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You know, some feedback would be wonderful.

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5/21/2013 15:58:44   

I'll keep it simple. This is a rant post.

I'm a tad bit displeased when things go south when it comes to communication between devs and players.

Dev: Here's this update, give us some feedback.
Players: It's nice/terrible. Also, here's some things about...


Player 1: I have a suggestion! Here, take a look and give me feedback.
Player 2: --
Player 3: --
Player 4: --

Several pages later...

Player 5: This suggestion is useless guys, the developers already said that x isn't allowed because y.


Player 1: I have a suggestion! Here, take a look and give me feedback.
Player 2: --
Player 3: --
Player 4: --

After numerous changes to the OP to accommodate with balance in mind. The thread dies after a week. Regardless of the posters' efforts, whatever feedback they expected from devs didn't come because they simply weren't there.


My hopes are rather low that they'd actually respond. They may say they don't have enough time. Wonderful, really.


Got whatever I have in me out.
Epic  Post #: 1
5/21/2013 16:12:53   

I managed to spearhead a turnaround in behavior that started being like this in another forum. I can't link the actual forum because it's another game, but i can provide screenshots of the post content.

Here is the thread i made - Note the fairly hefty number of pages, all of it in agreeance.
Every ED dev should read the last 3 paragraphs of that post and take it to heart. They are making their job harder, damaging the game, fragmenting, damaging and devaluing the community, and indirectly discouraging the giving of quality feedback.
There is a reason that so much of the feedback on these forums is either irrational, poorly thought out, or emotional, and it's because if you spend the time to give real feedback, it gets ignored.

The lead developer's response - This is how a developer SHOULD respond to things like this.
Now i'm not trying to be insulting to ED with this next statement, but i actually showed some of them these forums as an example of what was going to happen if they let themself slip. The Aftermath - Essentially daily updates with only weekends off. Posts that are on the same day show up like that due to timezones, and in NZ were likely on separate days.

The thread got 10 dev responses and the devs have been posting more frequently in the feedback forums. As a result, the feedback forums have gone from an extremely cynical place to a place where legitimate feedback is actually produced. Feedback that is good enough to be implemented, and on very many occasions, has been.

I really shouldn't be having to use the ED forums for purposes like showing other developers what happens when you let a community die.

This is another thing they should keep in mind. (The interview is from yesterday or today) We all know that Azrael's Will was an attempt at a more modest P2W compared to the varium craziness.

EDIT: Another good example is how slow these forums are going. I am on my computer quite literally all day every day except weekends and holidays, and i always have the ED forums open during tha ttime. It only takes 2 people that are fairly knowledgeable about the game to keep a forum active, but there isn't even another person to respond to the majority of the things in here. I frequently have the last post in every section i frequent for hours on end.

< Message edited by Xendran -- 5/21/2013 17:02:01 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 2
5/21/2013 18:29:03   


EDIT: Another good example is how slow these forums are going. I am on my computer quite literally all day every day except weekends and holidays, and i always have the ED forums open during tha ttime. It only takes 2 people that are fairly knowledgeable about the game to keep a forum active, but there isn't even another person to respond to the majority of the things in here. I frequently have the last post in every section i frequent for hours on end.

yeah i used to be on alot more in the forums, but honestly i just got tired of it. (especially now that i dont play ED as much as i used to)

mainly for the issues u bring up above.

the only developer (well a part-time dev really) that thanked me (in PMs) for contributions in feedback, suggestions, and balance was charfade back in mid january of 2012.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 5/21/2013 18:38:02 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
5/22/2013 0:55:15   

Same as goldslayer1.
Its simple not worth it. Feedback on ED is a fairy tale, thats why i stopped playing, and only lurk in sometimes to see if progress has been done.
I have to see yet when was the last time that a dev have stepped in these forums.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
5/22/2013 1:14:40   
Dual Thrusters


Charfade and Rabble do post on the forums weekly.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
5/22/2013 3:27:09   

Well if they do they are not active as they should be.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
5/22/2013 4:38:56   

@Spinutto, I've seen worse, and yet those forums manage extremely well. I think it lies more in how much in this game there is to discuss, not how active the developers are in a thread.
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
5/22/2013 5:17:39   


Charfade and Rabble do post on the forums weekly.

Weekly is not enough.
Denying or ignoring all negative comments is not an appropriate way to get feedback.
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
5/22/2013 6:57:17   

The problem is, Nightwraith and a few other devs do consistently check the forums but titan does not personally. The Mods sometimes give feedback to the devs on an important issue or good suggestion, The fact is Devs usually ignore most of the general player input. The best way to keep interest would be for the devs to somehow find a way to make each player feel "special" and "needed" Khalix's posts are very accurate and wrestle current problems we are having
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
5/22/2013 9:25:02   

Makes me wonder if it's really hard to spend 15 minutes looking around in the forums.

This place is like an inventor's convention without any official judges or sponsors willing to help develop their inventions.

If the situation is real, I doubt there will be a dev response to this thread. If the situation is willingly averted by a dev right now, it would be fantastic.

Regardless, we'll be waiting.
Epic  Post #: 10
5/22/2013 10:03:52   


Makes me wonder if it's really hard to spend 15 minutes looking around in the forums.


