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Problems with the storyline

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3/9/2013 17:33:07   
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Lord Loss...

I would like to discuss some problems I have with the storyline on EpicDuel.

My biggest problem is with the frysteland saga. In order to go forward, we must go back to a not so distant past. It was the first war event on Epicduel on a new territory known as Frysteland. It was fought between Legion and Exile (note that it was not fought between Alydriah and Exile). In this event players played for their alligments and the victory of any alligment was supposed to have a major impact on the storyline development. As we all know Legion won with overwhelming success and defeating thousands upon thousands of krampus people and capturing Yetis to make Yeti Hulks. However this turned out to be a curse. Soon as Legion won, one of their leaders defected and legion players had to defeat him, then some city guards decided to join exile, administrator 12 (A LEGION Npc was lost as well).

Now we fast forward to the new quest chain that has recently been unveiled. In this quest players of both alligments have to do certain missions and oddly enough it is to help the Krampuses.
Here are some of the biggest problems I would like to discuss.

Exhibit A: http://i48.tinypic.com/dmabm0.png
I, who fought for legion, killed so many Krampus warriors and probably made some of those kids orphans to begin with, all so that I could make yeti hulks, now have to kill yeti hulks to make the orphans warm? Genius.

Exhibit B: http://i50.tinypic.com/2ld7rix.png
Now immediately I have a problem with this. Edgar Boothe was one of the leaders of LEGIONS invasion of frysteland. He defected and we had to beat him up. Now here is an interesting part. We are not only helping Krampuses but we are also working with a man who betrayed us and who we had to defeat. All so that we can free people that we fought so hard to enslave.

Exhibit C: http://i45.tinypic.com/wbb14m.png
This was just a cherry on top.
First of all, Legion players killed her men, captured her and by the looks of her character, we beat her up. Now she is telling us that we are friends with krampus people and we are welcome on A LAND THAT WE CONQUERED. Also why did we spend all this time fighting for Legions success if we were just gonna free the Krampuses and defeat the woman we helped in the invasion to begin with?

In conclusion I am highly dissapointed in how it all turned out. What the Developers need to realise that when you start a war, you put the fate of the game into the players hands and therefore need to be prepared for any outcome. People wasted their time, their varium, their boosters, their bombs and put alot of effort into that war. I would not be bothered in the slightest if the storyline was just implied in the DNS but it was a war and an event that lasted for 2 months and then had many missions afterwards, all of which were supposed to alter the storyline in the winners favour. Legion Won the war, but no matter what angle I look at it, I don't see exactly what they gained. This story line is only beneficial to exile players and if so, then instead of making two alligments we should all be exiles and make Legion all npcs so that the storyline will be one sided. Claiming that the events can go either way and then doing all of this, is nothing but a big lie.

Feel free to give me your thoughts on this subject.
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
3/9/2013 17:46:40   
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They surely do whatever it takes to favor the exile scums!
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
3/9/2013 17:55:38   
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AQ Epic  Post #: 3
3/9/2013 18:06:17   
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Lord Loss...

@Depressed Void, Please read the last part where I explain whats my biggest problem. I understand that exiles are considered to be the good guys and so according the some unwritten law they have to win. But if so then they should just make all players into exile and legion can be just evil npcs, that way they can do what they want with the story. Pitting us against eachother and then not giving the victor what he deserves is plain unfair. It's like if we were in a boxing match, you won and I was still given the trophy. If you make wars, go with the outcome, if you dont, then just write the story in dns and players will blindly follow it.
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
3/9/2013 18:15:20   
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ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

