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=AQ3D= Design Notes October 19th, 2015 - Character Wipe Info

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10/20/2015 17:21:29   


Tabula Rasa Sock

Character Wipe Info
By Cysero on Monday, October 19, 2015

Character Wipes Are Coming.

But it's not as bad as it sounds. Here is what you need to know.

You will NOT be losing your names. That is locked in now and will never change (At least until we add paid name changes or you pick an inappropriate name and Player Support changes it for you). However, sorry to say that you WILL lose everything else. Levels, gold, items, etc. There will be AT LEAST ONE more character wipe before Full Release, probably at the launch of Open Beta, when anyone will be able to play the mobile version of the game on iOS and Android.

These items are mine. You need to get your own.

Why Are You Doing This To Me?!

We have to wipe the characters for a couple of reasons.

First, New Beginnings. When we go in Open Beta a whole bunch of new players will be joining the game because it will be open to ANYONE who can run it on their mobile iOS and/or Android devices. We want everyone starting off on the same level, although of you Alpha Testers will know what you're doing and have the Alpha Knight set so you'll have a pretty big advantage. We will want everyone to play through the rough tutorial that we will be adding too.

Second, Levels. We will be raising the level cap to from 3 to 15, and implementing the actual Level Curve for you to follow. The levels that we have in now are just placeholder levels with numbers we just made up off the top of our heads to test the XP system. Leveling up to 3 will be MUCH faster once the have the real Level Curve in the game, but getting to 15 will take a little while. As we progress and add more content to the game, the level cap will be raised regularly.

Next, Gold. The Reward Curves will also going into the Open Beta so everyone will need to start from 0. Some people have MILLIONS of gold right now and after the wipe, you will be earning gold at a much more reasonable pace. This will affect when you buy your new gear. Speaking of which...

Finally, Gear. We will be changing a lot of the items, adding stats, changing names, moving locations and more. In fact, even if you got to keep your items, there's a good chance that your items won't exist in their current state anyway... so no big loss there.

When Is This Happening?

I wish I had an exact date for you but everything is still in flux and we're trying our best to move fast but it's really, really, really important that we do this right.

We won't get a second chance to introduce AQ3D to the world and it needs to be fun and fast, with as much content as we can cram into it, and stable enough to impress a brand new player who has never touched an AE game. We are doing everything we can, but we will really need your help to make this happen.

We're getting closer to Open Beta when the characters will be wiped but there's still some time to save up for Sworn Oath and take your Alpha Screenshots to show off when this thing goes worldwide. Until then, LET THE PARTY CONTINUE!

Tagged. ~Rickyb20

< Message edited by Rickyb20 -- 10/20/2015 17:36:27 >
Post #: 1
10/20/2015 17:58:06   

Hopefully improved character customization is implemented by then. That way people can look different than others.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
10/20/2015 18:16:00   


I hated that feature, it was so messy and bad-looking.

If they do add that in they better not copy it from AQW.
It would be nice if instead of countless recolours of armour you can go to a dyomancer shop in town and pay a small fee of gold (then it's not completely useless like in their other MMOs *cough* AQW *cough*) to customize dyeable armours (as in only certain armours, not all).

Colour picking should be with a colour wheel of course.

If they do implement something similar to this idea, i'm going to hope they don't make every single armour colour custom because that would ruin a lot of good art IMHO as it just wouldn't be pleasing to stare at if they're neon red and navy blue legion armours, why hasn't Dage banished you to the edge of space for not wearing uniform?

Could you imagine wearing chaorrupted armour but it's not even purple or green it's like.. swordhaven colours?
I would be questioning that right away if I was Drakath.
Post #: 3
10/21/2015 1:58:27   
Rogue Ninja

So far the Alpha Test was great! I'm glad I never saved gold to get Sworn Oath since Wicked Joke is the best sword so far to me. I will be waiting for this game to evolve. I see a lot of potential about this game. Anyways, I'll be looking forward about the Alpha Knight set.
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
10/21/2015 8:15:18   

LOl as artix said its not a wipe its a reset.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 5
10/21/2015 11:16:08   

How come Cysero's hammer is only SUPER? Why not Ultra? Or Omnipotent? Such words are still barely capable of describing the green god.
DF AQW  Post #: 6
10/21/2015 11:48:42   
David the Wanderer
Legendary AK!

@Womba: Not even Cysero can defy the power of character limit!
DF AQW  Post #: 7
10/23/2015 22:55:55   

Super and Ultra have the same amount of letters though. :P
DF AQW  Post #: 8
2/6/2016 13:44:34   

A lot of people are asking, will there be a second wipe, as per:


There will be AT LEAST ONE more character wipe before Full Release, probably at the launch of Open Beta, when anyone will be able to play the mobile version of the game on iOS and Android.

Later info says:


Last I heard of it was on Twitter where a user asked Cysero if there would be any more wipes after pre-beta and he said, "Probably not".

< Message edited by AGreenAlien -- 2/6/2016 13:49:45 >
Post #: 9
2/6/2016 14:39:47   
The Jop

I hope we can keep our items, I spent over 8 hours getting the zed sword and brutalcorn helm.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
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