Exploding Penguin
we all know that azrael guns are OP for more than obvious reasons. Mind enlightening me on these reasons? Even if I didn't have azrael's will, I would still say the core isn't OP, and I would simply state that a large portion of these problems appearing with this core are based on the health system and Omega's new battle engine in general. Making everything based off of luck isn't a great idea. It lets those who don't really deserve a win because they don't bother to think tactically win, simply because they were lucky. This is a huge problem with shadow arts and I have absolutely no reason why the devs never changed the passive, although they did change blocks so people can't get a lucky block with </= 3 HP and win. I have made a plethora of builds which have beaten glass cannons and other commonly used builds at the same time such as focus BH. TM glass cannons with azrael's will aren't that hard to beat. They can get lucky and crit a couple times in a fight and snag a win, but if you plan right and use a good build, they're pathetically easy to beat. The glass cannon build's success comes from the level advantage and people who simply don't bother trying to counter it, as well as the fact that it's amazingly easy to use.