Why did you have to get rid of Alydriah? Because she wants you gone. Wait, you're Legion? Yeah, she doesn't care, she still wants you gone. The only reason there still is a Legion is because Alydriah finds it easier to have you take care of Exile rather than having to do it herself. Just because you're Legion, doesn't mean you're loyal to Alydriah. She is not in charge of Legion and I doubt she would take the position and actually keep Legion around as leader. In Frysteland, Boothe is in charge for Legion. If you don't want to follow his orders and help out his family and people, then you don't have to. Just because you're a bloodthirsty, cruel Legion member, doesn't mean everyone is.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
3/9/2013 18:16:32   
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Interesting reaction to me linking you to another site about tropes. I read your post and my personal response in words is that EpicDuel as a story will always be in favour of the Exiles even when the Legions win a battle, they lose the war. Even when all Exiles are executed so that their population terminates, a single, or more than 1 of the Legionaries will defect to Exile themselves. The classic plot scenario with the good overcoming evil in AE games is always relevant. So even if Legion wins you know what follows.
AQ Epic  Post #: 6
3/9/2013 18:23:47   
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Boothe is in charge for Legion

Booth Defected to Exile so you were saying?
Alydriah is cruel, just like how an Evil person should be...

Watch a movie and tell me 1 Evil Mastermind that doesn't kill his/her own men on occasion to proof a point

Random example, The Dark Knight and Heath Ledger

< Message edited by Calogero -- 3/9/2013 18:29:53 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
3/9/2013 18:30:05   
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ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

@cal And that was stated where? Just because someone goes against Alydriah doesn't mean they're no longer Legion. Legion supports Baelius, not her. And why should they when she obviously hates Legion? It doesn't make sense that if you go against someone who wants you out of the picture that you go against your own alignment.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
3/9/2013 18:32:05   
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If you don't want to follow his orders and help out his family and people, then you don't have to.

Oh so your saying its my choice?
Where is the option to kill everyone? I'd pick that anyday.

So, what are my options? To help the krampus or... help the krampus? Whats the point with having a good and a evil alignment if it all just end up being good when it comes to the point of being evil?

< Message edited by Oba -- 3/9/2013 18:36:26 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 9
3/9/2013 18:38:57   
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ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

@oba It's not Evil vs Good here. It never has been and never will. The Lawman is nowhere near the typical good guy yet he's on Exile. He put his daughter into a dangerous situation just to capture a criminal. He also held an innocent hostage in order to get his way. Silas is Legion yet he stepped down at The Lawman's threat to kill his daughter if he tried to take the Delta Mines from him.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
3/9/2013 18:41:37   
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Lord Loss...


You are not quite making sense here. First of all, it was as I pointed out LEGION invasion of frysteland not alydriahs. We took frysteland as forcese of legion. If Alydriah is really the enemy and edgar boothe the leader of legion in frysteland, then why did we have to defeat edgar boothe, after the war because of the mission alydriah gave us. In fact long after that we had to accept missions from alydriah and her minions. Edgar betrayed legion, he went to krampuses which are allies of EXILE and thereofre against Legion.

< Message edited by Lord Loss... -- 3/9/2013 18:48:33 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
3/9/2013 18:42:52   
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I don't get why Legion has to be annotated evil. The real reason there's are wars between Exile and Legion are because of political views.

Exile wants freedom.
Legion wants dictatorship.
And ED is communist... xD

Anways... xD
Aside from all that, EpicDuel seriously needs to learn from AQW how to make better storylines. Seriously.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 12
3/9/2013 18:46:55   
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EpicDuel seriously needs to learn from AQW how to make better storylines.

If you say so...
AQ Epic  Post #: 13
3/9/2013 18:47:35   
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ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

1. Would you go against Alydriah when she could easily have you killed within seconds? And you didn't kill Boothe, you punished him. You did her dirty work.
2. If you talk to Boothe, you find out he was never trying to harm the Krampus and only wanted to help them by bringing them under Legion control so they could be a modern civilization.
3. Edgar himself is a Krampus. Aldahgrimm is his grandma and Alaric is his King. Just because he's not coldblooded and wants to go against his own people, doesn't mean he can't be Legion.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
3/9/2013 18:48:30   
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EpicDuel seriously needs to learn from AQW how to make better storylines. Seriously.

I lol'd. If you're looking for quality storyline, look at AQ not AQW. <.<
AQ Epic  Post #: 15
3/9/2013 18:48:50   
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@oba It's not Evil vs Good here. It never has been and never will.

Oh its not good and evil?

