I would really prefer if you can remove that abomination "Focus" altogether. Do you think you can do that? By the way, hello again Remorseless. Hey depressed :) I can somewhat agree with not liking focus all together but I figure the game is in too deep with this one, persides the changes I made to focus make it only minute, it will mean balanced builds get a slightly stronger heal which is a good thing because it means spamming build have increased downsides to take into consideration. And the Standard damage increase will also be minute, I added focus to it so we can actually visualize the whole concept better, it makes no seance to just do damage without saying what improves it or how it works in terms of damage. quote:
While I do agree that stats need an overhaul, The first thing they need to do before that is fix the scaling. Offense is worth less than defense, and with the last update this is now even worse I think the idea of offense being worthless is coming from having to verse heavy tanks, with decent damage and I completely agree. When for instance you put heaps of points into strength only to be out striked by a tech and dex spamming tank, it makes it seem real off putting to invest into strength in the first place. However this is a really sensitive topic because their is a thin line between Str being useless against tanks but extremely powerful against anything else. The right way to fix this IMO is to not increase offense per say but decrease tanks damage out put in a variety of ways one of which is included in my stat overhaul and that is to make robot improve with tech AND strength. (other ways include significantly lowering primary and axillary damage for builds with very low strength and support but leave it the same for builds with either average or high strength and support this means tanks directly cannot use their defenses alone to make their damage strong because their non dex or tech attacks will be so weak that they cant out damage an offensive build with those sources of damage alone.) The reason being if you buff Offense to be effective against tanks then they will crush anything else that isn't a tank with ease resulting in variety contriction similar to mighty strength build of delta. If you merely lower tanks damage sources then yes battles will be slow but they would not be consistently out damaging offensive builds and therefore will make for fairer battles. quote:
They've been trying since Beta to get it right, they're bound to get it right eventually. Well actually they have been trying since omega I will say anything between beta and omega is balance delusion and disgrace in my opinion. They are only now starting to understand the balance standards they had in beta (pre weapon enhancements), and working towards that, well that's how I feel anyway.
< Message edited by Remorse -- 11/19/2013 21:22:31 >