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Artillery Strike Nerf

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5/12/2015 5:53:05   

I've played against alot of Support build mercenaries and theres one thing that is disturbing me and it's the cooldown of the artillery strike it is only 2 rounds!!!
It does way too much damage and is useable again after 2 rounds which is very quick and gets the mercenaries with support build pretty much a never ending combo. Aux, Artillery, Heal, Energy Artillery Aux.
I would like to suggest to lower the damage of it, increase the warm-up to 2 or the cooldown to 3.

Moved to ED Balance. ~Battle Elf

< Message edited by Battle Elf -- 5/16/2015 9:45:26 >


Epic  Post #: 1
5/12/2015 8:29:58   

mercs would suck with this nerf
Epic  Post #: 2
5/12/2015 8:30:45   
The berserker killer


What about mages plasma rain or dex bhs multishot? When you tank a stat major damage is going to happen regardless. Pushing this back a turn will also mean pushing all multis back a turn hence greatly devaluing multi skills in 2v2. Sorry, not supported. Especially since it is easily counterable with a shield.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 3
5/12/2015 8:38:58   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

I thought the cooldown was 3 or 4..? Has that changed? Bear in mind I'm remembering Gamma.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
5/12/2015 9:20:28   

you should know that this support build will lack a lot of tech, which makes us deflect their aux attack more often, plus the "infinite combo" like you said is not easy to put in motion, as the merc will require a huge pool of MP to keep healing/nuking and HP to stay alive, plus they are likely to have their MP drained by their foe and atom smasher is extremely risky for them cause once again, low dex
Edit: in case you include tactical merc, they will regain their energy and heal loop better, yes, but the weakness they carry will still allow us to deflect and steal their energy easier
Edit 2: by "us" I mean the other mercs :P

< Message edited by toannghe1997 -- 5/12/2015 9:26:04 >
Post #: 5
5/12/2015 9:45:33   

No Digi it's always been 2 turn CD, just back in the likes of gamma no one had the mana to use it again.
Post #: 6
5/12/2015 10:40:38   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Oh, well that is news to me. Old age I tell you!

Maybe raising the cooldown up to 3 would solve the issue partially, or maybe 4? Due to the damage it can inflict. I am not great at balance at all but I try and chip in.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
5/12/2015 10:40:44   

The problem is with criticals and fast rage. Crit plus multi plus rage does insane damage even on my best tank.

I say make the criticals ignore a max of 25%. or don't make rage stack with crit ignore.

< Message edited by Darkwing -- 5/12/2015 10:41:26 >
Post #: 8
5/12/2015 11:09:48   

Artillery Strike is not deflectable and by going support build it crits 9/10 times. It doesnt really help so much to deflect their aux when they will most likely crit their artillery and use it twice by stealing energy with ''Static Smash'' or by using ''Battery Charge'' if you are Tactical Mercenary.
I really think it should get nerfed a little bit because it is too good makes the PVP's booring against them.
By either Raising the cooldown or lowering the damage there would be more balance :)


Epic  Post #: 9
5/12/2015 11:14:34   


Max critical chance is 20 % so logically it don't critical 9/10 times it critical twice each 10 times that's logical calculations.

Am countering support builders easily, i don't find hard time beating them. You must be playing the wrong strategy against them or something.

You know a shield is a good counter for support builders and also energy drain is also a good counter.


Bane Hallow The Last Shadow Fiend.
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
5/12/2015 13:03:39   
Lord Machaar

^ Just to lay down something very quick, you are using a certain class with a certain that encounter a certain build.
Not all classes can encounter that rage multi with a crit, I used that build and I know that every support player is like a ticking bomb, once you do a mistake, game over, in fact you need to forsee what's coming, and thanks to azrael's will and a critical would finish the game from as early as round 2.
If you can encounter them, good for you, but some players, especially when the battle is 2 40s versus level 40 an 36, usually level 36 player will make an easy target, add to that the huge difference of advantage.

On topic, I use and used support build as a TLM, it was easily encountered with strenght builds, I mean they can blood mark, and go ham on you stealing lots and lots of HP.
With strenght builds nerf, and ofcourse due to the low Hp of tank builds, they can't encounter suppprt builds, I think support should be looked into, especially in 2vs2. I would say adding one more turn to cooldown is a good move, because frankly if 2 support build players are put in the same team, in 2 turns, they can do a damage equal to 1000 hp, if they both used multi at rage and a crit would push it to 1200 hp dealt for each opponent in 2 turns leaving 1 turn between them so you can choose who to save.

< Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 5/12/2015 13:07:55 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 11
5/12/2015 13:25:01   

I'd be wholly against increasing cooldown on Multi skills. Why? Because the only classes which are close to looping it efficiently, are TMs and TLMs. No other class can, so this wouldn't affect them as much - but could also end up nerfing them slightly. I don't think Merc's Multi is an issue either.

