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Kindness in EpicDuel

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2/21/2013 17:54:00   
King Helios


I was thinking: Where is there kindness in this game? Have you experienced any? Examples?

When a noob compliments your weapon, or says he wants one, do not say "Go find it, noob". Say, "Oh, I like this aux too! I got it at ___".

AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
2/21/2013 17:59:23   

Everytime some asks me that I tell them where to get it if it is available. I have no problem telling someone were I got my goods. Though this happens with my lower level alts more then my higher level main.
Epic  Post #: 2
2/21/2013 18:05:05   
King Helios

^ Also in Juggernaut, when a lower level you fight hasn't seen many upper levels (and their respective weapons), it can really impress/surprise/help them to show them how to get your awesome loot.
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
2/21/2013 18:11:53   
legion of souls


Only with mature people.. the kids are just...

AQW Epic  Post #: 4
2/21/2013 18:29:30   

If there was kindness in EpicDuel I wouldn't get any laughs. I especially love it when particular players from the forums are just whiners in battle.
Post #: 5
2/21/2013 18:33:48   

Kindness do exist in ED, I got complimented by some player having a pretty great build and for having an awesome Gun. It's nice to see Kindness is not 100% gone.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 6
2/21/2013 18:39:04   

I had a F2P player (based on items) being surprised that my Aux has stunned (he said it's really cool) and spreadfire Gun which was awesome but he wants it restocked. I told him to look at Devs' Twitter accounts and check DNs and got thanked for it + famed. It exists out there, but only some of it hence why I just stay quiet unless I recognise someone (and vice versa).
AQ Epic  Post #: 7
2/21/2013 19:15:56   

kindess? only kindness you get is ''gg''
Post #: 8
2/21/2013 19:33:07   

There are a fair amount of fights where friendly discussion takes place which is one of the reasons I like 2v2 since there's more time to talk.It all really depends on the type of people in the fight. I play to have fun,so I'm always for talking to people during fights.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
2/21/2013 19:37:57   

Yeah they're some friendly peeps in the game ones I can conversate with during battles. You can quickly learn who's nice and whose a lame meanie if you say a few things in pvp and they start insulting you for talking during the match instead of muting you. Also go into a room with a crazy build and watch the immature people call you noob or useless without even seeing how your build works.
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
2/21/2013 19:44:13   

I've been able to converse with a few people, had a good time with fights, usually with players that've been around longer. alot of the lower lvls especially in juggernaut are very harsh :P
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
2/21/2013 19:46:08   

It seems the handful of friendly people I knew in Delta don't really play anymore. I always am kind, and expect it in return. Unfortunately, most people do not share my view.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
2/21/2013 19:48:41   

I always try and be nice to people. If they ask me questions I answer as best I can, I fame anyone who asks, and I always say good game. I also tell them they have nice weapons if they have one of my favorites. The only time I am mean is if they are mean to me. I especially like it when I meat someone famous or from the forum. Just the other day I battled the leader of truly clutch. I said nice faction bro, how you get it to be so awesome? He actually gave me awesome advice. Also fought Amber Rayne yesterday as a strength user and we had a nice chat. I told her I hated being a strength bloodmage but was having trouble finding a good build and I tried support and 5 focus strength and tech, she suggested I give support another shot with a little higher e shield and reflex boost. Now I have a 5 focus support build that only really loses to the strength mass bounties. Thanks Amber by the way! :D


DF AQW Epic  Post #: 13
2/21/2013 19:51:21   

yes black trust is kindness player i ever met so yah.
AQ Epic  Post #: 14
2/21/2013 20:11:01   
King Helios

Man, I want to fight these people in Juggernaut, and not be called "noob" by a 25.
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
2/21/2013 20:16:42   

I've met kind people in ED and 2 v 2 is where I mostly get my luck with decent players, but in 1 v 1 matches... not so much because I get called a "kid" (I'm a college student for goodness sake), nub, or p2w nub. It's kinda interesting to see the different reactions and different types of people in ED, but kindness is a bit low for me in 1 v 1.

I'm a silent player also, but all I do is make cat faces or lol.

< Message edited by Mondez -- 2/21/2013 20:17:35 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
2/21/2013 20:24:41   
One Winged Angel1357

I don't see much kindness as BB decided a good build for me would include a strong overload which gets an ungodly amount of hate.

Beyond that some people do have a good time in this game like one guy I fought three times in which he was trying to figure out what my name came from and we made more of a deal out of that than who was winning the fights(2-1 him)
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 17
2/21/2013 20:28:20   

Hello ,Im New to the forums, Not new to the game

i rarely get kindness and im not much of a talker on game, but whenever im about to lose i get the "BB NOOB" or "die" wich is alittle rude imo, ive never said such things im more of the good game type or nice match etc, but i understand its most of the younger players that does it
Epic  Post #: 18
2/21/2013 21:00:15   

RavageX: Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay.

I've played since either Alpha or Beta, can't remember which, and I'll say that I've seen more nice people than mean ones. I always try to be nice as well, I'm playing for fun, and I don't really care if I lose. What I desire is a fun battle and maybe some chatting with the other player, which I get very often. I think there's a lot of nice people in ED, more then the nasty ones.

OWA: Ah, thank you sir! My account was created in Winter of 2010, so I THINK that's beta, not certain.

< Message edited by raylas -- 2/21/2013 21:20:22 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
2/21/2013 21:03:08   
One Winged Angel1357

raylas if you want to jog your memory the creation of your account is on the portal page. I have no idea if it really goes back to show the creation of someone like Cindy's account but it should give you a rough estimate
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 20
2/21/2013 21:47:56   

In every juggernaut battle I have, I ask the players how was their day even if they curse at me. It's the little things that count .

< Message edited by ChaosWeaver -- 2/21/2013 21:48:34 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 21
2/21/2013 21:48:05   
Made 4 Sunny Days

2v2 is almost always friendlier than 1v1 with the exception of a few people. I think that comes from the fact that 1v1 seems to be much more competitive and all about the winning. I find 2v2 more fun because you converse with others and make friends easier. In the way of kindness, I always try to help when people have questions (If I can answer their questions) and I rarely turn down someone who needs help with a boss or a build. I do this because I like helping people and like to think that if Im helpful to someone, they will in turn help others who need it too.

~Stay Sunny~
AQW Epic  Post #: 22
2/21/2013 22:43:40   
King Helios


2v2 >>>>> 1v1 >> Juggernaut
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 23
2/21/2013 22:52:49   

Just met this friendly guy in 1v1. I lost, but he was very nice about it. He even gave me advice for my skills.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
2/22/2013 0:32:24   

I do see some kindness, but not much though.
I can never be so kind because I'm TRizZzy and I'm evil.


MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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