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place to farm

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4/6/2021 14:15:59   

Where was the am-bush farming spot, please? From what i recall, it is still the fastest for me.

Many thanks in advance!
AQ  Post #: 1
4/6/2021 15:53:09   

Ambush is in the dragonspire saga, wyvern rider wars.

However, that isn’t the fastest farming spot anymore. Queen Hybee is better for f2p farming. Depending on your build and setup there are better alternatives. See: https://adventurequestwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Gold_%26_Z-Token_Farming_Guide

One suggestion that isn’t mentioned that is the best currently is alpha weredragon backlash farming, which under the right configuration can have you cap in as little as 12 minutes. However it should be noted that due to the limited number of fights you do miss out on tokens should you farm some of these alternative methods
Post #: 2
4/6/2021 22:31:02   

I'm curious about the alpha weredragon backlash farming, how do you set it up?
Post #: 3
4/6/2021 23:41:05   


alpha weredragon: (2,415,000 gold per run)

Ideally you use doomlight's FSB (but you can do without but with more risk), alongside a backlash pet (Angra linorm) and guest (EOC/Dreadfiend). You have a build of 250 END/CHA/MAINSTAT (int is preferable since you refill int for dreadfiend unlike SP). Alpha weredragon gives 10% less gold than Mr. Frostvaleverse. You only need to attack, and you'll usually kill the boss in 1-3 turns, usually without needing to even do anything because the boss will usually paralyze you. If you do everything right you can usually cap within 10-15 minutes depending on your luck. But since you'll only fight about 30 times, you'll lose out on tokens.

fruitcakezard: (1,803,000 gold per run)

There's also this method for backlash you don't have doomlight and don't want to completely change your stats to a backlasher with 250 END (but having some END will decrease risk). You load paladin, angra, and EOC, set the armor's lean to FD. You'll need paladin for this in case the fruitcakezard crits you and your HP goes to 0 before the zard's does. For a weapon and shield you should have things that passively regen you. I don't know which things do this off the top of my head since I haven't done enough experimentation but I know they do exist. Should you do everything right this method will get you to cap in 20-30 minutes depending on your luck. But you'll also lose out on tokens because you only fight about 50 times before you cap.

I probably will formalize all of this later.

< Message edited by PD -- 4/6/2021 23:46:00 >
Post #: 4
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