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balance faults

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4/16/2014 15:43:11   

17/18 support often starts first
long waits for fights 30/40 seconds
often fight same player 5/7 times on the trot
Epic  Post #: 1
4/16/2014 15:58:30   

I can't explain the first one on your list but I can explain 2 and 3.

If you are level 40 you have increased wait times due to the following

1 not enough players to go around
2 that matchmaking change that was made which made the level range for level 40's 38-40 in 1 vs 1 and 36-40 in 2 vs 2.

If you are a different level other than 40 omit number 2.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 4/16/2014 15:59:01 >
Epic  Post #: 2
4/16/2014 16:31:15   

for one of two to have a guaranteed first turn chance a support difference of 34 supp and being on same level.
34 supp is very low in consideration as at 50 support the one with 17 support can never get the first turn.

otherwise it's just the RNG acting up.

< Message edited by DarkDevil -- 4/16/2014 16:36:52 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 3
4/16/2014 17:56:34   

Funny. I have 45 support and the 17-18 support users almost always go first.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 4
4/16/2014 19:34:29   
  Exploding Penguin

@GearzHeadz: Either you're extremely unlucky which is very improbable or you're just having that "bad luck" feeling where you always feel as if luck never favors you in one case or another.

Level advantages give +2.5% chance of going first per level advantage/disadvantage, and each point of support increases your chance of going first while decreasing your opponent's by a couple percent too. I think. The numbers are around that general area though so if you have a 20 support advantage you can expect to be going first roughly around 3/4 of the time.
Epic  Post #: 5
4/16/2014 19:43:27   

Oh no it's not that, I get crits a lot because of my higher than average support, I'm just saying it doesn't do much for first turn.

(While we're on support, did anyone else notice when they removed the rage gain and stun chance from support?)

< Message edited by GearzHeadz -- 4/16/2014 19:54:44 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
4/16/2014 20:59:20   
s0u1ja b0y

Support needs a big buff. Then buff every single skill. Until all 6 stats are equal and all 9 skills are equal then people will keep quitting and lvl ranges can't be fixed. Once the issue of build diversity is fixed balance will naturally fix and numbers will go back up. Then lvl ranges can be made smaller. A balanced game isn't fun if you can only use one build( which is why people quit). Focus on build diversity will erase at least 80% of problems.
Epic  Post #: 7
4/16/2014 21:28:15   

@ S0u1ja b0y

until they can find a way to make wait times not suffer in the process the level gap can't be made any smaller. If you noticed wait times are increasing due to lack of players, and the OP here as well as other are also complaining about wait times.

You smaller you make the range the more you will isolate the players. Less players to choose from = longer wait times = more people quitting due to long wait times.

Even if they were to fix the other part of balance like you said there is no grantee more players will stay to increase numbers. But there is a grantee that even with a balanced game cutting the level range without proper measures taken to take care of wait times you will get players rage quitting due to longer wait times.
Epic  Post #: 8
4/16/2014 21:39:09   
s0u1ja b0y

Build diversity is more important than balance. All classes could have same skills and stats. That would be balanced,but who would play it.
Epic  Post #: 9
4/16/2014 21:49:00   

@ S0u1ja b0y

I find that one funny because if you look at all the topics here you can see the players are trying to do just that in their attempts to bring balance suggestions. In other words make all the classes the same with nothing unique about them.

Epic  Post #: 10
4/16/2014 22:19:27   
s0u1ja b0y

It would happen and then everyone would complain the game is too balanced,
Epic  Post #: 11
4/23/2014 12:11:54   
Archlord Raistlin

I agree with comical on this one...

After 45,000 2v2 battles, I think its safe to say I have some experience
in the 2v2 area. Balance is being achieved through wins and losses. Day
after day, when I win a few in a row, the game kicks in to "make sure" I
lose the next few through partner selection, critical hits, blocked attacks
or team imbalance.

Today's example is: in my first 9 battles I did not have a partner above
level 38, was 2 or 3 levels below the other team, our team went first in
only 1 battle and my first 5 rages were blocked. Seriously??? Then
after hitting one for normal rage damage, I was still rage blocked over
half the time. This does not normally happen and it is not simply bad luck.

Is it really probable that my high strength, medium defense, low support CH
would get blocked against similar defenses in a ratio like 3:1 versus me
blocking an attack? This ratio holds true probably over the past year, not
just in one day of bad luck, etc...

Every day there are some battle issues going on that sway the outcomes and
don't make much sense ...and if anyone else is like me, that just adds to
the overall frustration.
Post #: 12
5/3/2014 13:58:27   
Archlord Raistlin

With all of the bad matchups, first strike manipulation and turn after turn of bad luck,
it feels like this game has become a parody of itself.

I have to wonder if Titan regrets not catering more to his supporting, long-term players
rather than to all the new F2P players. Irony is funny, as this game first got greedy with
TLM and now cannot seem to keep anyone around for very long.

It is disappointing to say the least...
Post #: 13
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