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Remembering the good ol' days in the forum

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1/13/2017 0:09:26   
Prince Alteon

Anyone still around from 2007? I'm browsing through this forum and its kind of depressing, so many good memories were formed here. So many friends made. I'm probably just talking to myself, but you come here to reminisce about the glory days of the Battleon Forums.

Battle On,
Prince Alteon


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AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
1/13/2017 17:29:04   
Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

June 2006 here, if the date format is Month/Day.

My first memory was helping a guy I think called "ShadySwipe" with his iPod problems.. that has STILL stuck in my mind all these years! http://forums2.battleon.com/f/showprofile.asp?memid=264230

There we go.. 2008 last login
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
1/14/2017 7:21:07   

'08 here. Hard to believe it's been almost 9 years...
I wasn't ever exactly what I'd call "active" in the game communities themselves, mostly since I never saw myself as being able to contribute to the discussions around the games. I've mostly been involved in the Forum Games section, starting back when it was called "Unofficial Contests and Games" and actually had people in it outside of the PAM games.
It's a little tough on me seeing this part of the forums falling apart. I remember the first (and only) attempt at forming a "Debate Club" in the OOC, the flame-wars that got a few people in a bit of trouble, a couple of April Fool's Day jokes that were isolated to the OOC... And that's all just specifically for the OOC Room itself.
I don't know where I'd be now if it weren't for the UCaG. I know I wouldn't be anywhere near as good of a writer as I am now, though. When I was in high school, I probably spent more time writing character bios and GMing than I did on schoolwork. I ended up with a love of writing not just stories or characters, but in general. That love of writing helped me pass the AP English exam, impress professors by writing what I viewed as fluff, and bluff my way to an A on a five-page essay on a book I'd never read.
That being said, I still try to stay active here. It's tough, though, with how empty this place is nowadays. I have a tough time thinking about this place without remembering the days where there were three full pages of open threads in the OOC room, and two pages in the UCaG...
I think some dust just got in my eye.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
1/15/2017 6:47:26   

I joined in April 2008, after playing the games for about half a year. I was 13 years old and this was the first forum I ever joined. I think my first post was a question about how to get extra weapon slots in AQ or something. I hung around here for a year or so, but since I was young and not very good at writing, I mostly lurked. My profile says I have 15 posts, but I actually had well over 100 (which still isn't a lot). Too bad this forum erases old posts 'cause it would've been funny to go back and read them. And most likely cringe, haha.

I remember when AQWorlds first came out. I was one of the very first people to make an account, and played it religiously up until like 2010 or so. After that I got into other stuff. I'm not really much of a gamer these days. I'm now 22 and mostly occupied with college and everything that comes with it. But I still like to visit this place every so often for nostalgic purposes. I'm pretty sure I ticked a few people off on here, but I learned from it, and I ended up becoming an administrator at another forum later on. Posting on forums helped me become good at writing.

But yeah, this place used to be far more active. I think internet forums are slowly fading out in favor of social media. Just about every board I'm a member of has been more active in the past. I kinda prefer message boards to Facebook or Twitter or whatever, because the quality of discussion is so much higher. Hopefully they still stick around.

Okay, nostalgia trip over! XD


Someone grab a hose... ~Hotfoot

That was my old slogan. I wonder what the heck it even meant...
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
1/16/2017 13:25:46   

2013 for me, so i never saw the gold ol days

< Message edited by ShadowMoon -- 1/16/2017 13:26:14 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
1/16/2017 18:12:17   

'06, made a lot of friends and good memories here. Mostly here in this section.

It's a pity that forums are a dying breed on the internet for the most part, its a very unique experience that a lot of people will miss out on now.

< Message edited by toidiedud -- 1/16/2017 22:09:35 >
AQ DF  Post #: 6
1/17/2017 19:18:01   

From '09 here. Went through two computers in my forum life. (Only counting my home computers.) Still on my second one and boy does it suck. But I'm still happy to play my video games at a oh so smooth 15 FPS. /s

Well, now I use my phone to browse the forums. Had Puffin since... '15-'16? Have no plans to use my computer for this until at least tax time when I can build a new one.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
1/17/2017 22:55:48   

07, I was 12, a lot of embarrassing moments in hindsight. Did manage to have the most posts on the whole forum for a couple years until Mordred swiped me.
Made a lot of good friends though, one of whom I even met, and many I'm still in contact with now.

Still check in every once in a while without saying anything out of pure nostalgia. Strange the things that stick with you.


