looks more like a suggestion, but I'll bite it would be nice to make switching sides a credit thing too, but the problem is it causes more problems than its worth. Take this for example, back when Delta came out, people were going insane. There was gonna be new classes and class changes would be for credits too. However when delta came out, mercs who switched to TLM had high strength builds destroying other builds. Not to mention the months of hype about when delta would come out (devs didn't have enough time, too much work for a small team I guess.Anyways, with energy regen and frenzy, other builds quickly either joined or the player left all together. After all the energy about delta died down, it just lowered the amount of players that played and promoted build stealing, which pretty much meant no creativity. In this situation, players who have switched sides would probably leave because they wasted varium when you could've used credits. This means even less players = even less creativity.