Here it is...my ideas summarized, expanding the game nicely for level 150 players. Eight runestones have been scattered, one for each element. Can you complete the quests to find the location of these hidden runestones? To get them, you will have to defeat a level 200 monster. Example: Plasma dragons (which should be expanded by adding in 2 plasma dragon lords before Akriloth), will then have a level 200 fire dragon after Akriloth. Defeat that dragon, and you get the "blazing runestone". The other seven elemental runestones are found at the end of other quests, with level 200 monsters added of the element that matches the runestone. For example, the "pitch black" runestone could be found after defeating the level 200 nightmare queen. This adds a great level of adventure to the game and mystery, and also keeps players farming for gold. Once collecting all 8 runestones, you can return to the Guardian Tower and use the runestones to unlock a door to the "Challenge of the Immortals". This is an 8 round challenge, defeating 8 level 200 monsters in each of the 8 elements. It should be really, really hard, even for a level 150 player. Then, at the end, you unlock a shop which has the following "items for the immortals, which are powerlevel 160". 1. Ice Age shield (ice), and Eta Carine Shield (fire). Each is powerlevel 160. Stats: Melee 18, ranged 17, magic 18 ; ice or fire element -26. Each has a mastercraft ability when you click on the shield to perform a big spell in that shields element. Cost 498 SP. Each shield's price is 120,000,000 gold 2. Two powerlevel 160 spells for mages in the elements of earth and wind. Cost: 75,000,000 each, uses 854 MP and 199 SP 3. Two powerlevel 160 weapons (melee) in the elements of water and energy. Cost: 75,000,000 each. Stats: 23-46 BTH 20 with a special Adding this adventure with runestones, an immortal challenge, and powerlevel 160 items, would then set up the game to add more level 200 monsters at the end of new quests, where players will need to have these new items in place to defeat them. It gives lots of room for the game to expand without having it become trivial.
< Message edited by XYGAGuy -- 5/29/2020 6:23:22 >