friendly spaceship
@Sphinx Jehova I think cerebrus commander seems like it would work better as an fd armor, especially since its a "commander" and the armor itself is quite bulky. Id really like to see some more non-rare elemental vulnerability option, as most fo builds rely on this for fancy combos and currently all of the items inflicting it are rare, (deatharrows cat is going soon and zfinity gauntlets just left), so a guest that inflicts it or a shield that reduces saves against elemental vulnerability would be really cool. A weaker option than zfinity gauntlets would be nice, as well as a pet that works nicer for 0 cha builds, maybe an MC that makes it scale mostly off of enemy charisma instead of your own would be cool, that way if they have higher charisma and the effect is more difficult to apply, the pet gets stronger to compensate.