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=ED= Bio Preserve War Discussion - August 21st, 2016

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8/21/2016 11:55:13   
  Battle Elf
has ten 1v1 wins

Hey everyone,

This thread was created for war related discussions. Strategy discussions are also welcome.

Good luck everyone!

< Message edited by Battle Elf -- 8/21/2016 11:56:50 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
8/22/2016 2:30:20   
Teufel Hunden


I always enjoy the biodome war. just sayin haha

On a serious note, i understand the recycling of wars and all that, but at some point they need to switch it up again. I think they should do it like they did the infernal war a few years back where everyone got a fair shot at the same amount of influence (no fluctuations) and they re-introduce influence for every fight (5 for 1v1 and 10 for 2v2) as well as during non-war times we should have a way to get influence. just my "2 cents" on the issues that arise from my experience in war.

Wish you all the best in your Future Endeavors,

~Da Bomb Expert
~Teufel Hunden

< Message edited by DaBombExpert -- 8/22/2016 4:43:44 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
8/22/2016 8:46:22   

I do have an epic suggestion for the War system. I'm not sure if devs would care about it though... It's not hard to code. It's fun.. Actually epic fun! I guess I'll give it a try.. If they don't work on any suggestion suggested here on the forums anytime soon, I guess this will be the last time I waste my time suggesting something new to the forums..
I wrote it in the suggestion thread first and I'll write it here again:

I think we do need a better war system where factions are way more engaged in it. So, let's start!

1- Both alignments will only have a Main Objective at the region of the war no matter if they were the attackers or defenders.

2- There will be 5 turrets in every faction HQ. Read the rest of the post for more details.

3- Players that are factionless won't receive influence out of War time but, they will still receive bombs during War time but, won't be able to fire them. Read the rest of the post for more details.

4- Each turret needs a certain amount of influence done by the faction members before the War starts to be unlocked. If the members don't unlock any turret and the war starts, they will have to use the Standard Turret in their HQ as it's the only turret that requires 0 influence to be unlocked.

5- Turrets evolve every time the Faction reaches a certain level.

Influence out of war time:

If you're in a faction and the war is on cool down, you can now make some influence. When you're in level 1 factions, you get 2 influence for each 1v1 win and 4 for each 2v2 and juggernaut win. When you're in a level 3 faction, you get 3 influence in 1v1 and 6 in 2v2 and Juggernaut. When you're in a level 5 faction, you get 4 influence per a 1v1 win and 8 in 2v2 and juggernaut. When you're in a level 7 faction, you get5 influence for winning a 1v1 match and 10 for winning a 2v2 match or juggernaut. When you're in a level 10 faction, you get 6 influence for winning a 1v1 match and 12 for winning 2v2 and juggernaut.When you're in a level 13 faction, you get 7 influence for 1v1 and 14 for 2v2 and juggernaut.

This influence out of war time is used to unlock turrets that are used in War time. (The whole faction participates in unlocking these turrets before war starts.)


-The Standard Turret: Deals 30-37 standard damage. Turret damage is increased when it evolves. Requires 0 influence to be unlocked.

-The Health Turret: Works the same way as the current Health Objective. It's damage is decreased when the health of the Main objective is decreased (The main objective of the faction's alignment). Requires 5,000 influence to be unlocked.

-The Finisher Turret: Works the same way as the current Finisher Objective. It's damage is increased when the health of the other alignment's Main Objective is decreased. Requires 5,000 influence to be unlocked.

-The Super Turret: This turret deals massive damage but, you can't use normal or super bombs to fire this turret. In order to fire this Turret, you need an Ultimate Bomb. Ultimate bombs have a 1% chance to be dropped in 1v1 and 2% chance in 2v2 and juggernaut. If ultimate bombs aren't used in either this or the Ultimate Turret, they deal damage equal to the damage of a normal super bomb. This turret deals 800-1200 damage and
needs 10,000 influence to be unlocked.

-The Ultimate Turret: Deals a very massive amount of damage. You need 10 Ultimate bombs in order to fire this turret. Deals 37,000-50,000 damage. Requires 25,000 influence to be unlocked.

-The Ammo depot: Sure this isn't a turret but, it should require a huge amount of influence to be unlocked to prevent spamming varium without battling hard at all to win wars. It requires 30,000 influence to be unlocked. This one isn't available in the faction HQ. It's available in the war region but requires your faction to do 30,000 influence to be unlocked. If the losing Alignment is losing by a lot, the Ammo depot unlocks for all of their factions even if they didn't make the 30,000 influence.

The damage of turrets is increased at certain levels.

Level 2 - Standard Turret damage increases by 2.
Level 4 - Health Turret damage increases by 3.
Level 6 - Finisher Turret damage increases by 3.
Level 8 - Super Turret damage increases by 100.
Level 9 - Ultimate Turret damage increases by 2,000.
Level 11 - Ultimate bomb drop rate increases by 0.5% in 1v1 and by 1% in 2v2 and juggernaut.
Level 12 - Super bombs drop rate increases by 5%.
Level 14 - Ultimate turret damage increases by 5,000. (It increases by 5,000 from the standard damage which means it actually increases by 3,000 again after the damage increase of level 9).

Note: Ultimate bombs are only available as PvP drops and they can't be bought like super bombs.

< Message edited by nowras -- 8/22/2016 10:31:45 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
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