This happens quite often (at least weekly) and I am quite thankful for that.
AQ Epic  Post #: 11
5/22/2013 10:17:36   

Some ideas in the suggestions forum are longer than a week old yet have not received feedback.

If they do give some feedback, I'd hope they'd at least make it more frequent.
Epic  Post #: 12
5/22/2013 11:15:43   

Titan, NW, Rabble and I always lurk and read your threads. We just dont always have the time to comment and take part in discussion, but we do discuss the issues you bring up among ourselves in our daily meetings.

We typically hang around the bugs, balance and Q&A forums the most though. The general discussion area is really for you guys, to elaborate and discuss with out our intervention. We only pop in when there is a critical question that needs to be answered such as a clarification or a critical bug issue.

MQ Epic  Post #: 13
5/22/2013 12:08:29   


We typically hang around the bugs, balance and Q&A forums the most though. The general discussion area is really for you guys, to elaborate and discuss with out our intervention. We only pop in when there is a critical question that needs to be answered such as a clarification or a critical bug issue.

Notice how she does not mention a single thing about the Suggestion forum.
Epic  Post #: 14
5/22/2013 12:15:37   

Point stands.

We need a tad bit more interaction.
Epic  Post #: 15
5/22/2013 12:16:27   

I posted not to long ago why 90% of the suggestions from the suggestion forum can't be used, or implemented into the game. I'll re-iterate it.

Top reasons why suggestions dont get implemented in to the game
►The suggestion is game breaking, meaning it could open up the game to exploits, hacking and general cheating by other players.
►The suggestion is illegal for us to make.
►The suggestion can not be implemented due to a limitation of flash. Not the limitation or knowledge of the ED staff.
►The suggestion is bias, only favoring a particular group or just themselves. We have to consider the entire EpicDuel community when implementing new features.
►The suggestion would take more time to implement then that we have to create it. If we really like these suggestions we usually slowly develop them in the background and go un-announced until we are sure it can be implemented. Sometimes we spend time on a new feature and have to toss it out because of a limitation of flash or breaks the game in some way, etc. It slows down progress unfortunately.
►The suggestion isn't a priority. There are some suggestions we like, but others we like better. So the better ones get suggested and pushed up to the top while it could go months or even years for the lower priority ones to be implemented.


Point stands.

We need a tad bit more interaction.

Honestly, we are more active on our Twitter accounts then the forum. You are always welcome to interact with us by other means ^^

< Message edited by Charfade -- 5/22/2013 12:21:48 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 16
5/22/2013 12:42:35   


Honestly, we are more active on our Twitter accounts then the forum.

twitter is very limiting in how much u can write (140 characters was it?)

there are many great suggestions and feedback threads which have paragraphs upon paragraphs which cant be crammed into a simple 140 character sentences.
AQW Epic  Post #: 17
5/22/2013 12:46:28   

160 characters and Twitlonger exists which allows you to write a tweet that has no character limit and works in the same way. So you can write it on Twitlonger, tag one of the Devs at the beginning of it and it'll be tweeted directly to Devs. http://twitlonger.com/

< Message edited by Trans -- 5/22/2013 13:52:48 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 18
5/22/2013 12:50:55   

Official Epicduel Forum.


The former is -the- designated forum for anything related to Epicduel. The latter is a quick-chat that has a limited amount of characters and can generally be used for everything else- No focus on a peculiar subject, like say "Epicduel Suggestions"- It's simply too broad and limits what we can say.
Epic  Post #: 19
5/22/2013 13:01:15   

i just went to that link and i cant twitlonger without allowing the app authorization into my account and post on my behalf.
what kind of BS is that? these social media outlets are getting ridiculous.

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 5/22/2013 13:02:00 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 20
5/22/2013 13:04:57   
The Incredible Hulk



Yup, I truely agree
Epic  Post #: 21
5/22/2013 13:08:42   

... All it needs is to access your Twitter account so you can tweet from the application (hence tweeting on your behalf, since tweet is from the app and then sent to Twitter). Either that & have one nice tweet or spam devs with around 10-20 tweets. :| Alternatively, write it in notepad, screeny and send it to Devs in one tweet without the need of any app. :|

You can de-authorize after sending the tweet, simple as. But okay. It was a mere suggestion as of to what you can do. Screenshot is another option.
AQ Epic  Post #: 22
5/22/2013 13:10:35   
The Incredible Hulk


What if you do not know how to use the twitter app?
Epic  Post #: 23
5/22/2013 13:13:39   

Then stick to Forum.. If you don't have that, try Facebook. No one asks you to post stuff on Twitter nor FB nor Forum, but you won't have your say unless you put some effort into it (post feedback). Also, when you register to Twitter, there is a quick tutorial which shows you how to use Twitter. Likewise with Facebook.

If you choose not to use any of them then it's not Devs' problem that something was changed and you didn't want it to. There wasn't any feedback from you, yet you could've used the available options.
AQ Epic  Post #: 24
5/22/2013 13:16:06   
The Incredible Hulk


What if it gave you a virus?
Epic  Post #: 25
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