DF MQ  Post #: 8
1/19/2017 18:07:14   

I joined BattleOn around '06 or '07, I'll never be certain because my original character is long-deleted. :(

But I do miss the forums, quite a bit.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
1/20/2017 11:06:28   

Joined the forums in February 2006 (it's absolutely insane to think that I've been a member for nearly ELEVEN years - which is almost half of my damn life), I was pretty active for a few years. Most people I knew seem to be long gone, but I still drop in every now and then.

< Message edited by super_ruben -- 1/20/2017 11:11:35 >
AQ  Post #: 10
1/20/2017 11:13:05   

Mid-'06 for me.

I spent most of that time raging against the system. Now I'm sad to see this place has become a crypt.
AQ  Post #: 11
1/20/2017 17:06:56   

My profile is telling me I joined back near the end of '06 as well. Made plenty of friends here that I still got today, even if we don't talk as much as we used to. They're probably the only ones that remember me from back then. Remember being on the front page for post count though having NEVER made a thread of my own, Remember "who's your favorite poster" and "If you were a mod" threads. Remember getting banned for a week for over posting those "smileys" of those little blue bird things... And having my signature privileges revoked for YEARS because the mod that revoked them left and no other mod would reinstate it. Can't remember when that got resolved.

Good memories. Bad memories. Guess they're all wind now.

I'm still pretty crossed though about losing my face. I liked that face.
AQ  Post #: 12
1/21/2017 0:24:32   

I have no idea when I was around, I'm terrible with my grasp of time but I know it feels like ancient times. I think a few people hear might recognize my name. The only reason I'm here now is because I accidentally hit the wrong button when trying to open Chrome again and it ruined my tabs setup because I have Chrome set to "continue where I left off" and that got screwed with. These forums were among a set of tabs saved from those ancient time from when I had a different Chrome setup. This will probably be the last time I'll ever seen here, because I'm not putting up with this circumstance a third time. :P. If anybody I know and remember wants to find me, I'm Bralia on NationStates. I found that site and their forums through THIS place and I'll never forget that.

< Message edited by Yammka -- 1/21/2017 0:26:20 >
AQ  Post #: 13
1/22/2017 23:07:01   

Heh... I remember the good ol' days from so far back that these were the new forums. I remember a lot of friends who either moved on to bigger and better things or just disappeared (did a bit of that disappearing thing myself... life often has other ideas for your free time). I also remember being the head moderator of an OOC forum that was wild and crazy and almost out of control (and the awesome group of AKs and Mods I worked with who kept it from exploding), as opposed to one where I'm pretty sure I can hear the digital crickets chirping. Times change, they tell me...

I do miss it.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
1/24/2017 16:52:25   
Onyx Darkmatter

First started by December 09, probably because there was a question regarding to DF. Was really fun and all, but time does change, unfortunately.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
1/31/2017 16:24:38   

Daaang haha talk about nostalgia. I joined when I was 12 in 2007 and this was the first message board I was a part of. Not many people I recognize, though. I remember Ailifr, Kaero, LightningBlade, among others. Still talk with some of them. Sad to see this place kinda fizzling out; forums are pretty interesting and a unique thing to contribute to.
AQ DF  Post #: 16
2/1/2017 18:07:49   
Roaming the Web

Good old nostalgia thread! I don't even know what the heck half of you guys are still doing here (talking about the 06-08 crowd). The good old days were great.

1. Polls subforum where spam reigned from the heavens.
2. Missions threads in the AQGD led by UltraPowerPie and the like.
3. The rise and fall and rise and fall and rise and fall of the Debate Club.
4. Participating in the "books" project for Legends and Lore (I wonder if that's still up. I don't have time to dig through the forum right now).
5. Becoming an AK in 2010 and having (in retrospect) the most unimpressive MtAK ever.
6. Having to deal with trolls and spammers pretty much every day for like 3 months straight on the OOC after becoming an AK.
7. Participating in April Fools pranks and poorly designed ARGs.
8. Making friends both in an out of the AK group, some of whom I still talk to to this day.

These forums have definitely shaped part of my life, and I've been trying to refine a script for a tribute video to this very board for years now. For now, I just want to say thanks for all the great times and shoutout to everyone who still knows who the heck I am.


AQ AQW  Post #: 17
2/2/2017 1:19:57   

Yeah the good ol' days, been a member since 08 technically but I had been lurking since '06. I will remember I found my AQW clan here and actually still talk to some of them over Skype.

Can anyone explain what happened to this forums? The OT section was still pretty active in 2011/2012 and there was a debate club, how did everything die off so quickly? And AE seems to be doing pretty well even though I don't play the games anymore, so it can't be that the games aren't popular anymore...