What we have is Str nerfed, Guns moved to Dex (and weaker than on Str), and Support being the same as it is. An indirect buff to Support builds. The issue is that Aux deals too high of a damage, and coupled with minimal chance removal, they are better than they were before. The solutions I'd go with are:
  • Slow down Support progression - either at all levels, or the 85+ tier. Most likely the latter, since it affects abusers for the most part.
  • Lower Aux damage directly, by around -20 or even -30 damage. This would affect everyone, however. (depends on the above)
  • Defense ignore on Rage (max) and Criticals to be lowered to 50% and 25% respectively - from 55% and 30%. Minor nerf, but Support builds don't call for a major nerf either. Small changes like these do stack together, and have bigger impact in the long run.
  • AQ Epic  Post #: 12
    5/12/2015 14:42:00   
    Lord Machaar

    ^ just to note, I believe that support builds are balanced in 1vs1 batlles, as they can be easily encountered.
    The problem is in 2vs2.
    Nerfing support builds again will indirectly buff 5 focus builds, creating a chain reaction. But at some point we might find the balance point, hard but possible.
    I would say the build should be tested first in 1vs1, then in 2vs2, if it is doing better than other builds in both battle modes, I say that it should be nerfed.

    I think the impact of ranks is now reduced, leaving us dealing with true balance issues and reducing number of things that should be looked into. Nerfing support builds will mean they will be equally nerfed at all levels, because as you mentioned ranloth, before the underdog mode, reducing aux damage will have fewer impact if you have 10 legendary points increasing your aux damage by 40.

    < Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 5/12/2015 14:48:22 >
    MQ Epic  Post #: 13
    5/12/2015 14:57:36   

    This would leave us with making the scaling slower above 85 Support, which mostly affects abusers - not even Focus 5 goes that high on Support. And small nerf to Rage defense ignore also mostly targets abusers, because you need a LOT of Support to get that high in the first place. Critical affects everyone, however.

    It makes the most sense to target Diminishing Returns (85+) and Rage defense ignore (near-cap), so we don't end up nerfing everyone but target the issue directly. This should avoid causing a chain reaction, since Support may be too strong as it is so other builds are weaker - this would hopefully put them on par; no chain reaction.
    AQ Epic  Post #: 14
    5/12/2015 16:36:15   

    Increasing the cooldown to 3 will help a bit but my suggestion is critical strikes of all skillshots should scale with the support inversely i.e., support greater than 80 should lessen the chance by x% of skillshots.
    Epic  Post #: 15
    5/12/2015 17:45:44   

    Not supported.

    Support builds glass cannons that have so many holes in them it isn't even funny. They don't need any kind of nerf seeing as they rely on going first and luck factors which aren't granteed.
    Epic  Post #: 16
    5/12/2015 19:11:26   


    i thought max critical chance is 20 % not 30 % correct me if am wrong ?

    and yeah i support to lower support progression above 85 .


    Bane Hallow The Last Shadow Fiend.
    AQW Epic  Post #: 17
    5/12/2015 20:33:02   

    Defense ignore on Crits is 30%. The max rate of Crits to occur is 20%. I've only mentioned the defense ignore of Crits and Rage.
    AQ Epic  Post #: 18
    5/13/2015 7:18:42   

    oh sorry my bad, must be cause i red it at 4 am ;p
    AQW Epic  Post #: 19
    5/13/2015 15:55:23   

    lol, it was recently buffed from 85 to 90% of dmg, no way the devs will nerf it. i also don't believe it needs a nerf.
    Post #: 20
    5/13/2015 15:56:17   
    King Bling

    No support builds dont certainly need a nerf, I myself am trying different support builds and I can clearly see so many ways people counter my moves and defeat me, nerfing them will make builds too limited, f5 and str(less compared to f5) , all I see atm is dex and f5 , nothing else.

    Why do people think nerfing something will solve the problem, play as a support build and then put your point, just because people lose to support builds is either because they have base health or 750 at lvl 40, increase your health ,put some points into shield, you people dont wanna shield urself and just blame support to be too OP, really its no where to OP, every support build has less than 250 defns resis which lets you hit over 300+ every turn, pretty much easy to kill.

    Instead of trying to prove its OP find OP ways to end them, to counter them, not a nerf.

    If the cooldown is increased, merc will get a heavy nerf (already such less number of mercs due to static smash) , and tlms poison increased to 3 turns cooldown, and no other "nuke" moves .

    Support builds have just support, no tech dex , they can get blocked defl due to the new % change. Think about it nerf is not the only way around everything, theres only nerfs and nothing else.
    Post #: 21
    5/14/2015 23:39:29   
    .Lord Ginger.

    You know... why don't we just nerf everything. Make everu-yone level 1 with exact same everything. That's literally the main part of ED, nerfing decent builds. Decent build...NERF(HAHAHAHA!!!-Balance Troll Team) "Oh darn I lost...*INSERT BUILD HERE* is OP, NEEDS A NERF!!!
    AQW Epic  Post #: 22
    5/15/2015 7:08:51   

    Or why don't we just forget about balance. We would not want to ruin the easy to use, fast, high wins build for 'pro players'
    Post #: 23
    5/15/2015 8:49:07   
    .Lord Ginger.

    @Romanu, what's that build? STR? Pfffft. All this game is nerfing fast builds, which 'pros' that care about win % DON'T USE
    AQW Epic  Post #: 24
    5/15/2015 8:51:09   
    The berserker killer


    Might as well just nerf everything or just make everyone the same level, that seems to be where we're heading. Man, im not releasing anymore builds until you guys stop nerfing them. That's so not fair
    AQ DF Epic  Post #: 25
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