Legendary AdventureGuide!
One Winged Angel1357 has pegged a lot of it. We're looking more for feedback and not for complaints. A complaint is little more than an alert that something needs to be changed. To hear it 20-200 times does not increase productivity, in terms of changing whatever the complainers want to see changed, nor does it make said changes happen any faster. Offering new ideas to take the place of ones you mean to destroy, however, is another story. We welcome ideas as long as they really are constructive and they are presented in a neutral or positive manner that doesn't happen to be forced into your face (keep in mind that is an 'and', not an 'or') To answer your question, then yes, we are deleting threads that don't meet one of the above criteria. That is, it is either not constructive, not positive/neutral. For example, I recently deleted a thread that was something of a personal hate list, which sought only gather up what was considered a "fail" in ED and amass it into one giant list. Such is not ideal because a) Staff should be aware of some, most, or maybe even all of those items, and so gathering a list like that and shoving it into their face is not something they need and b) Although they provide criticism that is considered constructive, the manner he, the threadstarter, speaks in is rude. He seemed to want to hurt more than he wanted to help and so he created the list to achieve that goal. One final thing to say is that there are also what we consider "duplicate threads" in that if there is an existing thread (like a Design Notes, for example) and someone creates a thread that has content relating to that existing thread, then that new thread will be deleted because there is no need for it We don't delete topics arbitrarily, even if it seems like it at first. I hope you understand at least that point. That said, if you have anymore questions, feel free to pm me or another ArchKnight or Moderator. I will lock this thread though since the "inquiry" has been answered and there is no need for further ones to take place. ZanpakuTo EDGD ArchKnight
< Message edited by ZanpakuTô -- 12/23/2013 15:59:38 >