There are two types of skill progressions, when it comes to damage/defense they give. For example, some skills have a fixed progression (±value) across all 10 levels - Reflex Boost increases by +3 Dex per skill level, all the way up to Level 10. Then there are skills which have a variable progression - Smoke increases by -3 Dex (until Level 4), then -2 Dex (until Level 7), and finally -1 Dex (until Level 10). If we take Smoke (variable progression) and put it onto fixed progression, it'd likely increase +2 Dex per level - since there's 18 Dex difference between Level 1 and 10, and 18 / 9 = 2 There are a lot of skills which use the variable progression, since that one was used from Alpha even, or so I think. I do believe on or two skills have been changed in Omega, to work on fixed progression, but don't quote me on it. Although, many skills which give % damage increase, i.e. Bludgeon, Berzerker or Double Strike, use the fixed progression. What are advantages of fixed progression? No high increase early on, and then depreciating after you hit the specific level thus not worth putting skill points into. This means some skills are easy to abuse with low amount of skill points invested in it. Disadvantages? Some players could feel "forced" to max it out just for the skill to be fully efficient, which isn't necessarily true. What are advantages of variable progression? Less skill points wasted to use a skill, which makes it easier for lower levels but some classes get advantages over the other due to such increase (i.e. BHs vs TMs; Smoke scales fast, whilst TMs don't really have that or not as effective). Disadvantages? Skills "cap" at a specific level, and you gain almost nothing from it + spend more EP, thus screwing the EP:effect ratio. Also, players still end up being "forced" to train the skill until the cap, because faster progression means they get the most out of it. Which one would work better, for all skills? Would it be the fixed progression (allowing you to invest however many points you want and not get punished for doing so), or variable progression (faster increase earlier on - which is prone to abuse - and capping in usefulness around Lvl 7-8)?