) for my star ship because its description was "This allows you to retrain your stats without having to do a bazillion battles". All it does is just take you to the regular stat trainer at Gears university and I still can only train 20 points per session. It doesn't speed anything up at all. The only real difference is that it saves a couple of seconds of travelling. Is there really any good reason to having it? Might as well sell it back before the sellback price decreases to buy another mecha to play with.

I really want it to be buffed (updated) to help switch between builds much more quickly so I can have a greater variety of mechas to use where certain builds might work better for certain mechas. Or simply to experiment with other builds.

Yes, its not a very big problem, 15 battles to put up all 300 of my points is not terribly much but it stacks and gets annoying when it doesn't work out at all and you have to switch back. Note that this isnt a complaint with the regular stat training, this is with something I purchased using 1000 Nova Gems whose description lead me to believe it would provide a quicker method.

I think its essential to have more flexibility with enjoying the content we have available now since nothing new has been coming out which is why I bought it.

If no change then perhaps it shouldn't be sold at 1000 Nova Gems and perhaps it should have a more accurate description?

< Message edited by Dan2000eve -- 8/9/2018 10:07:55 >
AQ MQ AQW  Post #: 25
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