Legendary AdventureGuide!
Locking this right away. In short, any 'Please give free *Varium, weapons, items, credits, boosters or anything of the sort* to appreciate *Alpha, Founders, Beta, Gamma and so on* players' or anything along that line will not be acknowledged. Any gifts to players or selected players will be made at the developers/game staffs discretion and generosity, if any such event should occur then it will be detailed and explained in the design notes. In a bit more detail: Not only does it come across selfish, which you may not intend it to, but that's how it is interpreted; but it also is not plausible if these requests were acknowledged. This game is part of a business, with overheads, they have to pay for the office, servers, websites and so many other things, it is also the way the coders and artists make a living. If free stuff was given away whenever requested then... Well, you do not need to know much about business to know that is not going to be a successful business plan. Now the answer to that will likely be 'well, you do not need to acknowledge all requests, just this one or just occasionally', but it is not fair in any way, shape or form to distinguish between multiple requests that are extremely similar, and will just lead to issues and questions. Due to this the answer is simply: any gifts to players or selected players will be made at the developers/game staffs discretion and generosity, if any such event should occur then it will be detailed and explained in the design notes.