As someone who has been playing fully-defensive builds since the concept of armor lean was introduced, it's always bothered me that you are pretty much forced into using a "normal" weapons while using FD armor. At least FO users can make do with a low weapon proc rate. FD characters are just sort of stuck with the 0.8x modifier. 100% proc weapons in general are kind of neglected (fewer releases, very few ele-comp options, generally weaker options), which is kinda understandable as FD is the less popular playstyle. However, when it comes to no-drop weapon, there is literally no such option available. The Awe weapons in particular don't make too much sense thematically as their armor counterpart is fully defensive. My suggestion is t have a 100% proc bow and wand version of of all the no-drop weapons. If not all of them, at least have 1 version of each for adventurers and 1 to accompany the FD Awe set.