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Character rating for an outdated level 137 Guardian Battlemage

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1/18/2021 11:07:46   

Character Link : https://aq.battleon.com/game/flash/charview?temp=18662247
Level & Status : 138, Guardian
Build : Battlemage, I think?
Attributes: STR: 0; DEX: 200; INT: 200; END: 55; CHA: 30; LCK: 200
Armor of Awe Element : Earth
Alignment (Good/Evil or Chaos/Unity) : Good/Unity
Notes : I have been away from the game for a long time and returning I tried to fight the Christmas Delivery battle and got decimated by The War Within, barely getting him to half hp.
Goals : To have contemporary best items for the character to combine. Sort of update to meta.
Z-Tokens (If Applicable): 3116, but the house is worth ca 18k and if I buy a new one I'll still have some left to fish for goodies within golden boxes.

Any help would be appreciated, please.

< Message edited by roltzeji -- 1/19/2021 2:21:42 >


AQ  Post #: 1
1/19/2021 4:26:12   
Primate Murder

Welcome back!

First of all, I should mention that the stat cap has been raised to 250. This means that meta FO mages have 250 Int/Dex/Luck.

Secondly, a number of subraces have been revamped to have a full 10 skills. As an FO mage, you'd probably want to go Vampire, as it has an Int drive, a quickcast (doesn't cost a turn) stun and an Evolved Form with high damage, lifesteal and a sustainable upkeep. After you complete the advanced subrace quest in Darkovia, you'll gain a second no-drop in the form of your subrace transformation. Safiria's shop has alt-element variants of the armor.

Next, I suggest you check out Commonly Used Strategies, particularly the Purple Rain loop. The basic idea of the modern meta is to stun-lock the monster, then crush it with powerful ele-comped skills. Maximum damage at minimum risk.

Now, without further ado:


I would suggest switching your no-drop element to darkness (as no-drop Vamp armor covers that) and aligning your Awe special to PWD for a 3% chance of instantly killing the monster.

Arcane Cutlass of Combustion gives all your fire spells +28% damage. If you don't have a spare UR, Pyromancer's Bloodblade (coming to the Void in a few months) or Blazing Bloodzerker Blade (Rare GGB) pay hp for a boost to your weapon attacks and fire spells.

If you plan on getting Hydromancer Bloodmage, get Tsunami Pen, as it providesa multiplicative damage boost to all your water spells. If not, Hydromancer's Bloodblade (Rare GGB) is a water clone of pyromancer's.

Arcane Cutlass of Gales (wind copy of Combustion Cutlass) is BiS wind spellbooster. If you don't have a spare UR, Haunted Dragonlord's Insight heals some mp on every hit.

Arctic Athame provides a nice damage boost to your ice spells. If you don't plan on getting Cryomancer Bloodmage anytime soon, however, Cryomancer Bloodblade would serve you better.

Terra Bloodzerker blade gives an hp-costing damage boost to your weapon attacks and earth spells. If you don't have a spare Rare GGB, you can choose between Arcane Troll Club (toggle to increase weapon damage at expense of accuracy) and Mutant King Club (compresses an elelocked earth armor with a skill).

Frostval's Decorate the Tree quest (in Today's Event) still has last year's weapons. Lord of Thunder's Staff toggles between inflicting Burn for an hp cost and sacrificing damage to autohit - a very nice utility weapon.

Arcane Cutlass of Radiance (light copy of Combustion) provides a very nice boost to the damage of your light spells. If you don't have a spare UR, Morningstar Occult Cross pairs nicely with Vamp's Evolved Form, giving you a nuke that requires neither mp nor stunning the monster.


The meta focuses on armors with powerful elecomped skills. As such, the best mage armors would be the Bloodmages - 50% extra spell damage for an hp cost and a compressed spell with a high elecomp. Pyromancer comes to the Void in a few months, and Hydromancer, Cryomancer and Dynamancer are in UR GGBs. If you don't have the URs, your Moglord, Horo Show and Taladosian are the next best options. For fire, while you wait for the Pyromancer to return, you can use either War's Legacy (spell-type fire skill) or Torontosaurus Rex (8-hit skill has great synergy with Haunted DL weapon).

Haunted Dragonlord Armor has a powerful and accurate spell-type skill.

Terra Bloodzerker is the best available earth armor, with an hp-costing damage bonus to weapon attacks and a 2x damage elelock toggle. It is a UR, though. If you don't have one to spare, either Mutant King Form (from the Mutant King Club) or Cthonian Count (alt-element vampire) are good enough options.

Paladin is the first (and only) endgame class, complete with a full 20 skills. It has healing, ressurection, a light booster guest, several useful bonuses against Undead and one of the strongest light nukes in the game (Inner Light > Overwhelming Light). I highly recommend it for any dedicated AQ player.


The shield from this year's Frostval has a qc 1/battle skill that pays sp to reduce the fire damage you take and restore some mp for 3 rounds.

Celtic Wheel remains the best option for nuke mages.

Haunted DL's Will gives you a qc sp-costing Barrier - great synergy with Purple Rain.

