l never wanted omega . l knew when the staff did make the change which they have all have the right to make , change, color, or what ever to the game is their right. since omega hit the playing ground a lot of things have happen some players said it went down hill., not all but a lot of things changed, damage, blocks, damage, engy, stealing, health, damage, builds, bots , damage, the numb of active players, the war one sided, damage, the critz, the updates, damage. l would like to see a live chat, or post live chat where question could be asked, without the joking around without really dumb questions being asked, ask the tough questions to titan or night, or the rest of the staff and devs, why, how come,when will things be fixed , and real questions, with real answers. not saying well we did not really think about that or pass the question around the block, just a straight up answer, that is all the players want to know. always the syfy
< Message edited by ambien -- 6/7/2014 0:27:29 >