![](image/wide_ak4.jpg) ArchKnight DragonFable
The Adjudicator ??? Location: The Adjudicator, The Weight of Life, The Adjudicator Appears! Level: As player Damage: Scaled Damage Type: Pierce Element: Fear HP: Scaled MP: Scaled Experience rewarded: Scaled Gold rewarded: Scaled Stats STR: Level*5/2 DEX: Level*5/2 INT: Level*5/2 CHA: 0 LUK: Level*5/4 END: Level*5/4 WIS: 0 Offense Boost: 0% Bonus: 25 + Level/5 Crit: 40 + LUK/10 Damage Multipliers Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]% Dex: [100+DEX/40]% DoT: [100+DEX/4]% Crit: [175+INT/10]% Defense Melee: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Pierce: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Magic: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Block: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Parry: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Dodge: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20 Damage Reduction Non-Crit: 0% DoT: 0% Crit: 0% Resistances ???: 200 Evil: 200 Good : 200 Shrink: 300 Immobility: 300 Attack Types Attack Type 1 - Approaches and swings its scales to its target for 2 hits of 100% Pierce Evil damage, amounting to 200% damage; changes battle background; aligns its element to Good. (Pop-up: The Adjudicator's scales tip toward Good.) Attack Type 2 - Approaches and swings its scales to its target for 2 hits of 100% Pierce Good damage, amounting to 200% damage; changes battle background; aligns its element to Evil. (Pop-up: The Adjudicator's scales tip toward Evil.) Attack Type 3 - Approaches and swings its scales to its target for 2 hits of 100% Pierce damage, amounting to 200% damage; attack's element deals Good or Evil, depending on the Adjudicator's alignment. Attack Type 4 - Approaches, backflips and slashes the target with its scales for 2 hits of 100% Pierce Good damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Weight of the Present' (-75 Bonus) to target for 4 turns. Attack Type 5 - Approaches, backflips and slashes the target with its scales for 2 hits of 100% Pierce Good damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Relief of the Present' (+75 Bonus) to itself for 6 turns inclusive. Attack Type 6 - Approaches, backflips and slashes the target with its scales for 2 hits of 100% Pierce Good damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Pressure of the Present' (-180 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to target for 5 turns inclusive. Attack Type 7 - Approaches, backflips and swings the target with its scales for 6 hits of 100% Pierce Fear damage, amounting to 600% damage. Attack Type 8 - Approaches, backflips and slashes the target with its scales for 2 hits of 100% Pierce Evil damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Weight of the Past' (-25% Boost) to the target for 4 turns. Attack Type 9 - Approaches, backflips and slashes the target with its scales for 2 hits of 100% Pierce Evil damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Relief of the Past' (+25% Boost) to target for 6 turns inclusive. Attack Type 10 - Approaches, backflips and slashes the target with its scales for 2 hits of 100% Pierce Evil damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Pressure of the Past' (-25 All Resist, +25 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive. Other information The Adjudicator uses two unique stacking mechanics called Corruption and Decay. (Pop-up: The corrupting scale weighs <x> and the decaying scale weighs <y>.)- Corruption and Decay starts at 1 and are increased through the following conditions:
- Corruption increases every time the player gets a Critical hit against the Adjudicator.
- Decay increases every time a hit from Attack Types 1-3 successfully connects.
- If Corruption exceeds Decay, the Adjudicator applies 'Anti-Corruption' (+20X All Resist, -20X Health Resist, where X is equal to the difference between Corruption and Decay stacks) to itself for 2 turns inclusive.
- If Decay exceeds Corruption, the Adjudicator applies 'Anti-Decay' (+20Y Bonus, +20Y% Boost, where Y is equal to between Decay and Corruption stacks) to itself for 2 turns inclusive.
- Only one 'Anti' effect can be active at a time.
While facing the Adjudicator, the player will be permanently affected by 'Corrupting Soul Poison' (a Magic Evil DoT effect equal to the total amount of Corruption stacks accumulated during the battle) and 'Decaying Soul Poison' (a Magic Good DoT effect equal to the total amount of Decay stacks accumulated during the battle). While aligned with Good, the Adjudicator is immune to direct damage. While aligned with Evil, the Adjudicator is immune to DoT effects. The Adjudicator will cycle the following skill rotations, in order: - [1] While aligned with Good, it uses the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 5 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 6 -> Attack Type 7, switching to its alignment to Evil afterwards. The Adjudicator will always start this fight in Good rotation.
- [2] While aligned with Evil, it uses the skill rotation; Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 8 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 9 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 10 -> Attack Type 7, switching to its alignment to Good afterwards.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 10/24/2024 17:38:47 >