Pies has a Cha drive, which boosts your damage by enhancing the booster pet and guest.

Golem Guard has a small damage reduction toggle. At Harvest Fest you can get Serenia's Guard, which heals a bit of mp each time you're hit.

Mystic Father Time is an energy clone of the Father Time shield.

Scarab Shell has a toggle to lower monster MRM, increasing the accuracy of all your attacks and spells.


Your armor nukes, as a rule, will be stronger than any generic spell. As such, there are only a few damage spells worth looking at:

- Warmaster's Burst and your D-Burst deal +50% damage for an hp cost.

- Sizzler 'Splosion sacrifices some damage, but autohits - useful against high MRM wind mobs.

- Knife to Meat You is a qc, 1/battle earth damage spell. Only available at Mogloween.

- Archmage Research or Runic Binding give you a source of Harm damage.

Poelala guest does no damage by itself, but boosts the damage of your magical attacks and spells. As of this week, we also have elemental boosters (higher boost, but only for their element) for fire, ice, darkness and energy (UR GGBs).

Gandolphin gives you a qc Mana Shield. With Generalist Robes (Imbue toggled on), it has incredible efficiency, acting as a substitute to your End.

Purple Rain is one of the most useful meta spells, to the point where there's an entire strategy build around it (see Purple Rain Loop in Commonly Used Strategies linked above). It acts as a save point - cast it once to save your current sp/mp/hp, then cast all your buffs (like Moonwalker's Grace and SFP) and debuffs (like Mesmerize and Love Potion), then cast Purple Rain again to return your sp/mp/hp back. Here are some spells you can cast inside the PR loop:

- New Year's Surprise. Qc accuracy boost.

- Moonwalker's Grace. Qc Dex booster.

- Edoc Imanok. Qc MRM boost, enhances your blocking.

- Dragonguard Invocation. Makes your next attack an automatic Lucky Strike. Not qc.


At 0 Cha, you have little reason to use anything except Poelala.


Essence Orb should be your first priority. The misc allows you to turn your hp into sp, fueling a wide variety of nukes and effects.

Rejuvenating Necklace gives mp based on damage dealt. A great way to ensure you always have mana to cast a spell.

Shadowfeeder Pendant is one of the best meta enablers - by clicking on it, you can get qc celerity; great synergy with Purple Rain and any elecomped nukes. Love Potion is another great meta misc (qc control), but it only comes back at Snugglefest.

Elemental resistance miscs are not really meta anymore - you tend to end up killing the monster long before they make any difference. If you want a safety net, though, Cyclop's Eye covers all the elements in one slot.

Goggernaut Helm gives +10 bth to every attack on the field, without the usual /2 for spells.

Grakma Warhorn's Berserk gives a notable damage bonus (not /2 for spells, making it the strongest spell booster), but at the expense of accuracy. Eye of Osiris (Int and bth) or Murderator Gauntlet (Int and control chance) are some nice alternatives.

Taladosian Pendant gives Mental Potence, increasing your chances of inflicting Vamp's Mesmerize.

Morningstar Helm gives immunity to paralysis. If you want something a little more sp-efficient, Blood Ruby and Liquid Courage give resistances to paralysis and fear respectively.

Hope the info's useful and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!
AQ DF  Post #: 2
1/19/2021 7:12:02   

Wow, first of all thank you for all of this :).

I now realize that there is a lot of learning for me to do and got tons of questions.

Given that I only have around 10k Z-tokens to spend I think that getting this lucky with the boxes is rather impossible and I will still have to mostly use F2P equipment.
I would however like to try and do something alike to what has been described here.
Bearing this in mind could you please also include a scenario with some of these better items included on an element basis? I wouldn't even know to pick between so many of these MCs.

I already opened plenty of GGBs now with some luck. I guess the armors and cutlasses are next in priority?
Is Tsunami Pen actually even better than the hydro bloodblade?

Also, regarding the vampire class. I need to buy the advanced armor, but as for the element I am at a loss once again. In which scenarios should I use Vampire armor?
And this, as well as paladins should have all of the quests completed to have the whole chain of spells I take it?

E: I kind of got the jist of how orb and pendant synergize and have done some work on upgrading the items. Still feel weak at times tho.

< Message edited by roltzeji -- 1/19/2021 19:48:28 >
AQ  Post #: 3
1/20/2021 2:40:59   
Primate Murder

Your first UR priority would be the Poelala guest, as it is something that gives ~30% damage boost to your every attack in every battle.

Next up would be the Bloodmage armors - there's no point in having Arcane Cutlasses w/o the corresponding armor, since they don't boost Horo Show or Taladosian skills.

Cutlasses and Rammsey/Chilly/Mog/Necromoglin guests are a tertiary priority.


Is Tsunami Pen actually even better than the hydro bloodblade?

Only when it comes to boosting spells. If you're using weapon attacks, Bloodblades are superior.


Also, regarding the vampire class. I need to buy the advanced armor, but as for the element I am at a loss once again. In which scenarios should I use Vampire armor?

