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Quadforce misc advice

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1/22/2021 20:34:06   
Mr. Roguish

So I play a lvl 150 rogue that benefits from magic weapons and thus INT. However, I typically don't use spells to deal damage and everything is focused around dodging (like moonwalker's grace and Imanok Edoc) as much as possible within reason (being able to dodge all the time isn't worth barely being able to deal any damage).
Character page

With the Quadforce misc now it is possible to allow melee weapons, however the issue is, is that I'd be preventing myself from using my other misc that are extremely useful like Mana Trap against something that only attacks with magic and Brilliance of DAW which inflicts roughly -20 BtH to opponent which is alot better than any misc that buffs your own MRM as well as it cost very little MP so it's one less thing that is draining my SP.

Does anyone know of any melee weapons that would benefit this kind of play style and is so useful that it would warrant not needing a misc essentially? The only thing I can think of is Belmiah's Splendor. However I already have a wind weapon of Big Dictionary which gives a more guaranteed and longer lasting MRM buff as well as a non hit means of restoring MP.

< Message edited by Mr. Roguish -- 1/23/2021 6:07:31 >
Post #: 1
1/22/2021 21:54:13   
Macho Man

Well I'm no expert on gimmicky builds but the new master sword weapon and shield set from the giftboxes blind the mob, they are a melee light weapon and shield. There is also the Absolute Darkness SPell from one of the Dragonlorn Keep quests from earlier this year, they apply a permanent blind to the mob so that could be something useful if you already don't have it.

Also I don't think having just 5 stat points into any stat is worthwhile. You could put them all into INT and have that give you more MP to work with and it'll help with saves a bit. If you have your char page we could also give more accurate answers.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
1/23/2021 6:46:49   
Mr. Roguish

I originally couldn't put the character page, it should be up there now.

Unfortunately I already use the Alchemical Unity which does the same thing as the Master sword and is also light and can swap between magic and ranged damage. Plus I use the alchemical unity to stack with the brilliance of DAW so it doesnt seem like a good trade off.

I guess it would also be useful to explain typically how I play:
For regular mobs:
1. Use PR (spell) and/or Father Time (shield) to get large initial buffs to MRM with Big Dictionary and/or moonwalker's grace (spell) and Use chaos orb misc to align mob to be weak against light
2. Use combination of Alchemical unity (weapon)+chaser bracers (shield)+brilliance of DAW to stack blind which is usually past -60 to BtH by the time MRM runs out
3. Once blind is at approximately -65Bth, swap to roots of DAW (misc) to add additional nerf to DEX and ultimately accuracy (weapon and shield will maintain blindness)

Hard mobs or bosses:
1. Chaos orb to align to be weakest against darkness
2. PR (spell) to set up absolute darkness (spell) (with emancipator's radiance (shield) to increase success), will have highest possible blindness
3. Stack celerity with shadowfeeder's pendant
4. End PR (spell) after using Big Dictionary (weapon) defense buff spell
5. Swap to Roots of DAW (misc) and Infinita staff (darkness weapon); cast gandolphin (spell)
6. Use inifitia staff (weapon) to regen MP lost in the unlikely chance of getting hit; cast follow on imanok (MRM buff spell) to maintain MRM buff swapping between the MP and SP versions.

Both styles utilize the black cat (guest) as well as the Rose-in-full-bloom (pet) which both inflicts some form of reduction to BtH to enemy.

Also, the reason why I have at least 5 in each is because (mind you this was a long time ago as far as remembering the specifics) when I was revamping my build from STR to INT and realizing the use fo pets, I found the like LUK when it comes to lucky hits. While I dont remember specifically what, I remember there are other things that kind of act the same way that if you don't dedicate at least 1 stat point to a skill then you won't benefit from..... something overall or at least something I have in my inventory, whatever it is will multiply off the zero stat and thus becoming zero like the lucky strike formula for zero LUK. The 5 in END is because, for the decade I've been playing this game, I have not usually seen against even most hard monsters that they hit 3K in 1 hit while I have seen monsters hit about 2.5K before. My playstyle, I always try to stay at least 1K health above my opponents and the 5 in END puts me right at 3K.

< Message edited by Mr. Roguish -- 1/23/2021 10:49:09 >
Post #: 3
1/23/2021 8:45:52   
Mike Dragonblade

Seems you got your set up quite well thought up.
Maybe a good place start (so people can help you) would be saying which weapons in your inventory do you consider that could be changed? (since a few of them seem to be a core addition to your set up).

Extra: I find Quadforce really shines when it comes to saving throws, for example in Vampire Subrace (9th slot armor) has the quick cast mezmerize skill, which attempts to control the enemy for a turn, that particular skill give the enemy a saving throw of CHA (if the enemies level is above yours), so in that case, using Quadforce to buff Cha to 250 really makes the skill work more often. I mention this because you use quite a lot of utility spells, and don't have much CHA stat, maybe you could check out if any of them give CHA saving throws and use Quadforce for those instances (you already have INT and LUCK which are the other common saving throws).

BTW you could add vampire mesmerize to your set up as your 9th armor.

AQ DF  Post #: 4
1/23/2021 9:56:41   
Mr. Roguish

Well I feel like no weapon is so critical to the build that I would be unwilling to part with it if the trade off were good enough, made sense, and was conducive to the intent of the build. Yea there are certain things that work really well together, i.e:
• Alchemical Unity+Radiance of DAW
• Infinitia Staff+rejuvenation necklace

However, so far the alternatives that I could think of as well as have been presented are redundant as I already have something that essentially does the same thing, which would be fine, if they both weren't for the exact same element:
• Alchemical unity (light+blind)>Master sword (Light+blind)
• Big Dictionary(wind+MRM buff (longer and guaranteed)+magic regen)>Belmiah's Splendor (wind+MRM buff)
I prefer to have a weapon for every element, however I have:
chaos orb- to swap elements (not always the nicest with randomization but also helps kill enemies faster)
Ultimate dragon scythe of elements - Can have any element if absolutely necessary (trade off is weapon doesn't have any status buffs or infliction of nerfs
void Spear of war- helps to deal with opponents with all elemental resistances lower than 100%
These help me to get around needing 1 weapon for every element however neither of the weapons have any abilities so I still try to have a bit of diversity with elements where I can help it.

Also I never thought about the mesmerizing gaze with the vampire thing! I used to play vampire subrace however I swapped to lunar neko because (while not really) it fits into the aesthetic im try to achieve a bit more since the vampire base armor looks like a knight clad in heavy armor and the transform state looks like a giant beefy monster rather than an agile skillful rogue/assassin.
Plus the DEX and LUK drives with neko give it more defence as well as the very useful skill to pump out some SP. it is also extremely useful with all the poison and burn stacked with the rose in full bloom pet and when I swap my guardian scythe with the dragonbane scepter and turn my opponents into dragons with the dragonmogrify (spell).
Because of my shields and playstyle however, it is usually much more beneficial to let my opponent attacks and miss instead of stun locking, so I never used mesmerize even when I was a vampire.

Still I'm not 100% sold on luna neko, just been forcing myself to try it out for the most part. If it were full offense and didn't practically force me to use 100% proc weapons just to get any real use out of it, it'd be a different story.

< Message edited by Mr. Roguish -- 1/23/2021 17:25:01 >
Post #: 5
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