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Friday, June 21st Design Notes: New Looks & Touch Ups!

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6/21/2024 17:26:39   
Laeon val Observis


Friday, June 21, 2024
New Looks & Touch Ups!
Hey there, heroes!

This week, we have new and updated Titan Dragon parts, and some a big update to the Calamity Saga!

First up, Titan Dragon customization has been updated! New heads, wings, and tails are now available! Also, Titan Dragon claws are now color custom to match your dragon's horn color. There have also been a number of fixes and updates!

Next, the Calamity Saga has been updated. The first half of the saga now has tracking and locked buttons, reducing confusion and helping players navigate all those quests! Certain events will also be reflected now in relevant locations. You will need to replay most of these quests in order to unlock the quests again!

Dove is working hard on the Book 3 finale! We're doing our best to get it ready for release next week!

This week also has a number of fixes and adjustments.
  • Book 3 Falconreach's innkeepers and inn will now properly update.
  • The Castle Valtrith town has been updated and had some buttons rearranged/locking.
  • The Void Queen boss in Castle Nostromo has had her HP halved.
  • All wars accessible from Symone in the Castle Valtrith town now exit to Catle Valtrith instead of Falconreach.
  • Visage of the Dragon and (CC) version are now able to be sold.
  • Fixed an issue where completing the Tower of Bask quest could result in unintended behavior.
  • Nirios's Analayis in the Dance of the Stars challenge now appears in the Character Info Page.
  • Food and Runes will now say Consume instead of Equip.
  • When the Temp Inventory is emptied, the item details will now reset to default instead of staying on the last item's details.
  • Fixed an issue where DragonRider's back arm would fly off into space when DragonRider did a headbutt attack.
  • DragonRider's claws are now CC to Horn color.
  • Swapped the order of Dragon Skin and Dragon Eye color customizations in the Advanced Color selection in the Armor Paint room.
  • Updated some Ninja tooltips.
  • Fixed a typo in Warrior's Wound tootlip.
  • Anything else I may have forgotten!

And that's all for this week! It's a bit l ight, but there's a lot going on behind the scenes as we get ready for the Book 3 grand finale!

< Message edited by Laeon val Observis -- 6/21/2024 17:27:01 >
DF AQW  Post #: 1
6/21/2024 21:04:36   

More dragon drip is always welcome! I forgot how goofy some of those older heads look, lol.


Oh snap indeed! I didn't think those meager chains would hold... Hopefully our magi friends are still able to cast with their stomachs in their throats. Though I guess Alexander won't have to worry about that...
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 2
6/26/2024 22:34:04   
Warmonger Starsaber

Long time no see everyone. The updates look amazing. Amazing job. Love the new Dragon Customizations.


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 3
6/30/2024 2:06:19   
spirit of greed

I'm a bit ashamed but i skipped this whole release pretty much, only to see later on what did i missed. It's not a main story release sure but it's still a pretty important one. More customize option for Draco is important and while it's a nice surprise it was needed for a while. The new options look really good, all of them. Sure we don't see Draco in his titan form that much but when i do (like in the finally boss fight now) i want to see him properly for the occasion. Any Draco release is a win.
DF AQW  Post #: 4
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