I dont know where are we going with all those changes. Some of them were pretty weird and had no reason like making overload dex and multies going support. The last thing might be to nerf botters who goes with multy and multy gun. But this is only destroying variety between classes. All of them are pretty similar now. All classes have multy and all of them improves with support, that means all classes might run a support multy build. Also tlm, bh, tm, bm have stun which allows them to run a dex build with gun and stun. If you wanted to nerf botters you could try many other ways, but this one is the wrong one. Dex builds are quite bad, gun and stun is not strong enough. Stun doesnt deal a high damage. This only allows strenght builds to go ahead. For 2v2 we might see many different classes using support since multy and critical is a good choise. The only difference we might see is the secondary skills increased by support. Static grenade, malf, strenght boost, etc. Moving all multies to support wasnt a good idea.