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Berzerker energy damage or..

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6/25/2019 23:45:12   

We will all agree that mercenary might be one of the weakest classes. Posible merc builds? You might answer focus or full tech builds. But what happen with strength mercenary? Well, its pretty crazy, because this class has 5 strength skills in his tree. This class IS suposed to run a strength build.
Maul? good damage with % of stun, based on strength. Double strike? burst damage based primary damage. Berzeker? Super burst damage based on? oh primary again. Static smash drains energy based on a % of primary damage, and wait, this % also depends on your own strength. Blood commander increase strength, which means improve 4 skills at the same time, and also grants life steal! anyone who read this would think this class is pretty broken.

But it isn't even close to be good. The biggest problem is to efectively deal a high damage.
Tanks are a big pain, a focus ch comes with 500 resistance! Your damage won't be too strong, and now heal has 3 cd, which is also bad. But the worst thing about this, is that the 3 main skills deals the same damage, so most classes can shield with your primary's type of damage. In this case is all over.
So to prevent this, the best solution is to lock the damage type of one of those skills. Double strike? Would afect tlm aswell. Maul? well, it actually deals stun and in my opinion that's already its function. Berzeker? Yes, perfect! It could work as a kind of bludgeon or fireball. Which type should it has? I believe energy, since all strength skills deals physical damage (bludgeon, fireball, scythe). Maybe instead of locking it to one type of damage, berzeker could be a singular skill and actually do the opposite damage your primary has.

This would make merc strength more viable. It would have another problematics, but I consider those part of the risk and penalties you have to face for taking a "strong" build. I'm talking about energy and blocks. Those skills need plenty energy and energy control is a big annoyance. Merc doesn't have debuff, as I said, so one choise is to spam strength, which, as a negative consecuence, you will be likely to be blocked.
Epic  Post #: 1
6/26/2019 13:21:59   
.Lord Ginger.


a focus ch comes with 500 resistance!


Yes, perfect! It could work as a kind of bludgeon or fireball. Which type should it has? I believe energy

Yeah, that'll beat the CHs!

Jokes aside, I don't think having an attack where you hit your primary on your opponent, then doing opposite damage with the primary you are literally hitting your opponent with makes any sense.

I'm not down for this change, I think strength builds need a buff. It's not like the Cyber Hunter can pop another shield and give itself more resistance. Strength merc used to actually be good in the old days with the singular damaging moves, granted it had a Strength based sidearm (heeeeey) and maybe even platinum's pride which is another P move. Heck, you could even have a primary core that does P damage for your E sword. Now you'd have 3 physical moves along with your energy primary, that sounds fine.

I don't think it needs a change in the way that you're suggesting, I think strength in general just needs a buff, because no strength build is valid, honestly, and that's not a problem that can just be fixed by making a skill do opposite damage of the primary.
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
6/26/2019 20:41:28   

Yeah, changing gun to strength would solve this problem in general better. Changing Berzerker could work but it wouldn't make much sense animation-wise.

The shield classes have good defenses but they're arguably worse at dealing with high damage of a single damage type (energy or physical) since they don't have the active version of the shield, so the point about not being able to do damage to CH due to having only one damage type isn't really valid.

Strength Mercs were first amazing back when games were way shorter and there was no such thing as high health builds. They just went in and 2-shotted with Maul and Berzerker. Then that era died and strength+tank became the new meta, which was still nice. Strength TLM, CH, and Merc were all great at some point because of the shields, and BM and BH were good because Bloodlust was all you needed to survive back then unlike today with all the loop healing. The only class that couldn't do strength at all back then was TM, which is ironic since strength TM was the main viable strength build for much of Omega. But the reason why it was good was also because it was tanky with good dex and great energy control. We need strength tanks back to help strength not feel so one-dimensional and unstable. Back then strength builds almost always had more dex than strength and THEY were the ones doing to blocking, not the other way around. Back then, games were much simpler so it was a classic case of maximizing your ability to out-damage your opponent by maximizing power and defenses. These days strength sucks because they're too similar to support glass tanks except, unlike support, they go second and get way more unlucky.

Strength tanks died because there's just not enough points to go around and tanking for any build except an actual tank build is way too hard due to all the energy manipulation heal looping stuff. Passives back made things even worse because % based passive shields. Back then any build could tank very well, including support builds. The new meta necessitates that you dump an obscene amount of points into strength to do decent damage whereas before you only needed he 50+35 and getting more than that would be overboard and counterproductive. I'm not sure how to get that to happen again, but a humongous part of the problem is the % based active shields.
Epic  Post #: 3
6/26/2019 21:10:47   

If berzeker deals energy damage then you can equip a physical primary. You'll be main physical instead of energy unlike most of strength builds, it would be good against ch.
In this case, ch could activate matrix defense for 3 turns. 650 defense and 500 resistance, you will go for energy damage. Here is time for berzeker, you will do 150 more damage by using an energy berzeker. Next turn you can take energy to get your energy back and matrix defense will be gone in the following turn.

