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4th battle record

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4/2/2013 2:13:25   

title is a bit confusing but what i mean is we have 1v1, 2v2 and juggernaut. well since, especially lately, there has been a lot more juggernaut battles why not have a 2v1 section.

First reason for this: with 2v2 it should keep track of your 2vs 2 battles not juggernaut battles as well, so if you are actually good at 2v2 it shows.
Second reason: since juggernaut has its own section for those of us that play juggernaut rather we win or lose it shows up in one section. which would be correct.
Third reason: with a section for 2v1 then if you face a juggernaut an win then you would have a separate section to show for it instead of it going under 2v2. on the flip side if you lose against a juggernaut it doesnt make your 2v2 record look bad, but rather it would be under your 2v1 so if you have a build that works well even against juggernauts then it would also show. thus making you a juggernaut slayer. or a chance for a new leaderboard, kinda, and new achievement.

so what does anyone else think? i know most hate facing juggernauts so this way wont effect your win/loss ratio for 2v2
Epic  Post #: 1
4/2/2013 3:29:38   

I understand what you mean, but it seems a little complicated and confusing.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
4/3/2013 1:08:15   

i can see where it could be, but i know a lot of people complain about facing juggernauts and thought maybe this could help with that, as far as battle record
Epic  Post #: 3
4/3/2013 5:11:08   

Actually, if Juggs are doing as well as I hear they have been, this "4th battle record" would be overly disappointing and maybe even ruin the overall battle record of the player.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
4/3/2013 16:44:48   

how so?

i can see your reason as being that players that play a lot of 2v2 would then have a very high 2v1 lose ratio but on the flip side it wouldnt affect their 2v2, which is their reason to play 2v2 thus increase their 2v2 win lose record.
Epic  Post #: 5
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