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=ED= Favorite Moments

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1/30/2017 21:03:20   
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  Battle Elf
has ten 1v1 wins

Hey guys,

In the wake of the news that EpicDuel development is stopping, I wanted to take a moment to reflect. I've been playing for a long time and I know many of you have been around even longer than I have. I'm interested to hear what made EpicDuel special for you, I know I certainly have some great memories.

My personal favorite memories were the couple times I woke up really early in the summer to get a head start on 2v2 or Jugg championships. I'd wait for my parents to fall asleep and play from midnight to one or so as the ambitious support TM that I was. I'd go to bed after 20 wins or so and wake up a few hours later to really begin the grind. I literally (to my parents dismay) played all day trying to top the leaderboards. My parents would stop me at 11 PM and I'd have to wait until the morning to find out if I had succeeded or not. I don't think I was ever phenomenal at PvP but my attempts to be the best out there, even if only for 24 hours, are my happiest times on Delta V.

Feel free to post your own. Any backhanded insults like "my favorite memory was when the game didn't suck" will just be deleted.

< Message edited by Battle Elf -- 1/30/2017 21:13:13 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
1/30/2017 21:08:27   
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Greed Redemption

Getting 800+ wins on 1v1 in one day during Delta Phase for the champ, that I won. Getting all the friends I made that were amazing then Omega came and the majority of them quit. Sure I met new great friends but always miss the original ones. Friendship was the main thing that made this game fun for me.
Epic  Post #: 2
1/30/2017 21:20:20   
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My earliest memory on EpicDuel is fighting in the Infernal Mines War, hoping that the Exiles would emerge victory. Given that volcanic places and crystalline rock fascinates me, it is my favorite location on Delta V and when we looked what was inside the vault for the first time, it made me really eager to know what would happen next. From that moment on, my best memories were meeting some great people on the ED team like Seth Juron, Alley Cat, Nightwraith, Battle Elf, Assassin Order, Valoroth, and more importantly, Charfade. If I didn't become a guest artist on EpicDuel, my artistic knowledge would still be on novice status. I thank all of you for playing and supporting ED, which is why I hope we all can keep at it for years to come.

< Message edited by Occavatra -- 1/30/2017 21:22:04 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
1/30/2017 21:31:58   
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Majestic Feline of AQ3D & ED

There are multiple moments I've really enjoyed, including:
  • Playing in the original Infernal War
  • Playing all day to win juggernaut champ
  • Creating unique series to upload to youtube
  • Trying to get the wiki updated as fast as I could after a release

    While I really enjoyed playing the game in the past, as I grew older and had more things to do, I started to drift away from playing and the wiki is probably the biggest reason why I stuck around this long. It's been a pleasure working with the hard working, under appreciated, and often forgotten members of the EpicDuel Wiki Team.
  • AQW Epic  Post #: 4
    1/30/2017 23:03:27   
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      Digital X

    Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

    I have many..

    Getting my first Varium package, and the electric guitar weapon (I loved it at the time.)

    The Gamma package, the bot was amazing and I learned what Focus builds were, still use it!

    Meeting LOADS of lovely people, making lots of friends etc.

    Sad to see the development has ended, didn't know it was final now.

    What's the reason it was ended, summed up?

    < Message edited by Digital X -- 1/30/2017 23:04:08 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
    1/30/2017 23:09:23   
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      Battle Elf
    has ten 1v1 wins


    In short, AQ3D is the future of AE. EpicDuel content has been sluggish during BioBeast development and the forces that be decided the dev team's time would better spent supporting AQ3D than revitalizing ED or beginning another project for 2017.

    < Message edited by Battle Elf -- 1/30/2017 23:10:16 >
    AQW Epic  Post #: 6
    1/30/2017 23:11:43   
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      Digital X

    Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

    Ah right, cheers.