EDIT: Though I should note the game forums are dead too, did the games lose a lot of popularity as well (especially AQW) or do people just not like forums anymore?

< Message edited by Azzanadra -- 2/2/2017 1:24:28 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 18
2/2/2017 2:46:42   


07, I was 12, a lot of embarrassing moments in hindsight. Did manage to have the most posts on the whole forum for a couple years until Mordred swiped me.
Made a lot of good friends though, one of whom I even met, and many I'm still in contact with now.

Still check in every once in a while without saying anything out of pure nostalgia. Strange the things that stick with you.

its kinda like occasionally showing up at your old hangouts from when you were a kid, hoping someone else just happens to be doing the same.

>Azzanadra-combination: Flash is really unpopular and even the company that owns it is trying to kill it. Older forums like this don't tend to be particularly mobile-friendly either an the games are played without needing or wanting the extra interaction.

you guys actually made me check my join date. 2005. Good gods I've spent a lot time around this place. Its like Cheers to me, (mostly) without the drunks.
AQ  Post #: 19
2/2/2017 8:42:44   
Roaming the Web


Though I should note the game forums are dead too, did the games lose a lot of popularity as well (especially AQW) or do people just not like forums anymore?

My theory is that forums in general have become obsolete. The rise of social media sites like Reddit and Twitter allow for unrestricted communication, while also allowing discussion of niche topics within certain hashtags/subreddits. Forums really only work in communities that want/need to be selective, which the AE community in general doesn't need to be.

In other words Twitter killed the message board star.
AQ AQW  Post #: 20
2/2/2017 23:59:54   

Wish I could see some of my old posts... hate how most of the older stuff is deleted. Then again, I'd probably cringe at teenage me. I checked my inbox and I have quite a few "your posts has been deleted" messages after I would post something vitriolic, almost all of them involved me getting angry about benefits for AQW members.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 21
2/3/2017 16:27:32   

Yeah dedicated forums for games is mostly a relic at this point(outside games so large like League of Legends that can support it)instead reddit and discords and other communities are better, there are still some live forums of course(like the infamous Neogaf)but those are also not focused forums so have way more traffic.

Its a bummer but thats just progression in the internet for ya, people growing up now won't get the same experience but the alternative is a lot easier.
AQ DF  Post #: 22
2/5/2017 15:30:23   
Legendary Awesomeness

Back in 2006 I joined the forums. Mainly AQ, because I started playing it back then and needed help.
Then I stumbled across the OOC and did not leave until a few years ago. Still dropping by every now and then, but sadly there's not much to see anymore. Reading the posts in this thread now brings back many memories...
Polls, Purge, religious threads, flame wars, mass bans,... fun fun :D

Sure it is sad to see this amount of inactivity in here, but that's life. People grow older and move on with their lives. I should know, 'cause I'm one of those guys :P

But still it feels good to see so many familiar names posting here.

< Message edited by Ailifr -- 2/5/2017 15:31:20 >
Post #: 23
2/5/2017 16:13:44   
Travis Touchdown
Reality Touchdown!

Something must be in the air. Surely there has to be some reason we were all pulled back around the same time, if only for a moment.

I've said it time and time again, but man, this place was magical back in the day. Nothing quite like it in all my years on the internet. Such a shame that it's become a ghost town, but like it's been said already, forums like this have been a dying breed for years now. Social media's easier, but it just doesn't have the same warmth.

I guess the old saying is true. Few things last forever.

Ah well. At least we have the memories.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
2/5/2017 16:58:24   


Something must be in the air. Surely there has to be some reason we were all pulled back around the same time, if only for a moment.

I've said it time and time again, but man, this place was magical back in the day. Nothing quite like it in all my years on the internet. Such a shame that it's become a ghost town, but like it's been said already, forums like this have been a dying breed for years now. Social media's easier, but it just doesn't have the same warmth.

I guess the old saying is true. Few things last forever.

Ah well. At least we have the memories.

While I agree forums aren't as popular as they used to be, I wouldn't say its totally apocalyptic- game forums of say LoL, Blizzard games or even Steam forums are still pretty popular. There's also bloody disgusting, NeoGAF, the straight dope etc. I honestly think this forums is an outlier in how dead things have become, even Runescape which is not as popular as it used to be has more traffic than the AE forums, which is what led me to believe perhaps the games themselves are losing popularity. I didn't play much Mechquest after the first few months, but it surprised me to see that the game doesn't receive any updates anymore.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 25
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