You don't need to buy the advanced armor - after you complete the advanced subrace quest, it will automatically be added as your second no-drop (0-th slot armor).

There are two reasons to use Vampire armor. A) It's your darkness armor. Use against dark monsters (that are not undead - Paladin is better against those). B) When using Purple Rain. With Mesmerize (lvl 4 Vamp skill) you can attempt to inflict the monster with a qc stun twice per round.


And this, as well as paladins should have all of the quests completed to have the whole chain of spells I take it?

Yes. Each quest unlocks a new skill.
AQ DF  Post #: 4
1/20/2021 6:19:02   

I find that casting spells should in damage be superior to weapon attacks, no?

About the Vampire armor acting as a darkness armor, I swapped it to darkness but I now have 2 armors of that element in this case.
The Vampire armor should be preffered to the Guardian armor I take it?

Thanks for the help Primate, u're awesome.
And also thanks for the money gifts, appreciate it.
AQ  Post #: 5
1/20/2021 7:29:07   

I also followed the same guide from Primate Murder. If you don't mind, here are some of my thoughts


I find that casting spells should in damage be superior to weapon attacks, no?

In my experience, I can't sustain spells. You usually have to fight off 4 mobs before getting a full heal, and you can only cast 3 spells with your mana (since some of it is consumed by Poelala guest).

It's unlikely that you kill off every monster you meet with one spell cast, so you're really bound to using normal attacks every now and then (for me I use normal attacks often)


About the Vampire armor acting as a darkness armor, I swapped it to darkness but I now have 2 armors of that element in this case.
The Vampire armor should be preffered to the Guardian armor I take it?

I have the same build, and I rarely use the Guardian armor. My no-drops are set to Fire at the moment because I have neither the Cutlass nor the Bloodblade. And I really like the Dark Dragonlord Weapon and Shield (chi shield stacks with the Wind version for less SP cost)
Post #: 6
1/20/2021 14:04:46   


In my experience, I can't sustain spells. You usually have to fight off 4 mobs before getting a full heal, and you can only cast 3 spells with your mana (since some of it is consumed by Poelala guest).

It's unlikely that you kill off every monster you meet with one spell cast, so you're really bound to using normal attacks every now and then (for me I use normal attacks often)

I understand what you're getting at and got a few more of the GGB blades.

I am still unsure looking at my inventory what to do regarding the Guardian stuff, keep it on Darkness I guess.

Also I bought the UR Poelala summon instead of the level 100 and kind of feel like I should have gone for an armor instead? Anybody confirm the efficiency?

I now have 10 GBBs worth of tokens and so far from most of the commons I've taken the exp to reach 50. However perhaps there is something else to focus also that would be more useful?

I appreciate all the help and responses, thank you kind people .

< Message edited by roltzeji -- 1/20/2021 14:24:03 >
AQ  Post #: 7
1/21/2021 1:09:52   
Primate Murder


I now have 10 GBBs worth of tokens and so far from most of the commons I've taken the exp to reach 50. However perhaps there is something else to focus also that would be more useful?

You can use Account Manager to trade 25 Common GGBs for a Rare and 10 Rares for a UR.
AQ DF  Post #: 8
1/22/2021 10:59:38   

Is there any point in upgrading the SF Pendant and Purple Rain?
The formula for the latter indicates a PowLvl tied success rate which the SF Pendant does not have in description. I assume however that they share this thing.
Since the second to highest lvl of the Misc has more of a gap with level 150 the difference would be more notable with the upgrade, whilst with the spell not that much?

Is the CHA boost from Pies better than the SP return from Horo-Show Void Vindicator? I often find myself lacking SP during fights or regenerating it via Essence orb.

Also, if at all anybody has the time and energy I would appreciate another quick rating please.

E: So for the 2nd question, the CHA from Pies as well will be useful together with Alluring presence to control the beast for 2 rounds and that's the selling point it seems.
E2: Apparently I haven't collected my gift for Guardianship from Ballyhoo yet. Any ideas on what I should go for from there? I hear that the White Knight armor is good? Or perhaps Ciceros TP Booth spell? So many rares there to be claimed.
Could someone also please send me the link to character overview via the code. A lot of cool stuff on reps and quests not completed there, found it once and didn't memorize - unable to find since.

< Message edited by roltzeji -- 1/22/2021 15:59:12 >
AQ  Post #: 9
1/22/2021 21:04:46   


Is there any point in upgrading the SF Pendant and Purple Rain?

From this this, infliction chance is 51 + (PowLvl - MonsterLvl). So yeah I think upgrading SF and PR is necessary. If the PowLvl of the item is 51 points below the MonsterLvl, there is 0% chance of success (no including the Major and Minor stat bonuses)


Is the CHA boost from Pies better than the SP return from Horo-Show Void Vindicator? I often find myself lacking SP during fights or regenerating it via Essence orb.

I think it depends on your preference. For me, I can't rely on Horo-Show because it requires blocking attacks to regen SP. I also like that Pies has -26%, Horo-Show only has -25%. And well, the CHA boost is a nice option
Post #: 10
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