    I do play AQ3D on Steam, will be interesting to see where it leads. in my books ED had a good run.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
    1/31/2017 1:49:45   
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    My favorite moments
    - Winning 2v2 Daily champ as a tech mage with an 80% winrate (During beta when Sup merc and BHs were much better)
    - Winning 1v1 Daily (777 Wins I think) on my first day after joining Control Alt Death (First version of CAD)
    - Co-founding the newly made Control Alt Death (Second and current version of CAD)
    - CAD passing Death Syndicate X on the All-Time 1v1 Faction Champion Leaderboard (100 Dailies!!)
    - CAD becoming the first faction to get to lvl 13
    - CAD becoming the first faction to surpass 1 Million 1v1 wins.
    - CAD Controlling the Oz Central Station flag with 240K tokens (along with a 2nd flag at 80k and a 3rd flag at 60k), and angering a lot of people in the process, including a couple of mods. This is what caused ED to double the token tax (from 50 to 100 hourly token tax) on flags, and eventually removing the token system from the game. I remember one mod saying that us capturing that flag with 240K tokens was unfair because no other faction would've been capable of capturing it.
    - Doing 1400 1v1 Wins in a day (NOT during the Ebilcorp war)

    There's many more good moments, like making really good builds, capturing faction dailies, beating opposing factions, etc.
    Too many to list all of them, but I'd say the above ones are some of my favorites.

    < Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 1/31/2017 1:51:38 >
    AQW Epic  Post #: 8
    1/31/2017 1:49:58   
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      Exploding Penguin

    Coming back from school every friday to check out what came out in the new updates. Sometimes I'd even try and look up the new content at school during lunch or something because I was so excited for what came out: what new weapons I could try with different stat mods/requirements and what different build types I could make.
    Epic  Post #: 9
    1/31/2017 3:58:50   
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    Slugging it out in 2v2 is my best memories of ED, although I kinda miss the times when passive skill is still a thing, damn, mercenary is so overpowered back then, and equipment had their own unique status distribution.

    It's kinda sad that ED will no longer receive update, well I guess I'll finally say goodbye to this game. I never got the 1v1 champ, but I do get the 2v2 champ and jugg champ(back when juggernaut is still hard, unlike now that juggernaut get 20% bonus stat), man those times are great...


    DF Epic  Post #: 10
    1/31/2017 6:09:24   
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    There are many, but to tell the most beautiful :
    - When I joined in my first faction "The Spartan Heroes" ( first faction of VIX ) .
    - When I joined in my second family ( XxXStrEeTwOrRiOnXxX ) and win 5 daily 1vs1 champions in 6 days and capture flag in Fortune City .
    -When I win daily juggernaut with 300 wins for first time when i played at juggernaut and make me faction ( HAX ) to be 1st on all-time leaderbord for some days .

    These three are the best memories of mine, and now to say a few not much time ago.
    - In Infernal Mines war last year my faction "Legion of Destruction" win the flag and take 13 /14 world dominations .
    - Some nice time in "The Greates Mafia" win 20 daily 1vs1 and 20 World Dominations in 20 days .
    - In " Divine Execution " win 24 1vs1 daily in 45 days .

    It would be much to write, but I will stop here .

    Post #: 11
    1/31/2017 12:17:14   
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    Favorite moments, when winning. Least favorite moments, when losing. :P

    Jokes aside, daily championships and well fought battles were a lot of fun.
    In my timezone, the daily reset was at 6 AM. So, I just had to wake up early and play until I had enough of a lead to win a daily championship. Once, my mom got pissed off at me at 2 AM and told me to go to bed. I lost that daily 2vs2.

    Might as well just copy paste this

    While I really enjoyed playing the game in the past, as I grew older and had more things to do, I started to drift away from playing and the wiki is probably the biggest reason why I stuck around this long. It's been a pleasure working with the hard working, under appreciated, and often forgotten members of the EpicDuel Wiki Team.
    Epic  Post #: 12
    1/31/2017 22:48:22   
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    My favorite I think was pretending to date xbountygirlx. Yes, I know she could have been an older guy living in his parents basement, but at the time just the idea of having a girlfriend boosted my confidence a ton. After a rough day at school I would run home, login, and play epicduel until she logged in. Then we would animate our characters to dance and talk. This relationship ended a few weeks after it started, I ran home from school like any other day and logged in to find she was no longer on my friends list. I am not really sure what happened, but grateful for the small time we had together.

