Hollow posted in the design notes up top. I just wanted to say that the approach with this is an outstanding decision. Taking a 40,000 foot view as they say, and back-tracking to fix some things so that the game progresses to a much better place for the future is the right call. Not only is it the right call for classes, but for all of the aspects of the game. Another example->Why let a bug sit for weeks or months? Fix it now at release time or soon after so as to not upset players who become used to it. (dragonlord weapons) I would also encourage staff to evaluate class armors, and also subrace armors, as compared to any everyday regular armor as well as the yearly Mastercraft set that gets the FSB. Taking on a 40,000 foot view, I started playing this game in 2006. It's been some years with a ton of playing and other years of just dabbling in it. But I have never understood why the game diverged away from a central class-system and more towards what I'll call randomness. It sounds like there is a renewed emphasis on the class system, and this will be fantastic. I praise this whole-heartedly and then some. BUT, class armors, and subrace armors as well, cannot make other options completely obsolete. There are only likely around 5ish armors that are even worth using ouitside of classes and subraces, and I would say this includes the variants of bard of war, bloodmage, zerker stuff, and Tempest. You might throw in doomlight armors or blocking focused stuff, although blocking meta in AQ needs addressed too. Everything else is simply just beneath class/subrace. While I think the class and subrace system should have always been and hopefully is moving towards the core of the game, how can we ensure other armors remain partially desireable? I said it elsewhere, but I would like to take the time to tap staff on the shoulder with at least 1 idea. Class/subrace armors = super compression. So the damage and effects contained within, depending on the specifics of the abilities, need to take compression penalties where normal stuff does not. Giving access to 20 skills (for tier 3) should not be having, as a random example, the same status potency for an ability as an armor that doesn't have access to 20 abilities. As an example, we have paladin and Necromancer and we have Paladin rider and Necromancer Cavalry. The latter takes skills from the former, at *the same* potency, but the latter gets 2 skills and the former gets 20. The class armor should have a reduced potency, even if a small one, to allow the rider/cavalry armors to at least motivate players to buy and use them, or the creation of said armors ends up mostly a waste of staff's ever so more and more precious time. And as time and manpower diminishes and the size of the game grows and hopefully for years to come, going back to "correct" something that one day might be viewed as an issue when today it wasn't, will increasingly be more and more difficult to rectify. And this 40,000 foot view is simply one example. At the end of the day, I appreciate the direction with class armors and look forward to the upcoming years for AQ. Thanks staff for the hard work.
< Message edited by SapphireCatalyst2021 -- 2/7/2022 20:58:19 >