tech mages are known for their energy control quote:
assimilation in particular is the strongest skill of all quote:
3. remove the damage and increase the str effect to maybe 1 every 4 points Wait a minute. Wouldn't #3 be the opposite of what you're trying to achieve? o.O Currently, it scales 1 EP per +9 Strength so #3 would speed it up, greatly. With low damage coming from it - from builds that don't invest in Strength, i.e. Casters - this would only serve as a buff for them, since they hit 3 damage anyway, so no damage wouldn't be much difference. Assimilation has always served the purpose of Energy drain and return in one, so it should remain as such - therefore, I believe #1 is out of the question. #3 seems too drastic, but in a good way, and completely opposite of what you want to achieve, no? Therefore, it leaves #2, which is a nerf-buff. Of course, likes of Casters won't really benefit from it, other builds will do. With higher Energy drain and lower return, the skill isn't overpowered nor underpowered (it used to be blockable in the past), so a nerf-buff wouldn't hurt and be the best trade-off. They have Assimilation every 3 turns already, and drain is guaranteed, so there should be no harm or whatsoever. With Strength scaling, it increases their drain (and return) as well as damage - thanks to 15% increase. On the other hand, if this proves to be a bit too much, there could be another mini buff which is lowering the scaling from /9 Str to /8 Str. It is very trivial, but in the long run, it's a benefit for some builds. I'd say #2 is the best choice.