Tactical Mercenary: Ballistic Bomb EP Cost: 330 + 30*(SkillLevel-1) Required Stat: 20 + 2*(SkillLevel-1) Support Weapon Required: None Improves with: Dexterity Warm Up: 3 turns Cool Down: 3 turns Effect: Energy Attack - Has 25% Chance of a Critical Attack, 40% Rage Steal. Base Damage: Level 1: 300 Damage Level 2: 330 Damage Level 3: 360 Damage Level n: 300 + 30*(n-1) Damage etc. Stat: +10 damage at 20 Dexterity, +12 Damage per 5 Dexterity after Reason: As Dexterity builds are very hard to craft with Tactical Mercenaries, this move gives them some incentive to invest in using Dexterity-powered builds, promoting build diversity. Since Tactical Mercenaries have an inherent tanking feature, this move allows them to dissipate rage if necessary. Tactical mercenaries don't have many damage-dealing mechanisms, so this move will also grant a chance of inflicting a critical hit. Cyber Hunter: Triple-Powered Gunshot EP Cost: 330 + 30*(Level-1) Required Stat: 20 + 2*(Level-1) Technology Weapon Required: Sidearm Improves with: Strength Warm Up: 3 turns Cooldown: 3 turns Effect: 130% Total Gun Damage, Has higher chance of stun, ignoring support advantage. Level 1: 25% Stun Chance Level 2: 30% Stun Chance Level 3: 35% Stun Chance Level 4: 39% Stun Chance Level 5: 43% Stun Chance Level 6: 47% Stun Chance Level 7: 51% Stun Chance Level 8: 54% Stun Chance Level 9: 57% Stun Chance Level 10: 60% Stun Chance Reason: Although this attack leads to giving an extra opportunity to stun, Cyber Hunters need more than pure damage, since that can be satisfied through Cheap Shot and through Malfunction indirectly. The damage granted here is somewhat dull, but the benefit is that the stun chance cannot be reduced by Support. Blood Mage Blood Discharge Cost: 270 + (25*(SkillLevel - 1)) EP Required Stat: 20 + 2*(SkillLevel - 1) Support Weapon Required: None Improves with: Technology Warm Up: 3 turns Cool Down: 3 turns Effect: Physical Attack, Ignores 25% Defense, No lifesteal at all while casting this attack. Level 1: 300 Damage Level 2: 330 Damage Level 3: 360 Damage Level 4: 390 Damage etc. Level n: 300 + (30*(Level-1))) Damage. Improves with Technology: +10 Damage at 25 Technology, +10 Damage per 5 Tech after. Reason: Blood Mages have Mark of Blood to compensate for their health and their inherent ability to regenerate energy is limited, so their ultimate forgoes its lifesteal ability for a slightly reduced energy cost. In addition, it is a fair exchange, since they cannot receive lifesteal for this attack.
< Message edited by kittycat -- 7/10/2014 3:36:57 >