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En, Tropy (All Versions)

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1/21/2011 19:54:22   
  Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

En (1)

Location: Race to the Key Orb, Reanimated

Level: As player
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee
Element: Darkness

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

STR: 0
DEX: 0
INT: 0
CHA: 0
LUK: 0
END: 0
WIS: 0

Boost: 0%
Bonus: Level/10
Crit: 0

Damage Multipliers
Non-Crit: 100%
Dex: 100%
DoT: 100%
Crit: 175%

Melee: 5 * Level/90
Pierce: 5 * Level/90
Magic: 5 * Level/90
Block: 0
Parry: 0
Dodge: 0

Damage Reduction
Non-Crit: 0%
DoT: 0%
Crit: 0%


Attack Types
Attack Type 1 - En creates a pillar of energy for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage.
Attack Type 2 - En drains his target's energy for 2 hits of 100% Melee Darkness damage, amounting to 200% damage.
Attack Type 3 - En slams his target with dark energy for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage, with +200 Crit.

Other information
  • In Reanimated, En's HP, MP, and damage increase each subsequent time he is encountered; in addition, Attack Type 3 can only be used from this quest.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 6/5/2024 17:13:41 >
  • AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
    1/21/2011 20:02:05   
      Stephen Nix
    Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

    Tropy (1)

    Location: Race to the Key Orb, Reanimated

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic
    Element: Darkness

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: 0
    DEX: 0
    INT: 0
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: 0
    WIS: 0

    Boost: 0%
    Bonus: Level/5
    Crit: 5

    Damage Multipliers
    Non-Crit: 100%
    Dex: 100%
    DoT: 100%
    Crit: 175%

    Melee: 5 * Level/90
    Pierce: 5 * Level/90
    Magic: 5 * Level/90
    Block: 0
    Parry: 0
    Dodge: 0

    Damage Reduction
    Non-Crit: 0%
    DoT: 0%
    Crit: 0%


    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Tropy creates a pillar of energy for 1 hit of 100% Magic Darkness damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Tropy crushes her target's energy for 2 hits of 100% Magic Darkness damage, amounting to 200% damage.
    Attack Type 3 - Tropy kicks her target and drains its energy for 9 hits of 100% Magic Darkness damage, amounting to 900% damage, with +200 Crit.

    Other information
  • In Reanimated, Tropy's HP, MP, and damage increase each subsequent time she is encountered; in addition, Attack Type 3 can only be used from this quest.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 6/5/2024 17:14:05 >
  • AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
    5/6/2020 17:48:38   

    En (2)

    Location: EnTropy, Tainted Time, EnTropy Appears!

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee
    Element: Darkness

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: Level*5/4
    DEX: Level*5/8
    INT: Level*5/8
    CHA: 200
    LUK: Level*5/8
    END: Level*11/16
    WIS: 0

    Boost: 0%
    Bonus: 5 + Level/5
    Crit: 15 + LUK/10

    Damage Multipliers
    Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
    Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
    DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
    Crit: [175+INT/10]%

    Melee: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Pierce: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Magic: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Block: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Parry: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Dodge: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20

    Damage Reduction
    Non-Crit: 0%
    DoT: 0%
    Crit: 0%

    Shrink: 200
    Evil: 50
    Good: 50
    Light: -10
    Darkness: 100

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - En creates a pillar of energy for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage and increasing his and Tropy's rage* by +1. (Pop-up: En charges up slightly.)
    • If Tropy's previous attack was successful, this attack will apply 'En Flare', a [50Y]% Magic Fear DoT effect, to target for 5 turns.
    • If the target is already affected with 'En Flare,' the DoT's damage will increase (Y) by an additional 50%.
    Attack Type 2 - En drains his target's energy for 2 hits of 100% Melee Darkness damage, amounting to 200% damage.
    • If Tropy's previous attack was successful, En will apply 'Soul Drain' (+5X Immobility Resist, where X is equal to En's rage*) to himself for 3 turns, apply 'Soul Drain' (-5X Immobility Resist, where X is equal to En's rage*) to target for 2 turns inclusive, and increase En and Tropy's rage* by +1.
    Attack Type 3 - En slams his target with dark energy for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage, with +50 Bonus and +200 Crit.
    • If Tropy's previous attack was successful, this attack will apply 'Shattered Soul' (-3X All Resist, +3X Health Resist, where X is equal to En's rage*) to target for 2 turns inclusive and increase En and Tropy's rage* by +1.
    Attack Type 4 - If Tropy is stunned, En will slam his target with dark energy for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage, with +200 Crit; applies 'Shattered Soul' (-3X All Resist, +3X Health Resist, where X is equal to En's rage*) to target for 2 turns inclusive; applies 'Crushed' to target, stunning it for 3 turns; increases his and Tropy's rage* by +1. (Pop-up: En is raging!)
    Attack Type 5 - If Tropy is defeated, En will slam his target with dark energy for 1 hit of 100% Melee Darkness damage, with +200 Crit; applies 'Shattered Soul' (-3X All Resist, +3X Health Resist, where X is equal to En's rage*) to target for 2 turns inclusive; increases his and Tropy's rage* by +10. (Pop-up: En is furious!)