Yeah, that'll beat the CHs!! Honestly, you won't allow ch to do anything, they'll be doing something like: Matrix, heal, static charge while you are actually attacking.
It would be completely different with berzeker dealing the same damage: You pick a physical primary, because most of builds have more resistance than defense. Then anyone who fights you will use any defense buff and your damage will be completely nule.
Btw we don't want skills to be similar (or at least it's what I don't want), berzeker dealing only P damage its just an stronger bludgeon.


I don't think having an attack where you hit your primary on your opponent, then doing opposite damage with the primary you are literally hitting your opponent with makes any sense.

Where did I see this? Maybe bludgeon when you have an energy weapon, or someone using phase shift. Really? It's just an skill, its not a simple strike.


I think strength builds need a buff.

That's right, but even when strength builds were super OP and you could run an strength build by simple spamming strength, merc was weak an unable to have a decent strength build. We saw (in last omega years) bh strength with smoke, bm and tm super strength spam, even tlm could use a strength build with poisson. But that's not the case of merc, and it's crazy. The class with most strength skills can't use a strength build? You are talking about things before omega, and dude, it was 6 years ago.
Lets say guns back to strength, what will be the difference with early omega? Why can I spect merc be good? Ahh it won't. The only classes buffed by this change will be bm and tm, now with aim assist demanding strength, we will see a bm with 900 fireball and 800 gun damage.

Strength builds might need a buff in general, but this buff must be higher for merc, clearly.
Epic  Post #: 4
6/26/2019 21:33:40   


Maybe bludgeon when you have an energy weapon, or someone using phase shift.

Bludgeon is hitting your opponent with the hilt. It's really clever, actually, and made perfect sense when all staves were energy. Phase shift literally has an animation to go with it to show what it does. Berzerker switching doesn't make any sense at all. Sure, maybe balance takes priority over something like that, but still. Doing illogical animations hurts the credibility of the game and insults the intelligence of the players.

It's obvious that this will be a buff the Merc, so you don't have to spend a paragraph to prove it. I do agree skills should be varied in their effects and right now berzerker is just a bigger version of double strike with different warmup/cooldown. Still, I'm not that sure about this idea. Even if it would implemented I highly doubt it bring back strength Mercs as a legitimate force. The thing is, berzerker is not a bad skill as it is yet strength Mercs still aren't great. I'd still go with buffing strength in general (that's not just increasing strength scaling) and bring back flat values for passive armors first and go from there. Obviously, moving gun to strength won't just help TMs and BMs. I still think all "strength" skills ought to be directly improved by strength, since right now they're only based off the weapon bonus. Either make them scale off the whole primary damage or make them actually scale with strength. That'd help berzerker a lot.

< Message edited by NDB -- 6/26/2019 21:38:25 >
Epic  Post #: 5
6/26/2019 22:26:36   

If an energy effect was added on this skill it would have sence for you? Is that really important? There are many ways to change that.
Tha main thing here is to buff merc.

I'm using strength merc now. I got charman's fury and a core on my primary. I got over 600 primary damage and I can say damage is decent (for skills) when you fight someone with regular defense (400,400). However, I have to lose way much dex only too have this excessive strength what means been blocked once every 2 or 3 battles. So risky, but at least I can do a decent damage. Yeah, I would but in every single match the opponent picks a shield. I do a really low damage, I can be blocked, and I can not waste a turn using azrael borg just to reduce a shield. Blood commander last 4 turns and you can't waste them. If someone use a shield and then I use charman's fury and my primary core, the damage done is like just striking, around 150 damage. for someone with 900 hp it's just nothing.
If somehow one of my skills had a different type of damage, then a shield won't be a perfect counter.
Epic  Post #: 6
6/26/2019 22:59:58   
.Lord Ginger.

What I am saying is that strength in general needs a buff, not individually merc.

Let's say zerker does do the opposite damage, how much energy are you spending on that move? How many times will you get to use that move in a battle? Once, maybe twice. If anything, this should be on double strike to make merc a more damage switching class, then str merc would be kind of ridiculous.

I think if strength gets buffed first, then we can look at merc. Beause merc can still be a threat if there are no blocks, it really can be, I've fought some. If the tank str builds can rise again, I doubt there will be a big change needed for merc. Obviously, the flat value armor would be an EXCELLENT buff (and would allow for even more tank strength builds).

A lot of strength mercenaries now can drain energy, heal, and blood commander and then the opponent's shield is gone, and one stun from Maul can spell disaster, or at least it could. With the poweful debuffs that can totally maul strenth merc, I think we should look at those instead.

Yes, your berzerker change will help, maybe even hurt in some scenarios if you have blood hawk or something, but this would not be the first thing I think should be changed.
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
6/28/2019 14:31:15   

It will be taken in consideration, about scaling skill with strengh .Thank you for your feedback.
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
6/28/2019 15:07:39   

Nice. That will be a great indirect buff to Blood and Field Commander. Just don't make it get too good... Might get out of hand quick.
Epic  Post #: 9
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