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Lets End Allignment after this war

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7/31/2013 1:55:23   

After this war lets end legion and exile scenario and go with let say Internal conflicts like since the common foe of the exile has been gone , exile now is rebuilding the world and because the term freedom can be good or evil we new scenarios like Old Exile Vs New Exile for the older generation of Exile(Elders,Oz any veteran Exile) idea of freedom and applying new laws conflict with younger generation of their idea of a freedom thus starting a war between each other former Legion can chose to support new or old and exile chose who to support and we can bonuses like have old exile have their bonus gold in winning battles and the new like bonus is get you more influence
Post #: 1
7/31/2013 2:00:07   

Like the idea. But not supported. Most likely the devs wont end the war after this one heck (IMO) this isn't even a war yet. Most likely Legion will still be around or Exile will still be around depending who wins it.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
7/31/2013 5:10:57   

I was exile from the start and i dont like the idea of fighting with our fellow exiles
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 3
7/31/2013 7:29:52   

This isn't even a war.For what are you fighting? Some achievements and some propaganda towers?


War turns into murder when you start killing your own friends.
Epic  Post #: 4
8/1/2013 1:19:46   

Its more of a Civil war im sure if u read history even fellow country men started fighting amonst them selves for some prefer this over that or their ideals conflict with one another if you think about it the Exile were created because of the said tyranny of the Legion if the Legions are gone after this the thing that binds them all will dissapear some may have ambition causing another conflict thats what im trying to say and besides no one really gets *Killed* here so no harm and also this war already makes exile fighting among each other so u cant say its bad

< Message edited by Elloisoul -- 8/1/2013 1:21:06 >
Post #: 5
8/1/2013 1:34:39   

This Friday the devs are re adding the Legion vs Exile battle system so exiles and legion will be battling each other only. This isn't even a war yet. Its always gonna be Legion vs Exile because the Legion are the main Evil and wont leave and same with Exile. It IS to save Delta V. Like I said I like the idea but Exile vs Exile? No that is not right because Even IF its a new generation of Exile they will still be fighting for Freedom like Old Exile would. Even if they have a order system because Exile wants Free order. Yes laws and stuff but not Legion laws. Legion and Exile want the same thing. To save Delta V but legion thinks in a different way like Exile. Exile use to live and or be in Legion till they were Exiled by Bealious (Or how ever you spell it) and they came back to save Delta V. Legion wants Order and Control. Exile wants Freedom and To save delta V not destroy it.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
8/1/2013 1:44:36   
Dual Thrusters

You really have to wonder why is Legion thinking that they are fighting for good when baelius, their master, is the cause of this whole mess!
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
8/3/2013 10:43:58   
Steel Slayer

@OP, I'd like to suggest the exact opposite of what you said: Instead of LESS factions, make MORE. Like whoever wins this war(probably exiles, honestly), their faction SPLITS into 2 new factions, like Old and New exiles, or Legion who follow Alydriah and those who don't like her, something like that. A 3 way battle in the next war could make things VERY interesting, don't you think?
Epic  Post #: 8
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