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Ability for players to HIDE their skill build/attribute build

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2/19/2013 22:14:37   

A key feature of many online pvp based games is the ability to hide your build/skills from other players unless you voluntarily show them or if they really want to see pay a fee and given epic duel is pvp based, it could be incremental to introduce this into the game.

Advantage of this function:

1. It encourges variety as no 2 player builds will be exactly the same e.g. 10 points into this skill and 5 into another.

2. Protect intellectual property - someone spending hours for a skill/attribute build should be protected from others that just copies builds. This will become more and more important as more skills/cores are introduced in the future.

3. Reduce the compliant of over powered, under powered classes/skills/cores/weapons/armors - if you dont know whats killing you so fast or you cant pinpoint what exact combination is making one player winning more than others (although you can probably guess when you are hit with the skill and work backwards, you may not be able to know the exact build as the number of skills/cores increases in the future and especially the amount to be put into each skill) and this makes hard for complianers to pinpoint exactly what is OPed and what is not. For example, currently many NPCs are OPed, players just say NPCs are OPed not which NPC skill build is OPed, same idea. If they complain Faybee is OPed, I dont think Epic duel staff would nerf a single player? LOL - No offense to Faybee shes an awesome fellow founder :P

4. Decrease the speed in which an OPed skill/class/weapon/what ever you call it spread like a virus among players. This is where the unknown factor, forgetful memory kicks in and requires players to actually make an educated guess about the opponent's build rather than click on the player and oh 10 levels in Masscare.

5. The biggest advantage is proabably more fun and less boring for a lot of the players when you see another player with the same build as you (they might even look like you for crying out loud lol)

Suggestion for Implementation:

1. First, a 1 off fee to hide your skills/builds where other players can not see your build. now this one off fee can be varium or credits or both (e.g only: 500 varium or 10000 credits or some combination). The reason for this is that all players should have a right to hide their skills/attribute/cores build.

2. Now as I suggested above, although all players have a right to hide their build, if they do really really want to see other people's build to copy then they would have to pay a varium fee, you want to see my build, sure you need to pay for it. This is the disincentive for other players to copy your build.

Overall, information asymmestry makes the world go around :) (even the NPCs know that lol)

Post #: 1
2/19/2013 22:44:50   
Dual Thrusters

When walking around? Supported. In battle not, supported.

It will be a little akward playing if you don't get an idea of what your opponents build is. Does he have massacre? Chuck an emp grenade and turns out he kills you with his high support. Caster? Nope, its a tank that you just wasted double strike on.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
2/19/2013 23:38:00   

Not really supported,

It would not likely help with "copy" builds as it's called.

Copy builds here aren't essentially the problem, it's poor balance to begin with.

I would accept a hide build feature out of battle, though I see no advantage.

People are not stupid, you dont need to see people's builds to copy them, you merely need to play any battle mode for an amount of time and determine what builds are strong by people using them and copy that...

In the feature I would support a separate blind battle mode of normal 1v1 and 2v2 and jugg.

With different degrees of blindness, eg. very severe , can't see the opponent build at all, or skill core blind, can't see skill core and normal when you can see everything.

Epic  Post #: 3
2/19/2013 23:48:01   

@ Remorse: copy builds not a problem? mate what game are you playing cause you certainly aren't talking about epic duels. btw, Your caps at the end doesn't really make any sense.
Post #: 4
2/20/2013 0:01:12   

@ sky

Most people would rather have copy builds going on in some cases and be able to see their opponent's build so they can counter it rather then be blind and guess at their opponent's battle plan. As for this idea as much as I would love it to become the game since any other game you have to learn as you go with your opponents it won't be the cause here.

The staff doesn't want people to fight blind, and they also want players who can't make decent builds on their own to be able to get them.
Epic  Post #: 5
2/20/2013 0:01:58   

Either choose blindness or absolute visibility, using some "fees" system of admission to change from being blind to not be blind is just... counter-productive and a schemey gimmick that would likely degrade EpicDuel's reputation. Selling... intelligence. So I need you to make a decision poster, vision or no vision of others' builds?
AQ Epic  Post #: 6
2/20/2013 0:45:47   

Seeing the other player's build is half the battle, if not more. You can't take that away just to stop people from copying builds. Beside, I don't find this a problem at all. I support the fact that players that don't know how to make decent builds can copy.
Epic  Post #: 7
2/20/2013 4:30:36   

@ Sky,

I never meant copy build's Aren't a problem, I implied they aren't the root of the problem.

Its poor balance leaving certain factors open for exploiting that is what is creating the "copy builds"

Making something that prevents coping WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE, because you need only to verse many players with a similar build multiple times, see their attack style and damage output with the attack to know what the general gist of the popular builds that are doing well are.

Plus most of the time you would assume that people aren't actually coping, Most of the time people simply see what builds are dominating by playing for a while, then make a similar version for them selves, They aren't literally clicking someones builds righting down all the details and coping it.

The reason most "copy builds" seem so similar is because balance is so obviously broken that their is a clear OP path to take with little space for variability, making it Unclear won't make much of a difference if at all because balance changes are the only thing that can end it permanently

Preventing copy builds is POINTLESS, when the root of the problem is poor balance, that and that alone is what needs fixing, Not preventing.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 2/20/2013 4:37:14 >
Epic  Post #: 8
2/20/2013 23:24:49   

Interesting idea but I think builds will just be centered around stealing mana from the enemy. This way unless they are str or support abusers it would be safer for you to counter whatever enemy comes around.

I understand the problem of copying builds though it is quite annoying.

Not Supported.

Epic  Post #: 9
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