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Weapon Set Bonuses

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9/27/2014 22:22:47   

Players with complete weapon sets can earn small upgrades in battle. Here's an example.

The Christmas items (Frost Weapon Set) have auxiliaries, sidearms, primaries, and even armor. This could count as a complete set which consists of 4 items (robots not included). If enough of the set is equipped in battle, you may receive the following:

2 Piece Set: +50 HP
3 Piece Set: +2 Strength
4 Piece Set: +50 Energy

If you have all four of the frost items equipped in battle, then you'd receive all of the bonuses. If you have only 3, then you receive the 3rd and 2nd.

You could also have a merged set, such as the Valentine's day weapons (Guns, Auxes, and Primaries) and merge it with the frost weapon set. For the Valentine's Day (Azrael) set, let's say the upgrades for the Azrael set are:

2 Piece Set: +2 Dexterity
3 Piece Set: +2 Technology

So a player with the weapon combination of the Azrael gun and aux with the Frostbane primary and Beast Rider armor would receive the 2 piece set upgrade from the Frost Item Set, and the 2 piece set upgrade from the Azrael set.

This could solve the issue with all items technically being the same, because now you get small upgrades from putting certain gears together, but they're upgrades nonetheless.

< Message edited by VanitySixx -- 9/27/2014 22:29:04 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
9/27/2014 23:15:04   
  Exploding Penguin

Supported. Pretty much just incentive for people to be collectors and actually want a new item when it comes out.

The only equipment I see people use are freebies given via promos/quests, promo items with unique cores or other outstanding attributes, or arcade items. I literally don't see anyone actually buy plain equipment anymore.
Epic  Post #: 2
9/28/2014 10:35:28   

As long as it gives items with once-useful Cores like the Infernal / Mecha ones , sure , it's a great idea.
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
9/28/2014 12:27:30   
InFlamed Fury

This idea sounds wonderful and i wish that i came up with it TBH.

Either way this would make the game a bit more exiting (not to mention i have pretty much all of the Azrael set :D) and i would love to see something fresh put in.

Supported, completely.
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
9/30/2014 3:53:16   

Supported.. Awesome idea! just makes the people which have rares like me i'm alpha i have alot of sets.. i just can't use them cuz as usual.... the damn dread has better core and yea... i like this idea it will make me use the sets i like and look like oldschool! AWESOME!!! i hope mother1 doesn't come and destroy this now. gl!
Post #: 5
9/30/2014 20:49:14   

I support it with having alot of stats like stat modifiers(without Enchancements)
Post #: 6
9/30/2014 20:55:42   

Supported, I love set bonuses.
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
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