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A Completely Crazy Idea

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3/1/2013 13:17:56   

I've got this crazy idea that probably nobody will think is noncrazy. Anyhow, aside from all that crazy.

Why not let the developers release a huge ton of cores without thinking of balance? Then, if anything's OP, like how STR mercs were, it'll naturally arise here in this forum. People will know what is OP, will attempt to petition the developers to nerf/change, and the cycle continues? This way, the developers can constantly keep a stream of cores in the market so that players truly have "build diversity", something that was promised in EpicDuel Omega (Which I have yet to see)

ANy thoughts?
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
3/1/2013 13:18:43   
Dreiko Shadrack

No, they already did this with the azreal gear and no one is a fan of that.

< Message edited by Dreiko Shadrack -- 3/1/2013 13:19:18 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
3/1/2013 13:19:00   

AQW Epic  Post #: 3
3/1/2013 13:19:31   
Hard boy

NO, i cant afford getting any cores.
Epic  Post #: 4
3/1/2013 13:20:10   

Epic  Post #: 5
3/1/2013 13:23:25   

Well, look at this this way. When they released Omega, they went through SO many hours of testing. And what happened? Oh right, Strength Mercs. So even with a substantial amount of testing, there was no balance fixed until a couple weeks after launch.

Which brings me to the core. IF they can't release anything without something becoming OP or UP after an update, why not just release it, let the players naturally go with the cores? Some players will find synergy with certain cores, others will find certain cores fill in certain gaps in their build. If there are problems, people will talk about it on the forums (So I hear Meteor Shot is OP, etc etc), and the developers can get testing from the players themselves. Because honestly? Who plays more, the developers? The testers? Or the players who actually play ED?
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
3/1/2013 13:28:13   

AQW Epic  Post #: 7
3/1/2013 13:28:34   

Heck no, I strongly disagree. Releasing 20 skill cores with random abilities and letting us decide which is OP and which isn't? We would have to wait like 2 - 3 weeks for them to nerf/buff and/or remove some of them. It would be devastating to balance.
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
3/1/2013 13:29:09   

No. No. No. No. No. No and NO!
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 9
3/1/2013 15:09:08   

If they also release a core-inventory, sure.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 10
3/1/2013 19:15:04   

Once one core is discovered OP and nerfed, another will pop up, that wasn't being used before the patch, as OP. This is what is happening with the Strength/Support Mercs. This cycle will take a while to get balanced. I would rather not have it thrown of course, so therefore no. Also, this should probably be in the suggestions forum if anything.
Post #: 11
3/1/2013 19:43:12   

Yes. Core inventory please.


Epic  Post #: 12
3/1/2013 20:19:03   


Once one core is discovered OP and nerfed, another will pop up, that wasn't being used before the patch, as OP. This is what is happening with the Strength/Support Mercs. This cycle will take a while to get balanced. I would rather not have it thrown of course, so therefore no. Also, this should probably be in the suggestions forum if anything.

The best "No" I have seen in this thread. The idea would not work in any way due to the competitive nature of Epicduel. If the staff were to release 20 cores -not yet balanced-, then the most overpowered core of all would be used; leaves the other 19 unchecked by the community. This would mean that every core would be handled 1 at a time, probably -at best- 1 every day.

This is, of course, taking into consideration that the staff make a perfect balance and that core is not made underpowered or, worse, remains overpowered. Ultimately, this idea would cause Epicduel to go into what I would call a "Month of Rage" as the players rage over the forums about how "Core A is OP" while Core B has less attention because Core A just breaks the balance and demands 90% of all the attention. So now, the staff is pressured every day to keep watch over the forums, twitter, or whatever other site and must be actively updating the game every 24 hours or so! In the end, all that happens is we have an enraged player base and some overworked staff. The problem is that this is at a best case scenario; I assume the staff does a great job at balancing the first time around.

Doing this would cause a large postponement of releases (Not that I, personally, have a problem with. Weekly releases ain't so great; except for balance changes) and would tire the staff unnecessarily when we could have done this over time. Yes, I know we must all be anxious for more cores, but this has more problems than the ones I listed (Like: The massive gold cost of testing; unless we all get this as test cores temporarily for free).

If I may make a different suggestion in this thread: How about the staff unleash 1 or 2 "test" cores for everyone every once in a while? These cores would be free and automatically in your inventory as they allow us to test each core slowly and the easy access to everyone means more pseudo-testers. When testing is done, they are remove and then sold.

In theory, I think this would be a great idea (mine) as it would give players a "taste" of that core's power and losing it when testing is done gives players incentive to buy it. This is very good at a business perspective as it can be used to balance which cores will be given as promos. Not that I like losing the possibility of cores for my character (As I don't support this game; completely free), but I don't like seeing a company losing money when it puts some effort in doing things (Yeah, I fear Epicduel might be losing money with their recent choices).
AQW Epic  Post #: 13
3/2/2013 1:57:30   

Completely crazy? Yeah, you have that right.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
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