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War cooldown - Everyone went exile

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6/16/2015 11:45:23   
Lord Machaar

ED players are all about prizes, create a new alignement right now, and say that anyone that will join will receive the green ugly sword, half will quit their faction before you complete the sentence, the other half will be already asking when.
I'm a legion player and I don't want my alignement to be represented with such type of players. I mean for god sake, changing your alignement for a coreless armor?
Players aren't the one here to blame, limit the players who can participate in the war and we shall see the difference.

Next war will be 1 legion player versus 10 exile players. This is totally fair in the eyes of exiles, though limiting players who can pariticipate in the war isn't fair.

< Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 6/16/2015 11:47:11 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 1
6/16/2015 11:57:29   

I also find it kind of dull to be one side or the other..
If we're going to continue with these recycled wars- we need to add more faction involvement- not just exile vs. legion.

Post #: 2
6/16/2015 12:09:08   

the last war was unfair, exile got more war rally's then legion , legion should have technicly won the war.
Post #: 3
6/16/2015 12:14:22   

@RaXzerGamingZ lol ? exile had 0 war rally while legion got 3 - 4 each day xD am sure u wasn't playing last war or else you would know .

@Lord Machaar , yep that's 100 % true this game needs more alignments and it's unfair that for each 10 exile players there is one legion . you can blame greedy people lol , been exile all my life and will never change ! cause loyalty is the key to success :D .
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
6/16/2015 12:26:24   
Lord Machaar

I've already suggested a faction-based war, where active factions are the only factions within each alignement who can represent the alignement. But seems like many players don't like it since they have got used to free prizes.

I mean I personally have no problem, having 3 - 4 war rallies each day? Heck, that will make me reach top prize faster than ever, and each regional achievement will be maximized faster than ever. Bigger winners here are legion players, but where is the fun in this? the last feature that is still running is war system, plain PVP battles can get boring but it is not the case when you are doing them for an objective.

< Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 6/16/2015 12:38:31 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 5
6/16/2015 12:37:01   

I would love a faction-based war..along with a feature called 'allies'.
Where you can group up and have an alignment of about 5 factions.
Post #: 6
6/16/2015 13:27:10   
One Winged Angel1357

Why out of all the weapons in the game did you pick my sword as the reward for this new alliance? I'd like to propose using a different weapon for your prize just because that sword is for my audience
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 7
6/16/2015 13:34:39   

Everyone has the right to play the war exile or legion. Telling player they can't play "Because the other side is undermanned" isn't fair to those players in the least.

Is it the side with more numbers fault that the other side has less people? No it isn't so why should they be punished for it?

Answer they shouldn't.

These are wars not tournaments. Your suggestion sound more like a tournament style idea rather than a war.

If anything these wars shouldn't have even been made in the first place if the sides aren't even, however IIRC those old hardcore players grew bored of the old war (which was more fair than this system due to the wars being only daily wars) and wanted it changed. The staff of course gave in to these complaints and now you have this mess up system.

I suggest we go back to the old war system but have daily prizes based off of how well each player did that day, and a decent reward the players can choose from depending on what tier they got in the daily war.

This way it won't be that much of an issue seeing as the wars will be shorter and the effort will be there on both sides.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 6/16/2015 13:35:32 >
Epic  Post #: 8
6/16/2015 13:54:29   
King Bling

I got a very superb idea, that most of you might like, see apart from 2vs2 which is quite unbalanced, dex tms and stuff, let that be apart.
So my suggestion is, apart from 2vs2, there should be a 2vs2 Exile/Legion Link-Up,
now what exactly it does is, you simply link up, but you cannot link with an exile if your legion and vica versa, just like you cannot invite an exile
to a legion faction. So 2 exiles fight against 2 legions, this starts only when 2 exiles are linked vs any 2 legions linked.

We dont even need to add another button for this kind of side based link up 2vs2's, this will work when your linked with some person, and normal
2vs2 will work when your not linked with any person, when wars are on cooldown, linking with friends on opposite sides will be possible for boss
fights etc. During war, that would not be allowed,

Now why this would be different from 2vs2, it would give you guaranteed bombs, if war core used, guaranteed super bombs if won, now you might
say, this will be one sided, because high ranked players will link and overpower others, but again this link up is for players who are "willing" to link
up and are ready for the cool fights.

So? What do you guys say.
Thank You.
Post #: 9
6/16/2015 16:39:42   
Lord Machaar

Well it is the only beautiful sword I could've think of haha.


I've already replied to the same thing you've just said in other post, you aren't giving a suggestion, you are wishing, and your post belongs to the wish-list.
The reason I say this, devs have already said more than once, the older system won't come back, for various reasons, first ones are the ones who were the reaso for the removal of these old wars. I don't want to assume, I think you already know this, you already this system will never come back, though you just express your feelings, which is totally okay by me, but we need solutions, realistic ones.
I'm being realistic here, basing my words on facts, the fact that hits first, legions are outnumbered by exiles, the logical solution is to even the numbers.
I don't think that making the game fair is a punishement for anyone, if such thing exists, making anything fair will mean that it is a punishement, is it the case when balance occurs? strenght builds were nerfed, I don't consider this as a punishement more than balancing the game and you already see the results. Any balance step has collateral damages, that is worldwide known. The problem we have now won't get fixed, nor by wishes, nor by standing still doing nothing, to balance the wars, actions should be made.
My idea is simple, prove that you can play in the war, the game isn't telling to play 18 hours a day, play 30 minutes, 1 hour atleast, to prove that you can atleast play and you are not there to take prizes.

