Why not an evolving cheevo for few milestones - Lvl 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40? (example) Obviously the low-end ones would be worth very little, but it's something to work forward to. I see nothing against it, since AQW does it, in the Book of Lore. In fact, ED could use more of these kind of cheevos, just so levelling up is rewarding in more than stat and skill points. Examples include: [1] buying your first Varium package (any), [2] hitting a Credit milestone (i.e. 100K -> 250K -> 500K -> 1M *evolving*), etc. They don't have to be worth a lot of Rating Points, but an appropriate amount. Say, buying your first Varium package could be worth 100 RP, whilst getting to L40 could give you 750 RP. Nothing too big, but it does add up over time. ^^ It's very petty, but some people like being rewarded for their gameplay. Getting a cheevo for the effort being put in is always nice. For some people, it's also a goal to work towards to. :D