Legion achievement clearly states "A True Champion of evil!" http://epicduelwiki.com/w/Legion_(Achievement)
And same story for Exile achievement, "A True Champion of good!" http://epicduelwiki.com/w/Exile_(Achievement)
That pretty much closes the case.

And by the way, Alydriah is aligned with Legion. http://epicduelwiki.com/w/Legion_(alignment)#tab=NPC_Alignments <- Press NPC Alignments

< Message edited by Oba -- 3/9/2013 18:51:04 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 16
3/9/2013 18:50:40   
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EpicDuel seriously needs to learn from AQW how to make better storylines. Seriously.

< Message edited by DeathGuard -- 3/9/2013 19:36:33 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 17
3/9/2013 18:51:28   
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ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!


At this point it is clear that Alydriah has abandoned the modicum established by Baelius. She has begun a crusade the likes of which humanity will never forget once the hammer falls upon the warring Factions of Delta V. She is unbridled vengeance manifest. Her word is law and her resolve is unwavering. She will crush the Exiles and disband the Legion, for whom her distaste is not hidden. The world she seeks to create is one of order by fear, and it would appear she has an eye to include Caden in her plans. Who would resist her? Who can stand against the roiling storm?

That page needs changed since the official Bio from BigTuna has Alydriah listed as against both Legion and Exile.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
3/9/2013 18:52:26   
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Legion wants dictatorship.

You call Dictatorship Not Evil??
I know a lot of people that would proof otherwise
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
3/9/2013 18:54:00   
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@Calogero: Perfect e.g. the recent dead dictator: Hugo Chavez.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 20
3/9/2013 18:54:40   
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Lord Loss...


I am sorry, are we playing a pretend game or talking about ED. Would I go against alydriah when she could easily have me killed? Idk I would not try to turn yetis into monsters since I am an animal lover in the first place. Nor would I be walking around with an zooka that is bigger than the bed I sleep on.
AQW Epic  Post #: 21
3/9/2013 18:58:49   
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A dictator of social responsibility but also a selfless or socially helpful goal would probably not be evil. It really matters with the intentions (well, actions made) rather than the "state of power". Likewise, a democracy voted by terrorists will have the intentions of terror. So it comes to the core intentions as the conclusion.
AQ Epic  Post #: 22
3/9/2013 19:04:03   
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Lord Loss...

We are not here to discuss politics, we are not voting for baelius, we are here to talk about 1 thing. It does not matter who alydriah is trying to kill. She did not conquer frysteland, I did along with my fellow legion players. They took our npcs, they took our guards, they took one of our leaders and now they are taking the land that we won from exiles and Krampuses fair and square in a war. LEGION won the war, legion players with the legion banner in the name of baelies for the sake of LEGION AND ALL THAT IS LEGION. Legion had no benefit from it according to the storyline. If there were really 2 seperate outcomes to the story I fear what would have become of me and other legion players if exile won.
AQW Epic  Post #: 23
3/9/2013 19:08:21   
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That page needs changed since the official Bio from BigTuna has Alydriah listed as against both Legion and Exile.

That page of yours, is from 2010. The Frysteland war was at the winter of 2011-2012 (if I remember it correctly), and the page of all NPCs and their alignment was changed this month, this year. So it might just be the case that the BT page needs to be updated, as Alydriah might have allied herself with Legion when it won the Frysteland war. Im not quite sure, as I cant remember exactly what happened during and after the war.

< Message edited by Oba -- 3/9/2013 19:09:14 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 24
3/9/2013 19:09:23   
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Guys, im gonna be honest but AQW at least makes good cutscenes and stuff where you know there's a point in fighting. I know it's mostly a dress up game and I havent played it for a year but from my experiences, I felt like there was a point...ok?

The only reason why I stayed with ED was because pvping actually takes skill here and there's a better challenge. If you all think I'm so ridiculous, please say so.

AQ seems like a pretty good game...I just dont have the time to play it...but if it is...ok.
But from my experiences from Dragonfable, I think it's better than AQW too. I only used AQW as an example because it was an MMO

< Message edited by Midnightsoul -- 3/9/2013 19:15:17 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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