@King Bling:
There was already something called war filter, where in times of war, players of same alignement are lined up together, and I think it was later removed for various reasons;
- bad match up. (players of same lvel weren't found.)
- extended waiting time.

< Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 6/16/2015 17:00:36 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 10
6/17/2015 16:37:27   
How We Roll Winner

See, the whole thing there, about active factions can also be a problem. Consider this. Let's say you take a player who is the head of a faction, and (lets say that you don't have any recruits for a pretty good reason), Or lets say all your recruits left, Now considering that, You still "play" on a regular basis. But there are factions out there that have a ton of members and spend a lot more time playing than others. How are we to determine, who really gets to represent us? Each Legioneer should be responsible for at least trying to pull their own weight in the war.

If we're left with fewer members on our side, That isn't to say we won't win the war. We can still rally together and overcome the oppression of the Exiles. We just have to think strategically how to win.
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
6/17/2015 17:18:24   

@ Dragonnightwolf

I can tell you from experience that the majority of players in game won't band together as one when it comes to the perfect plan to win the wars. It has been said many times what the best plan is for both Defense and offense but sadly the vast majority don't listen.

The closest I have seen to this was the west navel war when Legion players got smart and actually went for the finisher before the standard but even that wasn't perfect.

However, to the rest of your suggestion my thoughts exactly.
Epic  Post #: 12
6/17/2015 19:04:43   
The berserker killer


Return war 1.0, it was simple and faction competition was really at its peak with flags and what not because it showed personal names and factions. It encouraged players to play to earn a spot at the flag. If that won't happen then I suggest showing us the exact number of legion and exile players who have logged in for that day AND the total # of exile/legion players. Display that in game
, give us competitive features and we'll balance it out ourselves
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 13
6/17/2015 20:42:44   
Lord Machaar

It was said, more than once, the older system won't come back, hack the situation is even worse now, the older system was removed because it wasn't recyclable, a thing that resulted in:
- fewer wars (a war per year).
- more consumed time to make such wars.
For the second one, we already know that the devs are working on biobeast, so bringing back the old system is a wish more than a suggestion.
MQ Epic  Post #: 14
6/18/2015 21:02:05   

I'd like to point out that the difference in players for each alignment are not as wide as some of you may think. Paige Hyland gathered a rather large amount of data on a LOT of players and posted her results. From the info she gathered, 52% of the game's players were Exile and 48% were Legion. She didn't gather info from all 900-1,200 different players that log into this game daily, but she did so many and included the game's powerhouse players, faction leaders, big-time winners, and big-time varium spenders (coders, bomb buyers, etc.,) so her information is likely not very far off from the actual percentage.

The issue here actually isn't the number of players. Look at each faction leaderboard and see which alignments are dominating. Exile is listed under each top 5 spots for all types of battle more times than its not. And when its not, there is only one or two legion factions that scrape up enough wins to be in the top 5. If Legion wants to get back on track, they need a few powerhouse factions in all battle types. Its not the devs faults that only one side fights their hearts out and has big spenders while the other side suffers likely due to lack of motivation. Legions need to understand that they can do it. Just group up Legion's best players, throw them in a faction together, and wreck. Its what us Exiles did, and its what we continue to do.
AQW Epic  Post #: 15
6/18/2015 21:29:19   
Lord Machaar


I'd like to point out that the difference in players for each alignment are not as wide as some of you may think. Paige Hyland gathered a rather large amount of data on a LOT of players and posted her results. From the info she gathered, 52% of the game's players were Exile and 48% were Legion. She didn't gather info from all 900-1,200 different players that log into this game daily, but she did so many and included the game's powerhouse players, faction leaders, big-time winners, and big-time varium spenders (coders, bomb buyers, etc.,) so her information is likely not very far off from the actual percentage.

It was said, more than once, again, by devs, that legions are outnumbered by exiles.
It was said by a developper who has access to specific tools for such things.
I respect paige hyland's stats but they aren't reliable for different reasons;

A- Her numbers are based off certain things like powerhours, she is a high level player, therefore she will meet high level players, and the numbers will be based off high level players not all players.
B- 24 hours coverage: any human has to sleep, so basically she can't cover the whole day.
C- You mentioned that she didn't do a daily check up, I think you answered yourself already.
D- the game's big time winners-spenders-coders-bomb buyers-etc... are just a small portion of ED community, sure they have an impact in the war but still.
E- Some players are active in wars only.
F- Tons of players choose exile, whether if you are planning to make an alt, heard it from a friend or etc..
G- Based off all the other facts, excluding low lever player or even inactive players is a mistake, the thing here, these players do make a change, just if even each one of them does 500 influence, it will eventually rack up to be 50k influence if 100 players do the same thing, and therefore these players do actually make a difference, and read the number again, just 500 influence each day, done by only 100 neglected players, means 50k inf in one single day, from players that have been excluded. This is an example of 100 players in difference, legions are outnumbered by hundreds if not thousands. Do the math and you shall see what I'm talking about.

< Message edited by Lord Machaar -- 6/18/2015 22:12:48 >
MQ Epic  Post #: 16
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