    Other information
  • *En shares a rage counter with Tropy; En's rage will be increased by Attack Types 1, 4, and 5, can be increased with Tropy's assistance by Attack Types 2 and 3, and will empower the effects of Attack Types 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  • Each one of En's successful attacks will increase the Bonus and Crit of Tropy's next attack by +125 Bonus and +200 Crit (only on Tropy's Attack Type 1) respectively, and allow Tropy's Attack Types 1, 2, and 3 to apply their additional effects. (Pop-up: En creates an opening for Tropy!)
  • If Tropy is stunned, 'Resilient' (+200 Immobility Resist) will be applied to En for 2 turns.
  • If Tropy is defeated, after three turns, En will revive her with 99,999 HP. (Pop-up: Tropy revives!)
  • This version of En cannot go below 1 HP by any direct damage and can only be defeated by DoT effects.
  • En follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 (×2) -> Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 3 -> Repeat, complementing Tropy's rotation. En will only use Attack Type 4 while Tropy is stunned and will only use Attack Type 5 when Tropy is defeated; both attacks pause En's rotation.

    < Message edited by TFS -- 1/9/2025 18:40:01 >
  • DF  Post #: 3
    5/6/2020 17:52:06   

    fTropy (2)

    Location: EnTropy, Tainted Time, EnTropy Appears!

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic
    Element: Darkness

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: Level*5/8
    DEX: Level*5/8
    INT: Level*5/4
    CHA: 200
    LUK: Level*5/4
    END: Level*11/16
    WIS: 0

    Boost: 0%
    Bonus: 5 + Level/5
    Crit: 15 + LUK/10

    Damage Multipliers
    Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
    Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
    DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
    Crit: [175+INT/10]%

    Melee: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Pierce: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Magic: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Block: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Parry: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Dodge: 40 * Level/90 + LUK/20

    Damage Reduction
    Non-Crit: 0%
    DoT: 0%
    Crit: 0%

    Shrink: 200
    Evil: 50
    Good: 50
    Light: -10
    Darkness: 100

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Tropy creates a pillar of energy for 1 hit of 100% Magic Darkness damage and increasing her and En's rage* by +1. (Pop-up: Tropy charges up slightly.)
    • If En's previous attack was successful, this attack will apply 'Tropy Flare', a [50Y]% Magic Fear DoT effect, to target for 5 turns.
    • If the target is already affected by 'Tropy Flare,' the DoT's damage will increase (Y) by an additional 50%.
    Attack Type 2 - Tropy crushes her target's energy for 2 hits of 100% Magic Darkness damage, amounting to 200% damage.
    • If En's previous attack was successful, this attack will apply 'Soul Crush' (+5X Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, where X is equal to Tropy's rage*) to herself for 3 turns; apply 'Soul Crush' (-5X Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance, where X is equal to Tropy's rage*) to target for 2 turns inclusive; increase En and Tropy's rage* by +1.
    Attack Type 3 - Tropy kicks her target and drains its energy for 7 hits of 100% Magic Darkness damage, amounting to 700% damage; the 3rd, 4th, and 5th hits of this attack heal Tropy for an amount equal to the damage dealt; the 6th and 7th hits of this attack heal both En and Tropy for an amount equal to 10x the damage dealt.
    • If En's previous attack was successful, this attack will increase En and Tropy's rage* by +1.
    Attack Type 4 - If En is stunned, Tropy will kick her target and drain its energy for 7 hits of 100% Magic Darkness damage, amounting to 700% damage; increases her and En's rage* by +1; the 3rd, 4th, and 5th hits of this attack heal Tropy for an amount equal to the damage dealt; the 6th and 7th hits of this attack heal both En and Tropy for an amount equal to 10x the damage dealt. (Pop-up: Tropy is raging!)
    Attack Type 5 - If En is defeated, Tropy will kick her target and drain its energy for 7 hits of 20% Magic Darkness damage, amounting to 140% damage, with +200 Crit; increasing her and En's rage* by +10; the 3rd, 4th, and 5th hits of this attack heal Tropy for an amount equal to the damage dealt; the 6th and 7th hits of this attack heal both En and Tropy for an amount equal to 10x the damage dealt. (Pop-up: Tropy is furious!)

    Other information
  • *Tropy shares a rage counter with En; Tropy's rage will be increased by Attack Types 1, 4, and 5, can be increased with En's assistance by Attack Types 2 and 3, and will empower the effects of Attack Type 2.
  • Each one of Tropy's successful attacks will increase the Bonus and Crit of En's next attack by +125 Bonus and +200 Crit (only on En's Attack Type 1) respectively, and allow En's Attack Types 1, 2, and 3 to apply their additional effects. (Pop-up: Tropy creates an opening for En!)
  • If En is stunned, 'Resilient' (+200 Immobility Resist) will be applied to Tropy for 3 turns.
  • If En is defeated, after three turns, Tropy will revive him with 99,999 HP. (Pop-up: En revives!)
  • This version of Tropy cannot go below 1 HP by any direct damage and can only be defeated by DoT effects.
  • Tropy follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 1 (×2) -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Repeat, complementing En's rotation. Tropy will only use Attack Type 4 while En is stunned and will only use Attack Type 5 when En is defeated; both attacks pause Tropy's rotation.

    < Message edited by TFS -- 1/9/2025 18:40:18 >
  • DF  Post #: 4
    5/6/2020 18:50:44   

    Arena at the Edge of Time Appearance
    Individual En (1) Appearance
    Individual Tropy (1) Appearance
    Individual En (2) Appearance
    Individual Tropy (2) Appearance

    Also See (En): Entropic Minion (2), Entropic Soldier
    Also See (Tropy): Entropic Minion (1), Entropic Minion (3)

    Thanks to
  • SalvationXI and Dwelling Dragonlord for corrections (1).
  • TFS for entry reformats (1).
  • Solanaceae for rage information (2).
  • DemonicDarkwraith for individual En and Tropy images.(2)

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/9/2024 22:11:13 >
  • DF  Post #: 5
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