The berserker killer
I have recently been searching through forums and one thing I saw reoccuring alot was a new type of battle, 3v3. Now with just a straight 3v3 match where 3 players are pitted against eachother there are some things that can go wrong. 1) The Last Player to have a turn will be targeted and will day 2) Matches will take too long 3)Balance is difficult Well I have been thinking about 3v3 and i have came up with a solution that I would like to be discussed here. 3v3 Tag Team Matches. LEGEND: Active Player: The Player who is fighting in the match at that moment Inactive Player: The Spectator (The Players who are not in the match at that moment) Description: Step 1, purchasing the card) Starting from the very beginning, like "acquiring access to this feature" beginning, a 3v3 Card will be set up for a price just like the Jugg Card bought at Slayer. The only difference though is that as you purchase this Card you have to put 2 other existing ED character names on it who are on your Buddy list. For Example: I am Ghost God, so when I purchase this card I have to at sometime put 2 other names on it and I might put Comicalbiker and Syfy. However, there are two requirements for the other two names to ba valid. they must have purchased a card too, and they must be on your buddylist. Step 2, authorizing the card) Next, after purchasing a Card and putting 2 other valid names on it, you will have to establish an Ally Link with the two other characters and then you will be able to click on the "3v3 Tag Team" button. This will work similar to an ally-required Boss Battle, where you cannot advance unless your allies has pressed the 3v3 button also. Step 3, entering the match) Upon entering the match, in order to minimize the "Lets plan our attack" idea that many players will get in their heads, one random player from each side will begin the match on screen. The other two players on each side will have a smaller HP bar listed under the Active Player ( The one fighting at the moment), Inactive players, the ones who are not fighting at the moment, will be spectators until they are brought into battle ( I will discuss that later). All players, both Active and the Spectators, will have the same abilities as in normal matches when it comes to looking at eachothers builds by simply clicking on eachothers levels. Step 4, the fighting) Decision on "who goes first" will be the same, based on support. When the match begins the Active Players fight as normal. Just a few rules and different features. FOR ALL EXAMPLES I WILL BE USING THIS ORDER: Comical Biker -> Syfy -> Ghost God ----- Feature: The "Tag" option (Switching out of the match to become an inactive player) has no warm up, and a 3 turn cooldown. For example: If Syfy Tags Comical Biker, Comical Biker can not Tag me or Syfy until 3 turns have passed. ----- Feature: Skill Cores such as Massive Strike (The 5% Knockback effect), Piston punch, and Chairmans Fury will have a 100% chance to automatically rotate the next character in on the opposing team into the match and resetting the "tag" Cooldown. Critical Strikes will have a 15% chance. For example: If Comical is the first active player with Syfys HP bar under him, and Ghsot God under hers, then Syfy will become the next Active Player if Comical is either Poston Punched, has been Knocked Back by the Massive Strike core, or is hit with Chairmans Fury. Critical Strikes have a 15% chance (19% chance with Mastery Cores). ----- Feature: Field Medic can only be used by the Active Player on himself or an Inactive player. ----- Feature: All Buffs follow the same rule as Field Medic. For Example: If I were the Active Player I can use Technician on either Comical Biker or Syfy. ----- Feature: A Multi attack casted by any team will affect the entire Opposing team. For example: If I use Dages Haunted Boomstick, Botanical Borg, Plasma Rain etc, then the entire opposing team (Active and Inactive Players) will be damaged according to the appropriate damage rules that are in effect today (85% damage). ----- Feature: Only the Active player may switch out of the match, therefore causing the next player to switch in to lose his turn and be vulnerable to damage. For example: If Syfy is at critical health and switches with Comical out of the match then Comical loses his turn. -----Feature: Inactive Players may not have the option to tag themselves into battle. -----Feature: The Poison Effect on an Active Player stays with the Active Player until either Field Medic is casted upon that player, or the Poison has worn out. For Example: If Comical Biker is poisoned and decides to switch out with Syfy then Syfy must heal him in order for the poison effect to fade. -----Feature: If all members on the same team have rage, then they may all rage in the same turn. The Last Player to Rage will be the Active Player and the Tag option will be in cooldown for 3 more turns. For example: Comical Biker is the Active Player and has "Rage" so he uses Cheap Shot. At that Moment, if all three players have "Rage" then after Comical Bikers Cheap Shot, the next player (Syfy) automatically Tags in and selects a skill to "Rage". After Syfys "Rage" the last player, Ghost god, can use her rage. However, despite any condition that Ghost God is in, she will be unable to tag out of battle until the 3 turn cooldown is up. ----- Feature: The rage continues upon each opposing character, even after death. For example: There are two teams whose order goes like this: Comical Biker, Syfy, and Ghost God VS. Titan, Nightwraith, and Charfade. Eventually if Comicals team were all able to save their rage attacks then they may all rage in the same turn. However, if Comical Biker rages Titan and Titan dies, then Nightwraith gets tagged into battle since he was next in line and Nightwraith suffers from the next rage. If Nightwraith dies also from Syfy's rage then Charfade, being the last opposing character, will be hit with Ghosts Gods rage. ----- Feature: During a "Team Rage", a Critical attack still has the 15% chance to make the Active opponent automatically Tag out of match. Regardless of the attackers plans. For example: If Comicals plan was to kill Titan with a Team Rage yet he Crits Titan on his rage, then Titan has a 15% chance of being Knocked out of that round and automatically tagging the next character on his team, Charfade, in. ----- Feature: You may not target an inactive player with a direct attack. All attacks an an inactive player must be done through strategy and/or skill. Step 5, after the match): After winning/losing a mtchthen your score will be recorded on your Tag Card until your Team Changes or is disbanded. Changing a team will erase your Team record on the card, but not your "Tag" record on your profile. I am sorry if i left anything out, I read it over and thought about many different possibilities but there is always room for error. Tell me what you think. --Ghost God--