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6/28/2019 20:49:28   

This passive needs a massive rework if damage reduction is no longer there. Hunters are once again stuck with a single passive, unlike every other class.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 1
6/28/2019 20:56:59   
.Lord Ginger.

Damage reduction was so gamebreaking, lol.

Maybe a small change, but I think SA is fine how it is. Blocks already can ruin battles and BH can block a lot.

Do you think SA isn't worth the points you put into it? Do you have it at 0? If not, then I think it's at least somewhat useful.

What would you suggest giving Shadow Arts, besides the 10% defense reduction?

P.S. If this sounds rude I'm really sorry.

< Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 6/28/2019 21:19:42 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
6/28/2019 21:36:54   

+5% damage to enemy as bh maybe? bh is aggressive class so am think is good. +10 energy ost to enemy cores or -10 energy cost on ur cores for cyber maybe? if no comment an am reply what u say
Post #: 3
6/28/2019 21:55:50   

I ran 0 SA before damage reduction, now I'm running 0 SA again. I've never had a viable build as either a BH or a CH using SA except for the active skills phase. Stun grenades are too weak to be used and relying on something as unreliable as a block just doesn't justify spending 10 skill points on a skill that might not even be useful in a battle. Now that SA is back to being the worst passive in the game, people are only going to invest in Poison/EMP/Grenade for CH and Poison/Smoke for BH. BH only blocks so much because Smoke is a downright broken skill. CH pretty much has no use for SA, for blocking or for stunning.

I'd take out the block/stun RNG and only leave it with 10% or even 5% damage reduction. The damage reduction would only affect direct energy attacks or direct attacks, but not both.

If Strength is getting buffed again, then we could replace SA with a toned down Diamond Blades, making Cheap Shot/Massacre slightly more effective.

We could make it improve overall damage like thesixnine mentioned, but this would only affect either energy or hp damage.

Or we could keep it with 10% overall damage reduction but at a +10 energy cost for all skills/cores.

SA damage reduction was only broken because of other changes, like the heal cooldown and poison buff. By itself, hunters finally had another viable passive instead of dumping points into skills that would never have been used anyway. 10% damage reduction was also an indirect nerf to ranks, seeing as Passive armours benefit high ranks so much more than low ranks.

AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 4
6/28/2019 22:02:37   

We will add something in SA in the future, something that let bh do more dmg how you suggest. (only if is necessary) . We can improve cheap shot or massacre as well . But damage reduction, it was a big advantage. We tried to add less % damage reduction, but it seems difficult to do it , so that we decided to eliminate SA.

Since that smoke is better, Bh has been able to defend himself againts the other classes.
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
6/28/2019 22:07:23   
.Lord Ginger.


Idk man, a lot of people that I see use shadow arts to a big extent, and I've had friends get so angry at how many blocks happen because of the hunters.

Not saying that SA is trash, but if you don't want a passive, I guess you don't have to use it technically if other things work for you.

I would say maybe to a diamond blade thing if smoke could be nerfed a bit or strength could maybe become a bit much, especially with a smoke and blood lust combination, and maybe a blood hawk, could be really nasty.

Personally, I saw the damage reduction being really harmful, as it made BH and CH like the #1 and #2 classes on the board.

I know that the energy drain nerf was really bad, but the damage reduction, especially for CH, even if not energy would result in yet again infinite round battles with them.

Yea, I know that passive armors benefit high ranks more, which is why I advocate for flat values, and I did notice that the damage reduction did benefit low ranks, which I don't think should be the effect of these passives.

I'd be down to see a diamond blade kind of thing if you want to just tear out the block chance, but then I'd also want a nerf to the Infinity Titan Stuff because of I would like it to be diferent than how the Azrael's Punisher is right now with deadly aim.

< Message edited by .Lord Ginger. -- 6/28/2019 22:10:24 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
6/28/2019 22:45:26   

I'd really like to tear out the Block chance in SA and see nerfs to the Infinity Titan/Azrael's Punisher cores just because they benefit BH far too much compared to CH.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 7
6/28/2019 22:53:44   

CH is sort of back at square one without the damage reduction and Malf back to Support. Feels like it might not be very good anymore since Static Grenade, Static Smash will shut you down pretty fast without the reduction, and Assimilation seems like it might be killer with the 3 turn cooldown to match the Static Charge. Damage reduction did clearly put the two hunters over the top, but I still really liked the idea and it was a unique effect that no other skill had. Back before the damage reduction was added, I never used SA either, to be honest, since skill points are tight if you want to level Venom and Malf and have at least one point in Plasma and Massacre, so it just didn't seem worth it since the effect wasn't a reliable investment. That said, I am going to side with giving another effect that is actually reliable and scrapping the current effect.
Epic  Post #: 8
7/1/2019 14:57:38   

I actually hate SA. SA + ninja reflex gives at least 1 block per game, even when you don't have dex. If lucky strike is not buffed to all melee attacks then i believe SA shouldnt give block chances.
Epic  Post #: 9
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