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All Time NPC Kills Leaderboard

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4/26/2014 10:40:39   
mega worrier

I was thinking of possibly adding an "All Time NPC Leaderboard" I don't want there to be a daily NPC leader board like 1v1,2v2,and juggernaut has but instead an all time. This is to give credit to the people with the all time top npcs on Epic Duel! I personally think I own the first place title but I would like to see who I'm competing against!

~Kimahri http://gyazo.com/aa188d9c6192faa73a423a10d0882a8e
AQ DF  Post #: 1
4/27/2014 20:33:06   
The berserker killer


I mean I guess this can be implemented in the game. I don't see a reason to have this but I don't see a reason not to honestly. Some people like NPCing so....


< Message edited by The berserker killer -- 4/27/2014 20:34:30 >
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 2
5/2/2014 17:55:19   

It's always fun when new Leaderboards are implanted, gives the game more competition. And since you're not suggesting more rewards to
be in place, just plain competition, sounds reasonable.

Post #: 3
5/8/2014 17:59:00   
The berserker killer


Exactly. They can even just unlock NPC styled armors or hairstyles or bikes, etc
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 4
5/11/2014 12:15:10   
Majestic Feline

I think that one of the reasons why NPCs were taken out of 1vs1 wins, have a limited number of fights per day and no longer count for ranks/daily competitions/war drops is to encourage players to participate in more PvP battles. Adding an All Time NPC Kills Leaderboard would likely encourage some players to fight more NPCs, and while I think it'll be neat to see how many NPC wins other people have, I'm unsure whether or not this is something the developers want to do.

< Message edited by WhiteTiger -- 5/11/2014 12:16:18 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
5/11/2014 12:20:08   
The berserker killer


True, seems like a pretty meaningless feature to implement in to the game however you can really only do 100 npcs a day that actually count so people will be returning to PVP after npc'ing
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 6
5/12/2014 14:01:22   

The leaderboard this would create isn't even worth the coding time that would create it; one has to think of this when they suggest features.
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
5/13/2014 7:35:06   


Why do u wanna promote npcing in a pvp game ?

Pointless feature !
Post #: 8
5/13/2014 13:42:43   

Back when NPCing was considered a 1v1 battle, you could pull of 360 effortless wins a day (provided you were up for 24 hours like some 1v1 champs). That's as close to promoting NPCing the game has ever been, and that was still ridiculous; a build simply meant to destroy NPCs could play a strong supporting role in a faction 1v1, and even win matchmaking 1v1 battles against lower leveled players. You may notice 1v1 champs don't get anywhere near the 800 they used to, and that's because of the removal of this focus. Bringing back this focus for some kind of reward would be a step back, so after a more developed rant with reasoning, I still don't support this feature.
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
5/16/2014 23:13:07   

@Dillbagel: This suggestion never implied a reward concept, I'm not sure where you're reading that. All this idea is, is to see how much
NPC wins people have, I.E, "All Time NPC Leaderboard."
Post #: 10
5/18/2014 2:52:26   

But that IS the reward. You have your face plastered on some all-time leaderboard because you can spam NPCs.
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
5/18/2014 3:27:19   

That's not a reward, it's a privilege. People take time and effort to rack up those kills, it takes dedication to sit around all day, and grind.
So, since they've achieved all that progress in NPC kills, they've earned the privilege to become displayed on a Leaderboard.
Post #: 12
5/23/2014 5:02:30   

I think it should be rewarded like showing off on a lb, but of course more people would started to npc cause of that and surpace 100 npc wins a day, i know it is possibol to get more than 100 wins but when u hit the 100 wins u don't get credits anymore but it still counts as a win
Post #: 13
5/23/2014 8:46:45   


I think that one of the reasons why NPCs were taken out of 1vs1 wins, have a limited number of fights per day and no longer count for ranks/daily competitions/war drops is to encourage players to participate in more PvP battles. Adding an All Time NPC Kills Leaderboard would likely encourage some players to fight more NPCs, and while I think it'll be neat to see how many NPC wins other people have, I'm unsure whether or not this is something the developers want to do.

Agreed. While it is very helpful to have the option to battle NPCs (i.e. i personally went from lvl 38 to 40 with almost only NPC-ing), i think it is counter-productive to have leader boards for "no name npcs" hunting.
Don't get me wrong, i would greatly appreciate more PvE elements in Epic Duel.
But they should be themed towards:
- repeatable missions (for xp and credits)
- farming missions (just how cool would an "reputation for classes" system like that of AQW be ? not to mention more classes in general)
- jobs (again for xp and/or credits, but this the players activate it for the time when they are offline)

No leader boards.
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
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