Stat Training Location: Battleon - Main Town » click on the tents 1) Combat Practice Trainer 2) Sir Lanceler - Trainer ( Trains STR, DEX, INT, END, CHA, and LUK. Maximum of 75 in any one stat. ) 3) Neberon - Mage Trainer ( Trains INT, CHA and LUK. Maximum of 200 in any one stat. ) 4) Grimweld - Warrior Trainer ( Trains STR, DEX and END. Maximum of 200 in any one stat. ) Stat Training Cost Gold Price = Floor (10* 1.25^( Current Stat+5)/5)) Z-Token Price = Max(Gold Price/20,1) Table of Prices Attack %ToHit Bonus: Melee Attack: DEX/16 + STR/16 + LUK/20 Ranged Attack: DEX/8 + LUK/20 Magic Attack: DEX/16 + INT/16 + LUK/20 Random Damage Bonus: Melee Damage: STR/8 Ranged Damage: STR/16 + DEX/16 Magic Damage: INT/8 Blocking Skill % Bonus: All Attacks: DEX/10 + LUK/20 Pet Random Damage Bonus: All Attacks: CHA/15 HP Formula: [5*Level + 0.05*Level*END + END + 100] MP Formula [5*Level + 0.05*Level*INT + INT + 100] Potion Treasure Chest Trap Finding: Random number between 0-99 must be greater than or equal to (40 - LUK/5) to be safe If lesser than the random number DEX is used to determine traps or not. 100 DEX is an automatic success. Crossroads Chest Formula: Character level + LUK/5 Tiny Treasure Chest: 29 and Below (50% Chance) Animal Box: 29 and Below (50% Chance) Treasure Chest: 30-49 Big Treasure Chest: 50-64 Huge Treasure Chest: 65-84 Treasure Hoard: 85+
< Message edited by Carandor -- 5/19/2017 12:03:09 >