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=ED= October 1st, 2015 - Caden's Curse

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10/2/2015 13:18:56   

Majestic Feline of AQ3D & ED


October 01, 2015
Caden's Curse

Today, get ready for the launch of EpicDuel's phase of Artix Entertainment's 13th Anniversary! The Mysterious Loremaster of the Council of Loremasters has arrived on Delta V. How did he get there and, more importantly, what does he want?

He's seeking something of great interest to the Council and reward you handsomely for your trouble.

If you succeed, you receive a new ultra-rare achievement! It's ultra-rare because you'll only be able to complete the mission for a limited time!

Be sure to complete all the event in ALL the participating Artix Entertainment games. The special event items in each game will become an awesome, exclusive weapon of great rarity!

Remember, you'll need to participate in the events in all the AE games for maximum rewards!

Tags: Nightwraith
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
10/2/2015 13:25:40   
Silver Sky Magician

A great introduction for new players to the world of EpicDuel. Caden is one of the most important characters in the game, and it's great to see him fleshed out. We've a lot of story content on the wiki that has yet to make its way in-game, and that should change in the near future.

Post #: 2
10/2/2015 14:03:24   

I have to ask will the Caden's DNA be made into another cheevo when the event is over like the titan's mug was last year?
Epic  Post #: 3
10/2/2015 14:18:51   
Silver Sky Magician



The special event items in each game will become an awesome, exclusive weapon of great rarity!

From the DNs.
Post #: 4
10/2/2015 15:06:12   

So if I play the event in all ae games, will I get greater rewards in epicduel, or it's enough to play the event in epicduel alone to get full rewards in epicduel?
Post #: 5
10/2/2015 15:40:14   

ED crap engine strikes again. I think this is the only game that doesn't allow you to take 2 missions quests at the same time. Can't do daily missions if if have the long quests that need 300 wins, have to wait to finish it to do the new event missions.

Unity Epicduel can't come too soon, there is no ''too soon''.
Post #: 6
10/2/2015 20:31:53   
Lord Noonien Soong

Wow, I haven't seen a rare in this game for quite some time
AQ DF  Post #: 7
10/3/2015 0:01:12   
Silver Sky Magician


I think it's quite clear...you have to complete the 13th anniversary event in ALL participating AE games.
Post #: 8
10/3/2015 15:59:50   
Legendary Scribe of Lore


A great introduction for new players to the world of EpicDuel.

A great introduction wouldn't include spending ages farming xp for a new player to be able to beat Oz.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
10/3/2015 16:09:27   
  Battle Elf
has ten 1v1 wins

@Carandor As far as NPC's go, Oz should be beatable at around level 5. I think he's a reasonable difficulty.
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
10/3/2015 16:34:06   
Legendary Scribe of Lore

I was lvl 5 when I started, finally beat him at lvl 8. I hope ED isn't part of next years anniversary event, I really dislike everything about this game.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 11
10/3/2015 16:41:59   
Lord Noonien Soong

^Believe me when I say, it was better in it's golden days

< Message edited by Lord Noonien Soong -- 10/3/2015 16:42:44 >
AQ DF  Post #: 12
10/3/2015 17:02:14   
Bionic Bear

Lovely quest chain, this. Finished in a matter of minutes and ended up with a large credit reward.
Now I'm only 14,000 credits away from buying a robot other than the infernal android...huzzah!
Post #: 13
10/3/2015 18:24:14   
Noobatron x3000


I was lvl 5 when I started, finally beat him at lvl 8. I hope ED isn't part of next years anniversary event, I really dislike everything about this game.

You're not alone (server numbers all I'm saying) ED would have to be here next year to be part of the next anniversary event, Which I'm not so certain it will be anymore.

With regards to the update , Pretty poor no balance improvements what so ever.

CH needs a major overhaul.

The high support multy poiaon TLM is pretty hard to drain with so many ways of gaining mana . And capable of poisoning you after its done a devastating amount of dmg to you in 2 hits.

You don't seem to learn you fixed support multy builds way back just to break them again. Not to mention the support mages crit every other turn almost always stun high HP, Should not be getting stunned and or crit 2+ times a game with 57 support.
Post #: 14
10/3/2015 19:08:45   
  Exploding Penguin


CH needs a major overhaul.

Excluding the concept of just fixing the stupid energy skills thing, arguably almost all classes need an overhaul. Which would be really really great to have in all honesty.
Support builds honestly aren't too hard to deal with. However, a sure-fire way to deal with them is get a high field medic (critical heal also helps a ton) which isn't in the meta right now because most skill points are invested in other skills. There isn't any room to invest in field medic on most builds.
Epic  Post #: 15
10/7/2015 11:10:52   

Was able to finish the new mission chain with a level 6 character. To be honest the hardest part about this chain was beating the level 10 NPC.
Epic  Post #: 16
10/9/2015 22:58:20   
Dragesvard Warrior

I was DESTROYING this mission chain... until I was asked to do PVP Battles

Every. Single. Fight Attempt. I died in about 2-3 turns, my enemies practically untouched. One reason why I don't bother with these events: THEY ARE NEAR IMPOSSIBLE!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
10/9/2015 22:59:52   
Daph Duck

U have the logic of a cheerleader who never stretches but does well doing low kicks and yelling then saying its impossible to do the splits.
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
10/9/2015 23:06:39   

Oz is beatable at Level 5 for regular players who know what they're doing. For the rest of us, he's a nightmare.

< Message edited by rosaxx50 -- 10/9/2015 23:09:13 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
10/9/2015 23:17:22   
Silver Sky Magician


You just have to observe the following things:

1. Most of Oz's attacks are energy attacks
2. Oz has a fairly strong physical attack that costs energy with a two-turn cooldown
3. Oz's damage drops drastically and becomes purely energy-based when his energy hits zero
4. Oz's burst damage output exceeds the player's and has defenses/HP roughly equaling the player's.

With this you should be able to devise a strategy. Namely that a burst damage strategy is inadvisable, and you'd want to invest in tech (perhaps even solely in tech) to do well against Oz. Field Medic whenever you can and have enough EP for at least two heals. Since he's capable of using attacks of both damage types when he has EP, shields are not particularly effective and you'd want to attack instead.
Post #: 20
10/9/2015 23:50:21   

@Silver Sky Magician

Thanks. I really appreciate the help. Honestly, at this point, I'm still trying to get my head around all the terms. I haven't used this account since last year.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 21
10/10/2015 9:55:24   

Thank goodness I had an old level 12 character just lying around. Everything was a breeze except for the PvP portion of it (of course). Before today, I hadn't touched my character since the last crossover event and I probably won't touch him again until the next one. ED is just not my kind of game. The only reason the level of my character is 2 digits is because I actually spent time in ED back in Beta and Delta. But now, I just can't get into ED.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
10/10/2015 15:43:57   

so i am a brand new level 2 character and im trying to do this event, that said i have no idea what im doing. is there a tutorial somewhere? or at least a roadmap on "how to finish this event"?

i managed to bumble my way past 5 level 1 guards but ive no idea where this chared disk is supposed to be.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 23
10/10/2015 17:14:00   
  Battle Elf
has ten 1v1 wins


You can use the ED Wiki to help you find the Charred Disk.
AQW Epic  Post #: 24
10/10/2015 21:18:13   

Thank goodness I got a level 20 character before hand.(also played him last year during the phantom pixel event).

Managed to breeze through the missions and thankfully there are only 5 PvP fights, so better than last year's. Also dem credit rewards! :)
AQ  Post #: 25
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