    I also fondly remember buying my first varium upgrade. Both my parents were pretty poor growing up, and I had always been taught to work hard for everthing I got. I had never spent any money on any video game before, or really anything except books. After much internal struggle and pondering, I decided I would at least buy one thing in life just for pleasure at least once, just to try it out. I would buy varium. And since it might be the last time I ever do something like that again I decided to go big and get the full $50 dollar varium upgrade. I started to babysit my cousins, my first job ever, and sat the money all aside for a varium upgrade. During school and when the kids were sleeping that I babysat I planned out how I would spend all my varium and credits. Finally, after three weeks of babysitting, I had saved up enough money to buy the package. I remember pretending to be sick to skip school, so I would have the full day to experience upgrading my account. I found out two things about myself that day;
    1. I loved buying things just for pleasure (I would continue to buy upgrades in all games I played in the future)
    2. My self control of spending is not as strong as I thought it was (All my varium was gone within one day, mostly spent on switching classes and buying new styles, none of which I had planned to spend it on)

    < Message edited by sippingcider -- 1/31/2017 23:08:58 >
    Post #: 13
    2/1/2017 0:05:58   
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    Got a good couple of 'em.
    First one is likely when i found out about the game, i was sort in this weird place where i was bored of two of my favorite games and simultaneously of AE games. Finding epicduel was so refreshing, like a brand new start and on top of it, it was a turn based game like AQ classic.
    It surprised me how it was pvp and you could even make up your own personal character to be a weapon of mass destruction. I know this sounds counteracting, but i found ED when it wasn't part of AE and for the first time, i was in a community where the devs themselves were pretty friendly and would often chat/discuss with you on the forums. Sort of what inspired me, when i joined AE team back in 2011 or so, though admittedly i wanted to join Epciduels team and not AQW, but they weren't interested in anyone joining at the time & it sounded not polite to ask it. (i felt really lucky at the time)

    Somewhere along the line, when i was starting my computer science/economy degree, i also had this awesome moment, where all of my class would join with me in epicduel and have some fun too. In between the breaks a full room of people all playing the same game, felt sort of cool in a nerdy way.

    My other favorite moments, are likely both the start of Gamma stage and AE merge beta stage. Like holy crap, bazookas, bikes? i was so hooked that i had lost words. And it was nothing in compassion to when new classes were added, i was mind blown at that. Like having new toys to play around with, it was great! Even despite the balance problems, though i honestly never cared about losing that much back then.

    And before i forget, likely having my suggestion items added to Epicduel were a huge highlight too. This was before i joined AE and it still was pretty cool, personally a bit sad that i didn't spent a while doing them some stuff later afterwards, but tis'great regardless.
    AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
    2/1/2017 1:57:43   
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    Lord Noonien Soong

    Boy, where do I start? ED is the first game I'd played when I revisited AE in 2012 (made it on leap day, makes it kind of special for me)

    Much like veneeria, the concept of bikes as well as swords and guns all tied into one post apocalyptic story line was pure icing on the cake for me, and especially how differently it branched out from other games under the AE label. I especially remember the Ebil War being my favorite event alongside Frysteland's story lines as well, and thoroughly enjoyed the fights there as well, plus upgrading my stats and enhancing my weapons (most of this took place in Delta)

    Even though I have found that I have loathed ED in the past couple years that I saw as destroying itself (starting in 2014 with the birthing of the monstrosity known as Omega to now) I still feel nostalgic thinking back on those days (hard to believe it has nearly been five years) and kind of depressed that a game with such potential is now dead. I hope that this game may rise again sometime, but as stated that seems VERY VERY unlikely.

    It has been a good run ED.
    AQ DF  Post #: 15
    2/1/2017 6:25:57   
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    In short, AQ3D is the future of AE.

    Not happy to hear that, I loved AE games exactly because of the simple and fun games.... I can only play AQ3D on my phone because it doesn't run on my old computer, lol.

    I really enjoyed Infernal War, and I was really happy when I managed to buy Infernal Interdictor with credits.
    I enjoyed the first gifting event too, where I met some friends and stuff, people still used to talk, not everyone was just begging for gifts, haha.
    I loved when I got to buy a new weapon (when they had unique stats) so I could try some other unique builds.

    In fact, my main goal in this game was to find good/unique builds and test all classes. And I lost a ton of battles trying things no one would ever try, lol.
    Unfortunately, it was too expensive to do it. I always wanted to be a build/class tester or something.

    Well, I think that's it!

