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New and Controversial idea for skills

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All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [EpicDuel] >> EpicDuel Suggestions >> New and Controversial idea for skills
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12/2/2013 12:32:31   

Epic duel is supposed to be about tactics and so the way the staff have made it is that we can see all our opponent's skills and stats. We can judge when to use certain skills and this makes the game tactical? Right?

But this thing is that this ability to see everything isn't as tactical as it is made out to be because it would require just as much thought in the game if you could not see any of your attackers weaknesses. We know this from NPC fights. When I first battle an NPC I use energy then I try physical then I use the one that deals the most. Ok, I don't know what the skills are but it still has an element of thinking.

My idea is to go halfway along the NPC path by making all skills visible but it does not show the amount of points on a certain skill

for example:
if a player has a few skill points on heal, defence matrix and max on plasma then all skills that they have used will be displayed as a lit up icon in the skill tree. The opponent will only see the icons and they will only show the description and not the damage/buff/heal/debuff effect. They will not even be able to see the amount of skill points invested into these skills.

At first this seems like a pointless thing but if this is implemented it will mean a few things:

1. people will have to guess opponents build meaning knowledge of game is useful

2. build copying will be reduced (why should someone who has spent 10+ retrains perfecting their build have it stolen)

3. It will encourage new builds e.g bluff builds

4. It will force average players to guesstimate and use basic instinct.

5. The more skillful a player, the better their ability to calculate the skills meaning they will counter more efficiently making epic duel wins still dependent on skill.

6. It will reduce the amount of stat abusers because, if a person does abuse a stat, their build will be quite obvious making it easy to counter

remember that the player isn't completely in the dark as they will still be able to see stats that will give them a hint as to the build: e.g a high support build on a merc might indicate that their artillery is maxed.
Post #: 1
12/2/2013 16:05:22   
ED Divine Darkness

This would destroy tricking builds, which is a good tactic because it makes your opponent in fear of a strong attack which you arent even gonna use(my massacre build i used a couple of weeks back).
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
12/2/2013 16:38:41   

well if you put just a single skill point on masscre then your opponent may not know its not very upgraded and still fear you... Infact tricking builds are kinda what i ment when i said bluff builds. I know they already exist but not many people use them
Post #: 3
12/3/2013 2:25:09   


well if you put just a single skill point on masscre then your opponent may not know its not very upgraded and still fear you... Infact tricking builds are kinda what i ment when i said bluff builds. I know they already exist but not many people use them

you said many people don't use them, that still means some people do
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
12/3/2013 3:21:46   

Not supported. The game just had a big gameplay update.
Post #: 5
12/3/2013 12:08:20   

This would be something best left to new battle modes rather then a change in all game modes.

For instance normal 1v1 and blind 1v1.

Plus I have already suggested the same thing since people insist having blind battles to my disgust and hence instead making some people angry with the change everyone can win if it is merely a separate battle mode.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 12/3/2013 12:09:06 >
Epic  Post #: 6
12/6/2013 23:15:58   

Hmmmm...I wonder if having the option to fight "blind" could give you an advantage somehow? Better rewards? Achievements? Interesting concept. I shall ponder this further...
Post #: 7
12/6/2013 23:27:57   

It would be a great feature IMO as long as we arn't forced to fight blind in all battles.

P.S Your responses in the suggestions means so much to a lot of us.

We know that suggestions are actually read, however when they are actually responded to it seems less like they are being ignored.
So thanks for that.
Epic  Post #: 8
12/7/2013 0:02:25   

Night, ponder on balance first...no offense.
Post #: 9
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