    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
    2/1/2017 11:12:26   
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      Digital X

    Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

    If anyone remember's "that merc build" back in Gamma/Delta when weapons had their own stats, it was a huge, grey club with just tech and dex. What was that one again?
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
    2/1/2017 11:29:17   
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    @Digital X

    If it's the grey and blue I think it's the Mjolnir, it was one of the most used clubs out there! I started as a mercenary and I remember all the effort to get it!
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
    2/1/2017 14:34:46   
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      Digital X

    Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

    Not that one mate, it's a bit newer.

    Aha http://epicduelwiki.com/index.php/Charfade's_Club
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
    2/1/2017 17:29:32   
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    @Digital X
    5 focus robot build?
    Epic  Post #: 20
    2/1/2017 20:40:45   
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    My favorite moments were

    1) When I pulled my first 24 hour play in epic duel going for 2 vs 2 as a merc and succeeding.
    2) the infernal war 1.0 where I played my heart out to the point where I was able to keep up with several of the best exiles at the time including Comicalbiker
    3) The golden Yeti Tourney which was the first (and sadly last) tourney the Epic duel staff has made.
    4) Winning rising star while at the same time getting by first blue star.
    5) Trying (and sadly failing) to hold off the bomb squad by myself when I was in the spartan warriors for the faction 2 vs 2 champ.

    The many friends I made in delta (shame many of them left the game)
    Epic  Post #: 21
    2/2/2017 4:22:59   
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    My favorite moments were:

    1) Being Blood Mage during Delta phase, best class ever.
    2) Playing the first Infernal War, captured my attention for the longest time.
    3) Winning a faction champ 2v2 for the first time.
    4) Infernal Android as a multi-element robot.
    AQ MQ  Post #: 22
    2/2/2017 10:31:57   
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    I've always liked to login to the game, see and play the new updates. As most of us, we have grown up playing ae-games, for me personally it has always been epicduel attracting the most.
    I started playing in beta as a non-varium far into gamma and semi-varium since then. Sure it has had it's challenges, which ofcourse changed a little in omega but nevertheless the gameplay was still enjoyable and the community was the best. Delta release was huge and new classes brought more flexibility to the battles. Myself I didn't change class until the omega release. Later on thinking, I should have tried something else than bounty hunter for the hard mode chairman boss but it's one achievement amongst the others.

    I have been playing the game battlewise in my own pace and a far dream soon being reality as I'm close to reaching the emperor rank. Collecting rare achievements was one of my favorite things and that's one thing leading to a bigger accomplishment which I didn't expect to reach either. That's the rating for a red star which I can get soon. I'm not on the top of the list and people say, hey you're beta you should have had it so long ago already, but as long as you like the game and work your way towards it, anything is possible. Another one of my big moments was winning the Hoverbike in the arcade.

    For factions my best moment has been joining Candlelit Rainbow in July 2010 and staying to this day. We reached the glory of winning the world domination in late delta with some of my favorite people I met here. That's something we will always have as a memory.

    All old events/tournaments/wars were great and these last few years of gifting events have been bringing back older players, some to stay again, some to not but everyone is forever remembered. Old wars for frysteland and the iiw were my favorites, this cycle of wars is okay too, maybe it feels too repetitive and sometimes we wish for other type of content but a company must drive the way of success and hopefully this new project emerges as positive.

    Last but not least is the EDWiki. Back in the days it was always helpful to me when looking for something and then I slowly started thinking that maybe I should help with something I have always used. Well then some months of "high-quality" edits by the know-hows of a few basic html-courses I had had once made me apply for an admin when the search for them was on. Been doing that there since 2013 with some great persons.

    Maybe this is a little story of my epicduel history but these are some of my favorite moments with this game and hopefully there are more to come in some form.
    Epic  Post #: 23
    2/2/2017 17:33:26   
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      Digital X

    Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

    @8x It was with a club skill, maybe focus. I know this one female character ran that build 24/7. Forget her name though.
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
    2/2/2017 18:47:30   
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    @Digital X
    I looked at the merc skill tree and I figured it out instantly. Double bunker buster builds, and I guess they also used gamma bot. And I suppose they had surgical strike lvl 1 at their disposal if they didn't want to use that second bunker buster.
    Epic  Post #: 25
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